

  • Doch, lag an SPF... Mails gehen wieder, werden ab sofort auch verschlüsselt über SMTP versendet und SPF-authentifiziert. Jetzt dürfte kein Mail-Provider mehr was zu meckern haben xD

  • Ok, dann liegt es nicht daran ^^"

  • Ja

  • Welche Mailadressen habt ihr? Zufällig gmail?

  • Heute Morgen kam eine Mail an :)

  • Also, ich sitze jetzt seit 2 Stunden an dem Problem mit den Mails... scheinbar gehen die Mails zwar raus, werden aber vom Empfänger blockiert... ich bin dran ^^"

  • Gast#e3c4

    Würde gerne mein Foren-PW zurücksetzen, bekomme aber keine Kennwort rücksetzen Mail... hab es dann noch ein paar Mal versucht das PW zu erraten, jetzt zeigt es nur noch "Fehlermeldung".

  • Gute Frage... das ist halt der "Nachteil", weil alles heute auf mobile Endgeräte optimiert wird ^^"

  • gibt es auch die möglichkeit im forum eine horizontale scrollbar einzuführen? muss in beiträgen den firefox immer maximieren

  • Und noch ein Versuch... PS: es gibt dazu nen Bug Report: NCP Teleportra Bug

  • Leider nicht. Eben geprüft und der Fehler kommt weiterhin

  • Sollte fixed sein...

  • Musste 5 mal aus und einloggen bis ich es aus der Startmap rausgekommen bin. Jeder npc hat das, ausser tool dealer bzw verkaufs npcs. Ist nahezu unspielbar :/

  • Öhm ok... das ist neu.

  • Warum kann man gerade keinen npc anquatschen ohne dass ein Fehler kommt? "any work in progress... quit and try again. Sieht aus als wird automatisch immer eins weiter geklickt. Fängt schon beim Start npc nyan cat an. Aus dem Next button wird gleich ein close. Bitte anschauen

  • Seltsam... Mails grundsätzlich gehen aber... Hab dich freigeschaltet.

  • aktivierungsmail für forum scheint nicht anzukommen (2x probiert)

  • Hmm da das mit Relog halt verschwindet, kann ich dazu kaum was sagen, ich bin ja meist nur 1 bis 5 Min am Stück ingame :o

  • Ja, aber Spieler betraf es nicht "stellenweise", sondern eher "hin und wieder nicht". Und das ist ne komplett andere Tragweite des Bugs und so hätte der Server nicht laufen dürfen.

  • Für dieses 1 Dmg Ding? Das betrifft ja stellenweise sogar Monster, also dass die auch nur noch 1 Dmg erhalten. Hatte ich glaub ich irgendwann mal reportet. Wäre sehr cool, wenn beides nicht mehr auftritt.

  • Ein Fix für den Bug ist nun gefunden und in der Testphase. Weitere Infos folgen...

  • Denkbar wäre ein Rollback auf den Stand vor dem erstmaligen Auftreten des Bugs... Auf jeden Fall muss erst der Bug gefixt werden, bevor es irgendwie weiter gehen kann...

  • Dich trifft keine Schuld (höchstens vielleicht, was das sofortige Melden betrifft). Wie es hier jetzt weiter geht, wird sich nun zeigen müssen...

  • 13 Jahre ohne Rollback, dann bin ich 7 Tage hier und Server geht offline... Kleines Sorry von mir, dachte das gehört so, hat aber Spaß gemacht! Ich kam um die Super Novice Expansion auszuprobieren und konnte mit dem Bug mehr vom Game sehen als ich dachte. Danke für diese Erfahrung!

  • Gast#e9ea

    Cool, kann ich bestätigen, läuft! Danke!

  • Server:

      -Damage formula updated.
      -Fixed a issue where the status wouldn't start draining SP until one minute
      after activating.
      -Added a few skills to the list of Reproduceable skills.
      -Updated SP drain.
      -Updated skill autocasting restrictions.
      -Can now only autocast offensive Mage and Wizard magic skills, as well as Acolyte's Heal.
      -Recoded autocast success formula. This corrects a small issue with the success chance.
      -Updated SP drain.
      -The shadow link between the caster and the target can now stretch up to 10 cells.
      -The caster can now be brought out of the status by a chance when around a player with Sight or Ruwach active. Both will attempt to end the Shadow Form status by a chance every 2 seconds.
      -The chance of the caster being reviled every attempt is decreased with higher skill levels of Shadow Form.
      -Damage formula updated.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill was only blinding hidden targets instead of all targets.
      -Updated blind status duration to official.
      -Updated ASPD reduction chance. Reduction only applies to hidden targets.
      -Updated ASPD reduction formula.
      -Fixed a issue where the caster defense element would be Ghost 1 type when in the status.
      -Fixed a issue where the status would drain a percent of the caster's current SP instead of MaxSP.
      -Cooldown updated and is now affected by skill level.
      -Duration updated to 60 seconds to allow the skill enough time to run.
      -Status is no longer ended when getting hit.
      -Player is no longer reviled with detection skills.
      -Updated SP drain.
      -Now only spreads status's to target when dealing melee damage or getting hit with melee damage.
      -Updated the list of spreadable status's. All common status's can be spreaded except ones that naturally end when the player is hit. Strip status's and Oblivions Curse can no longer be spreaded.
      -Success chance updated.
    • *All Masquerade Skills
      -Fixed a issue where the caster's job level would increase the success chance more then it should.
      -Fixed a issue where the target's weight was not reducing the success chance properly.
      -Status's are no longer blockable by Gold Thief Bug card since these skills are not magic types.
      -Fixed a issue where the status didn't properly reduce the affected target's ATK.
    • *SC_GROOMY
      -Fixed a issue where the status would reduce the target's movement speed.
      -Fixed a suspected issue where the skill would strip a target's Mercenary.
      -Should only strip animals as the info says.
      -Updated SP drain and recovery amount.
      -Updated SP requirement increase.
      -Status now reduces the target's movement speed.
      -Now gives the target a random status along with the Unlucky status.
      -The random status's are Poison, Silence, and Blind. Only 1 is randomly given and ignores all resistance, meaning it cant be avoided and the duration is as long as the Unlucky status.
      -Updated zeny requirement.
      -Fixed a issue where trap and status duration for level 2 was incorrectly set.
      -Fixed a issue where the traps would sometimes work on allies.
      -Added a missing trap type mask to the skill database.
      -Confusion status duration updated.
      -Fixed a issue where the damage would be delayed after exploding depending on casters ASPD.
      -Fixed a issue where the explosion animation would display twice.
      -Skill level now affects how far you back slide.
      -Caster will now go into hiding status after back sliding.
      -The learned level of hiding affects the activated level of hiding.
      -Damage formula updated.
      -Will now reveal targets in Shadow Form status by a percentage chance every 2 seconds.
      -The success chance is affected by the targets used level of Shadow Form.
      -Kagerou/Oboro skills can no longer be copied through Plagiarism.
      -Fixed a issue where using the skill would heal the caster a little instead of taking a required percent of HP.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill would lower the targets DEF, MDEF, and Flee.
      -Now properly reduces target AGI, DEX, and movement speed by a percent.
      -Duration reduction formula added.
      -No longer dispellable.
    • *WL_STASIS
      -Fixed a issue where the skill would block the use of skills that shouldnt be blocked.
      -Now only blocks the use of Song, Dance, Ensemble, Chorus, and all magic skills.
      -Duration reduction formula added.
      -Fixed a issue where the caster would only recover SP half to the targets base level when using on a monster.
      -Fixed a issue where skill level 2's MDEF check was checking the caster's entire hard MDEF instead of just the MDEF given from a shield.
      -Fixed a issue where LG_OVERBRAND and LG_OVERBRAND_BRANDISH AoE's were switched.
      -Fixed a issue where LG_OVERBRAND_BRANDISH AoE was not knocking back targets.
      -Fixed a issue where LG_OVERBRAND_PLUSATK was missing on targets that were knocked back into a wall or obstacle.
      -Updated LG_OVERBRAND_PLUSATK damage formula.
      -Fixed a issue where affected targets would yell the skill name and show the skill cast animation.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill animation wouldnt appear on the caster when casted.
      -Added resistance formula.
    • *Added support for a missing emotion /dbc.
    • *Added map type support for War of Emperium TE (Training Edition) areas.
    • *Newer status animations will now be properly displayed on players that walk onto other players screens. Monster's however dont support the feature yet.
      -Status's added to the list are: Camouflage, Oratio, Duple Light, Warlock Element Sphere's, Freezeing, Venom Impress, Hallucination Walk, Rolling Cutter, Banding, Crystalize, Cursed Circle for attacker and targets, Blood Sucker, Shadow Form, and Man Hole.
    • *Boss monsters are now immune to Vacuum Extreme and Crystalize status's.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill didnt reveal players that were in Cloaking Exceed status.
      -Most of the skill was reworked to official.
      -Level 1 requires being next to a wall to use. Level 2 and higher doesent require a wall.
      -Level 1 and 2 prevents the caster from moving. level 3 allows 50% movement, level 4 allows 75% movement, and level 5 allows 100% movement.
      -Caster will appear as transparent but not completely invisiable to other players.
      -The caster will not be visable to other monster's except insect and demon types.
      -The caster will not be normally clickable by other players, but can still get knocked out of the status with offensive skill damage, splash damage, or AoE damage.
      -For every second that passes while in the camouflage status, ATK will increase by +30, Critical will increase by 10% and DEF will decrease by 5%.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill would revel players out of the Chase Walk status.
    • *WL_STASIS
      -Fixed a issue where the status would block the use of all skills.
    • *This update merges nearly all database files from the latest revision of eAthena r15192.
    • *Fixed a missing assigning for Fear and removed 2 unused item types from const
    • *The item_buyingstore was updated with tons of new items added.
    • *The item_db was updated.
      -Tons of fixes and item addin's were made in here. Too many to list.
      -Fixed a issue where drinking a poison bottle as a non-trans Guillotine Cross would kill you.
    • *Some new item usage restrictions were added to item_noequip.
    • *item_trade was updated.
      -Novice training grounds items added.
      -Eden items restrictions added.
      -3rd job related items restrictions updated.
      -New novice training ground manuals added.
    • *Added 4 new monster mercenarys to the mercenary_db.
    • *Skills for 3 of the new monster mercenarys added.
    • *A few new lines added to the mob_chat_db.
    • *Brasilis monster skills and a few other small updates were done in the mob_skill_db.
    • *2 new pets added to the pet_db.
    • *Tons of new quest entrys and quest updates done in the quest_db.
    • *Many other small changes that happened here and there.
    • *This update merges all npc files from the latest revision of eAthena r15192.
      -A lot was updated here. ill only list the major things I noticed.
    • *Brasilis town, fields, and dungeon now fully working.
    • *Other npc's added.
    • *A good number of fixes and updates.
    • *Updated the produce_db to add in new items craftable through the Change Material skill.
      -Updated the skill animation.
      -The number of crafting recepies was greatly increased.
      -Crafting the following throwable potions will now produce 5 Boost500, Full SwingK, Mana Plus, Cure Free, Stamina Up M, and Digestive F.
      -Updated a check on the DEF/MDEF increase.
      -Fixed a issue where the caster's ASPD would not increase when not in a party.
      -Fixed a issue where the ATK increase bonus would not work.
      -EDP's damage increase on these skills are now disabled due to balance issues and will later be renabled when a secondary EDP code can be added. The secondary code will be used to increase the damage for these skills in a renewal way.
      *Fixed a issue where using the skill while having 0 INT would crash the server.
      -Fixed a suspected issue where Spear Boomerang wouldn't autocast sometimes.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill didn't autocast the learned level of Spear Boomerang.
      -Fixed a issue where level 5 would only create a max of 1 rune.
      -Success chance is now affected by the learned skill level, DEX, LUK, job level, rune ore used, and the rank of the rune being crafted.
      -Updated the min/max number of poisons made per crafting.
      -Higher skill levels increase the min/max number of poisons created per crafting.
      -Success chance is now affected by the learned skill level of GC_RESEARCHNEWPOISON, DEX, LUK, and job level.
    • *SC_GROOMY
      -Fixed a suspected issue where the status could prevent a affected player from summoning a mercenary.
      -Fixed a issue where unequipping a shield didn't end the status.
      -Fixed a issue where player's affected with the status couldn't chat in any kind of way.
      -Fixed a issue where player's affected with the status couldn't equipt or unequip equips.
  • Server:

      -Damage formula updated.
      -Fixed a issue where the status wouldn't start draining SP until one minute
      after activating.
      -Added a few skills to the list of Reproduceable skills.
      -Updated SP drain.
      -Updated skill autocasting restrictions.
      -Can now only autocast offensive Mage and Wizard magic skills, as well as Acolyte's Heal.
      -Recoded autocast success formula. This corrects a small issue with the success chance.
      -Updated SP drain.
      -The shadow link between the caster and the target can now stretch up to 10 cells.
      -The caster can now be brought out of the status by a chance when around a player with Sight or Ruwach active. Both will attempt to end the Shadow Form status by a chance every 2 seconds.
      -The chance of the caster being reviled every attempt is decreased with higher skill levels of Shadow Form.
      -Damage formula updated.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill was only blinding hidden targets instead of all targets.
      -Updated blind status duration to official.
      -Updated ASPD reduction chance. Reduction only applies to hidden targets.
      -Updated ASPD reduction formula.
      -Fixed a issue where the caster defense element would be Ghost 1 type when in the status.
      -Fixed a issue where the status would drain a percent of the caster's current SP instead of MaxSP.
      -Cooldown updated and is now affected by skill level.
      -Duration updated to 60 seconds to allow the skill enough time to run.
      -Status is no longer ended when getting hit.
      -Player is no longer reviled with detection skills.
      -Updated SP drain.
      -Now only spreads status's to target when dealing melee damage or getting hit with melee damage.
      -Updated the list of spreadable status's. All common status's can be spreaded except ones that naturally end when the player is hit. Strip status's and Oblivions Curse can no longer be spreaded.
      -Success chance updated.
    • *All Masquerade Skills
      -Fixed a issue where the caster's job level would increase the success chance more then it should.
      -Fixed a issue where the target's weight was not reducing the success chance properly.
      -Status's are no longer blockable by Gold Thief Bug card since these skills are not magic types.
      -Fixed a issue where the status didn't properly reduce the affected target's ATK.
    • *SC_GROOMY
      -Fixed a issue where the status would reduce the target's movement speed.
      -Fixed a suspected issue where the skill would strip a target's Mercenary.
      -Should only strip animals as the info says.
      -Updated SP drain and recovery amount.
      -Updated SP requirement increase.
      -Status now reduces the target's movement speed.
      -Now gives the target a random status along with the Unlucky status.
      -The random status's are Poison, Silence, and Blind. Only 1 is randomly given and ignores all resistance, meaning it cant be avoided and the duration is as long as the Unlucky status.
      -Updated zeny requirement.
      -Fixed a issue where trap and status duration for level 2 was incorrectly set.
      -Fixed a issue where the traps would sometimes work on allies.
      -Added a missing trap type mask to the skill database.
      -Confusion status duration updated.
      -Fixed a issue where the damage would be delayed after exploding depending on casters ASPD.
      -Fixed a issue where the explosion animation would display twice.
      -Skill level now affects how far you back slide.
      -Caster will now go into hiding status after back sliding.
      -The learned level of hiding affects the activated level of hiding.
      -Damage formula updated.
      -Will now reveal targets in Shadow Form status by a percentage chance every 2 seconds.
      -The success chance is affected by the targets used level of Shadow Form.
      -Kagerou/Oboro skills can no longer be copied through Plagiarism.
      -Fixed a issue where using the skill would heal the caster a little instead of taking a required percent of HP.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill would lower the targets DEF, MDEF, and Flee.
      -Now properly reduces target AGI, DEX, and movement speed by a percent.
      -Duration reduction formula added.
      -No longer dispellable.
    • *WL_STASIS
      -Fixed a issue where the skill would block the use of skills that shouldnt be blocked.
      -Now only blocks the use of Song, Dance, Ensemble, Chorus, and all magic skills.
      -Duration reduction formula added.
      -Fixed a issue where the caster would only recover SP half to the targets base level when using on a monster.
      -Fixed a issue where skill level 2's MDEF check was checking the caster's entire hard MDEF instead of just the MDEF given from a shield.
      -Fixed a issue where LG_OVERBRAND and LG_OVERBRAND_BRANDISH AoE's were switched.
      -Fixed a issue where LG_OVERBRAND_BRANDISH AoE was not knocking back targets.
      -Fixed a issue where LG_OVERBRAND_PLUSATK was missing on targets that were knocked back into a wall or obstacle.
      -Updated LG_OVERBRAND_PLUSATK damage formula.
      -Fixed a issue where affected targets would yell the skill name and show the skill cast animation.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill animation wouldnt appear on the caster when casted.
      -Added resistance formula.
    • *Added support for a missing emotion /dbc.
    • *Added map type support for War of Emperium TE (Training Edition) areas.
    • *Newer status animations will now be properly displayed on players that walk onto other players screens. Monster's however dont support the feature yet.
      -Status's added to the list are: Camouflage, Oratio, Duple Light, Warlock Element Sphere's, Freezeing, Venom Impress, Hallucination Walk, Rolling Cutter, Banding, Crystalize, Cursed Circle for attacker and targets, Blood Sucker, Shadow Form, and Man Hole.
    • *Boss monsters are now immune to Vacuum Extreme and Crystalize status's.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill didnt reveal players that were in Cloaking Exceed status.
      -Most of the skill was reworked to official.
      -Level 1 requires being next to a wall to use. Level 2 and higher doesent require a wall.
      -Level 1 and 2 prevents the caster from moving. level 3 allows 50% movement, level 4 allows 75% movement, and level 5 allows 100% movement.
      -Caster will appear as transparent but not completely invisiable to other players.
      -The caster will not be visable to other monster's except insect and demon types.
      -The caster will not be normally clickable by other players, but can still get knocked out of the status with offensive skill damage, splash damage, or AoE damage.
      -For every second that passes while in the camouflage status, ATK will increase by +30, Critical will increase by 10% and DEF will decrease by 5%.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill would revel players out of the Chase Walk status.
    • *WL_STASIS
      -Fixed a issue where the status would block the use of all skills.
    • *This update merges nearly all database files from the latest revision of eAthena r15192.
    • *Fixed a missing assigning for Fear and removed 2 unused item types from const
    • *The item_buyingstore was updated with tons of new items added.
    • *The item_db was updated.
      -Tons of fixes and item addin's were made in here. Too many to list.
      -Fixed a issue where drinking a poison bottle as a non-trans Guillotine Cross would kill you.
    • *Some new item usage restrictions were added to item_noequip.
    • *item_trade was updated.
      -Novice training grounds items added.
      -Eden items restrictions added.
      -3rd job related items restrictions updated.
      -New novice training ground manuals added.
    • *Added 4 new monster mercenarys to the mercenary_db.
    • *Skills for 3 of the new monster mercenarys added.
    • *A few new lines added to the mob_chat_db.
    • *Brasilis monster skills and a few other small updates were done in the mob_skill_db.
    • *2 new pets added to the pet_db.
    • *Tons of new quest entrys and quest updates done in the quest_db.
    • *Many other small changes that happened here and there.
    • *This update merges all npc files from the latest revision of eAthena r15192.
      -A lot was updated here. ill only list the major things I noticed.
    • *Brasilis town, fields, and dungeon now fully working.
    • *Other npc's added.
    • *A good number of fixes and updates.
    • *Updated the produce_db to add in new items craftable through the Change Material skill.
      -Updated the skill animation.
      -The number of crafting recepies was greatly increased.
      -Crafting the following throwable potions will now produce 5 Boost500, Full SwingK, Mana Plus, Cure Free, Stamina Up M, and Digestive F.
      -Updated a check on the DEF/MDEF increase.
      -Fixed a issue where the caster's ASPD would not increase when not in a party.
      -Fixed a issue where the ATK increase bonus would not work.
      -EDP's damage increase on these skills are now disabled due to balance issues and will later be renabled when a secondary EDP code can be added. The secondary code will be used to increase the damage for these skills in a renewal way.
      *Fixed a issue where using the skill while having 0 INT would crash the server.
      -Fixed a suspected issue where Spear Boomerang wouldn't autocast sometimes.
      -Fixed a issue where the skill didn't autocast the learned level of Spear Boomerang.
      -Fixed a issue where level 5 would only create a max of 1 rune.
      -Success chance is now affected by the learned skill level, DEX, LUK, job level, rune ore used, and the rank of the rune being crafted.
      -Updated the min/max number of poisons made per crafting.
      -Higher skill levels increase the min/max number of poisons created per crafting.
      -Success chance is now affected by the learned skill level of GC_RESEARCHNEWPOISON, DEX, LUK, and job level.
    • *SC_GROOMY
      -Fixed a suspected issue where the status could prevent a affected player from summoning a mercenary.
      -Fixed a issue where unequipping a shield didn't end the status.
      -Fixed a issue where player's affected with the status couldn't chat in any kind of way.
      -Fixed a issue where player's affected with the status couldn't equipt or unequip equips.

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