Meteor Storm

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Version vom 30. August 2014, 09:55 Uhr von 15peaces (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== Description == Summon meteors from the sky that will inflict Fire damage to nearby enemies. The meteors will fall on random spots within a 7*7 targeted…“)
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Summon meteors from the sky that will inflict Fire damage to nearby enemies. The meteors will fall on random spots within a 7*7 targeted cell area and each will damage enemies within a 7*7 cell range. Meteors that fall on the border of the targeted area cause damage 6 cells beyond the target area border, giving Meteor Storm the potential to damage enemies in a 13*13 cell range. Each meteor will inflict 1 to 5 times of the caster`s MATK as damage, and each strike has the chance to inflict the Stun status on the enemy.

Skill Level Meteors Hits/Meteor SP Cost
1 2 1 20
2 3 1 24
3 3 2 30
4 4 2 34
5 4 3 40
6 5 3 44
7 5 4 50
8 6 4 54
9 6 5 60
10 7 5 64


Meteor Storm is one of a Wizard's three major Area of Effect skills. As Fire element, it does heavy damage on Undead and Earth element targets. The additional chance to Stun gives it extra use in PvP scenarios, and so does its ability to be stacked; multiple Meteor Storms can be casted and constantly impacting the same area, unlike Storm Gust and Lord of Vermilion. Many Wizards will have either Meteor Storm or Lord of Vermilion. Unlike Storm Gust, meteors do not hit a target unless the target is in the caster's line of sight when the meteor lands.

Although powerful, Meteor Storm delivers less consistent damage. Which targets are actually hit by the meteors depends on where the meteors themselves hit. It is possible to cast Meteor Storm and fail to do any damage at all. Higher levels deliver more meteors, providing a more reliable damage source if one intends to use it often. Each meteor at level 10 deals damage similar to Mage's Firebolt at level 5 (Storm Gust and Lord of Vermilion does not).


  • Enemies toward the center of the casting circle will tend to get hit by the most meteors. When mobbing, try to place the mob in the center of the casting circle.
  • Meteors that fall on "null" cells of the map will still count against the total number of meteors that are to fall, while not actually hitting any enemies. Avoid using this skill near map edges, or where the path is narrow.
  • Unlike the two other area of effect skills Storm Gust and Lord of Vermillion, Meteor Storm stacks; multiple casted skills will still continue to drop meteors, meaning that multiple wizards can be casting Meteor Storm at the same location without loss of efficiency.
  • The bard skill Magic Strings can be used to reduce the delay of many skills including Meteor Storm. Thus a single wizard can quickly cast Meteor Storm repeatedly while under the influence of Magic Strings.

This skill is obtained via the following items:

This skill is enhanced with the following items: