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Item Database

# 4210   Wanderer Card   ItemID: 4210   (Wander_Man_Card)
# 4210 Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 1 Intimidate on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
[Thief Class]
Flee Rate + 20
[The Paper & Wild Rose & Shinobi & Dancing Dragon Card Combo]
Class : Card
Compound on : Garment
Weight : 1
Script: { if(BaseClass == Job_Thief) bonus bFlee,20; if(isequipped(4172,4257,4230,4272) == 0) { bonus3 bAutoSpell,"RG_INTIMIDATE",1,20; } else { bonus bAgi,5; bonus bStr,5; bonus bAspdRate,5; bonus bSpeedRate,25; bonus2 bSPDrainValue,1,0; if(BaseClass == Job_Thief) bonus bNoGemStone,0; } } , { } , { }
Crafting: -