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Item Database

# 4332   Waste Stove Card   ItemID: 4332   (Waste_Stove_Card)
# 4332 ATK + 5, INT + 1
[+ Rideword & Cookie & Seal]
ATK + 25
STR + 3, Maximum SP + 80
Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 5 Signum Crucis on the enemy when attacking.
Inflict 10% more damage with Asura Strike.
[Monk, Champion]
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
Spell casting can not be interrupted.
Class : Card
Compound on : Armor
Weight : 1
Script: { bonus bBaseAtk,5; bonus bInt,1; if(isequipped(4185,4293,4312)) { bonus bStr,3; bonus bMaxSP,80; bonus bBaseAtk,25; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"AL_CRUCIS",5,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MO_EXTREMITYFIST",10; if(BaseJob == Job_Monk) { bonus bUseSPrate,-10; bonus bNoCastCancel,0; } } } , { } , { }
Crafting: -