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Item Database

# 4382   Yellow Novus Card   ItemID: 4382   (Novus__Card)
# 4382 Maximum HP + 500
HP Recovery + 10%
[+ Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly]
INT + 3
Inflict 10% more damage with Heaven's Drive and Thunder Storm.
[Sage, Professor]
Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%).
Add a 1% chance of gaining 'Red Gemstone' or 'Yellow Gemstone' item each time a monster is killed.
Reduce Casting Time by 20%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Armor
Weight : 1
Script: { bonus bMaxHP,500; bonus bHPrecovRate,10; if(isequipped(4208,4258,4325,4327)) { bonus bInt,3; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_THUNDERSTORM",10; if(BaseJob == Job_Sage) { bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,716,100; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,715,100; bonus bCastrate,-20; } } } , { } , { }
Crafting: -