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Item Database

# 2748   Cursed Star   ItemID: 2748   (Cursed_Star)
# 2748 A craftsman born under a cursed star built this necklace to free himself from the curse.
It seems as though this has been refined repeatedly to keep the seal intact.
DEX + 2, LUK - 1, MDEF + 3
When equipped, HP -50 every 10 seconds.
When unequipped, you will lose 300 HP
Add a 2% chance inflict Curse on the enemy when received long range attack.
[Cursed Star & Cursed Dryer Equip Set]
Adds 2% chance inflict Curse on the enemy. ATK + 25.
Class : Accessory
Defense : 0
Weight : 20
Required Level : 84
Applicable Job : Trans Archer Class
Script: { bonus bMdef,3; bonus bDex,2; bonus bLuk,-1; bonus2 bHPLossRate,50,10000; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,200,ATF_WEAPON|ATF_LONG|ATF_TARGET; if( isequipped(1741) ) { bonus bAtk,25; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,200,ATF_WEAPON|ATF_LONG|ATF_TARGET; } } , { } , { heal -300,0; }
Crafting: -