Soul Drain

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Soul Drain.png Soul Drain Skill Info
Passive Info.gif
Type: Passive Skill
Levels: 10
(Mage) Increase SP Recovery Lv. 5, Soul Strike Lv. 7


Restore SP every time a monster is killed with a single-target spell. AoE spells will not activate this skill. The amount of SP restored is calculated by the level of the monster, the level of the skill, and the caster's maximum SP. In the chart below, Monster SP % is the amount of the monster's SP that will be gained by the caster, and Over Max % is the percentage of the caster's SP that will be gained above the normal SP amount.

Level Monster SP % Over Max %
1 110 2
2 125 4
3 140 6
4 155 8
5 170 10
6 185 12
7 200 14
8 215 16
9 230 18
10 245 20