

  • Control Panel -> Charaktere -> Den Char auswählen -> dort den Style resetten.

  • Du kannst den Style im CP zurücksetzen: Dazu auf der Homepage mit dem entsprechenden Account einloggen, dann:

  • Da ich keine ahnung habe wie man hier einen bugreport schreibt mache ich das hier. Beim Stylisten ist eine Frisur verbugt die das game abstürzenläst. Das zieht sich durch bis zum Login das der char die Frisur annimmt nach dem crash. lösst direkt den nächsten crash aus.

  • Für das Türchen mit dem hüpfenden Monster mit der Weihnachtsmütze. Abgabe wird auf 17.12 verlängert. Ich bin wirklich davon ausgegangen es spawnt regulär im Toy Factory 😅 sorry

  • Das Türchen heute öffnet sich aus privaten Gründen erst morgen. Tut mir leid

  • Auf der Homepage mit dem Ingame Account einloggen. Dann im Control Panel auf Charaktere -> den Char auswählen und dort dann den Style resetten. ^^

  • Gast#8848

    Moin Moin , ich wollte bei mein charackter die haare stylen und habe einen sprite error bekommen und kann auch nicht mehr einloggen...^^ wie kann ich das fixen ?

  • :heh:

  • eben eingeloggt und stehe in geffen vor dem shop. Somit war wohl nicht der .go pay die ursache? aber naja das Laufen in den shop ja wohl auch nicht xDD vllt muss sich der server erst an meine gottlosen onlinezeiten gewöhnen^^

  • Sorry Leute xD

  • Server läuft erstmal wieder... aber .go pay als Crash- Ursache? Ich weiß ja nicht... war noch jemand online und hat irgendwas getan? ^^"

  • wtf? wie zum... o.o"

  • der server istn icht tot, aber der map-server ist abgeraucht xD pöses Odi :P

  • Wenn ich mich anmelde und meinen char auswähle kommt: failled to connect to server

  • server tot ?

  • Tut mir echt Leid, ich hab ihn wieder gecrasht... Hab in Geffen Blue Gems gekauft und danach .go pay eingetippt... und bin nie in Payon angekommen -.-" Sorry (mit RK Sir Odium)

  • Wow, cool Vielen Dank!!

  • Korrigiere nochmal, da der Server gerade leer war, ist der Fix nun übernommen, Crash sollte nichtmehr vorkommen.. ^^

  • Korrigiere, Ursache gefunden und Fix bereits vorbereitet ^^"

  • hm... also ich bin jetzt auf dem Testserver ne Weile im Dewata 2 unterwegs und kann bisher keine Probleme/Crashes feststellen... Mit welcher Class und ggf. welchen Skills hast du dort was gefarmt? ^^"

  • Läuft wieder, Ursache bislang unbekannt... ^^"

  • Ich glaube ich hab den Server abgeschossen...^^ sry. Bin nicht sicher was passiert ist, hab in Dewata 2 gefarmt ;(

  • Yuno ist ab sofort wieder zugänglich, bitte patchen ^^

  • Ich werd verrückt das is ja sau cool. Danke

  • dann geh mal in Control Panel und dort dann auf Characters. danach Character auswählen und auf reset potion klicken

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    • Some misc fixes, cleaning & optimisations.
    • Added support for a 'force drop' flag(4) for map_addflooritem and applied it appropriately.
    • 'getmonsterinfo' command no longer outputs an error when the supplied mob doesn't exist.
    • Fixed statpoint table
      -Updated to latest official version for lvl 175+.
    • Fixed an issue with attack_attr_none setting that caused huge number of card effects to be nullified on monsters.
    • Set player's state, 'monster_ignore' when autotrade.
    • Fixed a potential map server crash when attacking traps.
    • Fixed a problem that sometimes randomly a status change was removed on logout although it shouldn't
    • Blacksmith skill updates
      -Power-Thrust will no longer affects players that don't have a weapon equipped
      -If weapon requirements on Adrenaline Rush or Power-Thrust are not met, the target will no longer display the buff animation
      -Party members now only gain +5% ATK from Power-Thrust on all skill levels
      -Hilt binding now increases the duration of Adrenaline Rush, Power-Thrust and Power Maximize for all party members as long as the caster has learned it
    • Fixed Sightblaster printing errors to the map server log every time it's not used against a trap.
    • Kaahi is now able to overwrite higher levels.
    • Miracle no longer dispels on death.
    • Scream and Frost Joke
      -The delay until the status change kicks in was increased from 2s to 3s
      -Aftercast delay in was increased from 3s to 4s
      -Duration of Freeze from Frost Joke increased from 10-14s to 30s
    • Hammer Fall, Lex Divina and offensive Status Recovery
      -A delay of 1 second until the status change kicks in was added
      -Hammer Fall will hit the targets that are in the AoE before the delay (so you can't dodge)
      -Offensive Status Recovery's base duration reduced from 30s to 20s and base chance increased to 100%
      -Increased the maximum number of skill timers from 15 to 40 as they are needed for delayed status changes
    • Scream, Frost Joke and Hammer Fall no longer make a target stop
      -Similar behavior to e.g. Ankle Snare against bosses or in WoE
      -If the target was singing/dancing, it will still stop and the song/dance will be canceled
      -Fixed a bug that caused position lag when targets that are still moving but can't move anymore are hit
    • Freeze, Stun, Sleep and Stone behavior
      -These status changes no longer make the target stand up
      -Sleep and Stone (first phase) no longer make the target stop moving/singing/dancing
      -Stone (second phase) will now make the target stop singing/dancing, but only make you stop moving in this one case
      -You can now sit down while in the first phase of Stone
      -You can no longer stand up while having any of these status changes (except first phase of Stone)
      -Stone and Freeze now remove Lex Aeterna
      -For stone this refers to the second phase
    • Ninja Skills fixes:
      -Exploding Dragon, Lightning Jolt and Snowflake Draft are now unit skills
      --They no longer can deal damage on Land Protector
      --They will deal damage instantly, regardless of your ASPD
      -Exploding Dragon now deals 150%+150%*level damage divided by number of hits, it can no longer damage plants
      -Snowflake Draft's freeze base duration is now 2500ms+5000ms*level
      -Watery Evasion now makes non-Ninja enemies stop when they walk on it and are not knock-back immune
    • Added some skills and effects that can reveal hidden traps.
    • Added official status change base durations for Silence and Stone
      -Items, NPC_SILENCEATTACK and NPC_WIDESILENCE and monster Lex Divina use the default silence duration
      -Incubation time for Stone is now subtracted from the Stone duration
      -Incubation time is now 100ms for all Stone skills except Stone Curse (5 seconds)
      -The Stone timer is now more exact and now deal 1% HP damage exactly every 5 seconds, even if it's on the last tick
    • Blaze Shield now properly slows down enemies while still making sure they take all the hits while moving over a fire cell
    • Fixed some skills still having damage delay, even though their source is a unit (BL_SKILL)
    • Sanctuary knock-back is now 2 cells instead of 1 and pushes "away from cell center of each cell", similar to Storm Gust
    • Fix map crash when a monster uses GS_FULLBUSTER.
    • Updated Don't Forget Me ASPD decrease and movement speed formulas.
    • Fixed damage calculation for some skills:
    • Sight Blaster will now always be removed on logout
    • Implemented official formula for Gypsy's Kiss / Service For You.
    • Combo skill updates
      -Rewrite & cleaned up skill_combo so it's easier to understand and update
      --Thanks to @rathena
      -Monk updates
      --Default combo delay is now (1000 - 4*AGI - 2*DEX) milliseconds, it will be used when none is specified in the skill_cast_db.txt
      --Fixed DEX increasing combo delay rather than decreasing it
      --Fixed "Triple Attack" not giving any "can act" delay so you were able to use a skill right when it triggered
      --Fixed combo delays of all combo skills (turns out they all use the default in both pre-re and re!)
      --Fixed "Palm Strike" in renewal having cast time rather than cast delay
      --Monk Spirit now reduces the SP cost of all Monk/Champion combo skills to 2 SP
      -Taekwon updates
      --Stances will no longer give you walk delay when they trigger
      --You can still use the Kick after moving as long as it's still within the combo delay
      -Hunter updates
      --Beast Strafing is now a target skill, you can target any brute or insect monster with it regardless of your previous target
      --You no longer need to target a brute or insect monster with Double Strafe for the combo to trigger
      --If the combo triggers you no longer get walk and attack delay (that means you can still use DS continuously)
      --You can still use Beast Strafe after moving as long as it's still within the combo delay
  • 15peaces 10. Dezember 2024 um 22:55

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