Posts by 15peaces


  • Man könnte sagen meine Poppel kleben in Yuno fest... :D

  • Gast#6311

    2 meiner chars hängen in yuno wegen c3dworldress unsupported error :(

  • Gast#6311

    oh mann ... ja habs selbst auch rausgefunden... man muss weiblich sein. Ich bin aber genderfluid!.... wie unfair

  • Kann ich dir so ohne weitere Infos auch nicht sagen, vermutlich erfüllst du irgend eine Voraussetzung nicht... Ist der Char weiblich? ^^

  • Gast#25a6

    Warum kann man Ribbon mit Slot nicht anziehen?

  • Denkt dran, die Abstimmung endet morgen Abend: Dauerhafte Änderung der Rates

  • Läuft wieder ^^

  • und das halloween event ist dann auch vorbei? xD

  • Gab ne ziemlich chaotisch angekündigte Hoster- Wartung... Mehr dazu später nochmal, nur soviel: Server läuft wieder und wir haben ein beachtliches Hardware- Upgrade bekommen xD

  • Failed to connect to Server

  • Also grundsätzlich sollten alle Skills funktionieren. Ein paar Skills sind ggf. nicht up-to-date. Wenn ein Skill tatsächlich nicht funktioniert, sollte dies irgendwo hier im Forum als Bug Report erscheinen und wird entsprechend fixed.
    Also nein, eine Liste gibt es da nicht ^^

  • Servus :D, mich hats nach ein paar Jahren pause auch mal wieder die RO Nostalgie gepackt. Verstehe ich das richtig das aufgrund des Software wechsels einnige 3rd job skills noch nicht funktionieren? falls ja gibts zufällig irgendwo ne Liste?

  • 👍😁

  • @PapaMiki dir natürlich auch vielen Dank für die Review! :kitty:

  • Das ist so nicht gedacht mit den Wünschen. Die sollen ja genau während der Wartung ingame geäußert werden. ^^

  • Ist das noch der Fall? also mein Yo-Yo im loyal Status macht gar nichts. 😄

  • Ich persönlich hätte gerne die choco Entwicklung vom Yo-Yo. Was mir auch noch auffiel damals vor 15 Jahren haben die pets im loyal Status entweder im Kampf eingegriffen mit melee Attack oder der Yo-Yo war looter ist ja hinfällig mit autoloot.

  • Falls es zeitlich möglich ist wäre es auch cool wenn die pet Entwicklungen bzw. allgemein gewisse pets implementiert werden würden. Manche von uns wünschen sich ninetail tarming von den Peach trees zu implementieren und die Weiterentwicklungen bis zur Moonlight.

  • Bezüglich der Wünsche und Server Updates. Ich denke da wäre ein treat nicht schlecht. Sry falls ich mich falsch ausdrücke bin old school. 🤣 Natürlich die Skill Bugs sind wahrscheinlich für die meisten am wichtigsten.

  • Mik

    Dachte mir ich tu was gutes nach den server crashes xD

  • Mik

    Gern, hoffe es passt so :)

  • Vielen Dank für deine Review auf RateMyServer, MikMuk! :no1:

  • Habe ein paar kleine Updates gleich übernommen, die ich schon fertig hatte... vermutlich aber kein Fix für das Problem, wenn doch, eher zufällig ^^"

  • So, läuft erstmal wieder ^^

  • Dankeschön


    Die Wartung wurde ausgeführt und alle Systeme arbeiten wieder normal. Und hier die Änderungen:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand (changes)
    • Clientupdate auf kRO 30.09.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Start der Ranking Season 45
    • Die Quest-EXP Rates sind ab sofort auf 150x erhöht
    • NyanWiki aktuallisiert und wieder aktiviert (war wegen einer Sicherheitslücke offline...)
    • Questboard aktuallisiert
    • Wünsch dir was zur Wartung:
      -hoi wie funktioniert monster counter in pron?
      --Einfach deine Lösung (als Zahl) in den öffentlichen Chat schreiben. Der NPC liest den Chat mit.
      -bin ich der einzige mensch auf dem server?
      --Naja, du hast in meinen Chatroom geschrieben, also offensichtlich nicht. ;)

    Des Weiteren möchte ich hiermit dazu aufrufen, schreibt doch mal ne Review auf RateMyServer um dem Server zu helfen! :no1:


    • Fixed long broadcast messages getting truncated.
    • Some misc cleaning.
      -Also some more item fixes.
    • Added more missing item bonusses:
      -bonus4 bAddEff,eff,n,y,t;
      --Adds a n/100% chance to cause status eff for t milliseconds on the target when attacking
      --Just like `bonus3 bAddEff,eff,n,y;` but with user-defined duration;
      -bonus4 bAddEffWhenHit,eff,n,y,t;
      --Adds a n/100% chance to cause status eff for t milliseconds on the target when being hit by physical damage
      --Just like `bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,eff,n,y;` but with user-defined duration;
      -bonus5 bAddEffOnSkill,sk,eff,n,y,t;
      --Adds a n/100% chance to cause status eff for t milliseconds on the target when using skill sk
      --Just like `bonus4 bAddEffOnSkill,sk,eff,n,y;` but with user-defined duration;
    • Some small optimisation in status_change_start.
    • Corrected a missed variable type conversion.
    • Fixed SC_JAILED to work for dead characters.
    • Updated HP/SP Increase Potions to use the official statuses.
    • Fixed Sightrasher doesn't check target's status.
    • Fixed Shield Chain to always be Neutral damage.
    • (Attempted to) fix Ground Drift damage calculation.
      -Lower levels of Impositio Manus will now overwrite higher levels.
      --For example, someone with level 5 IM activated will have +25 ATK from the skill, but if level 1 IM were used on them their ATK would drop to only +5. Therefore, this skill can be used offensively.


    Am Freitag, den 11.10.2024 bis Sonntag, den 13.10.2024 werde ich unsere nächste monatliche Wartung ausführen. Während diesen Arbeiten wird der Server planmäßig 1x neu gestartet und ist für ca. 20 Minuten nicht erreichbar. Dieser Reboot wird Sonntag Abend stattfinden. Geplant ist unter anderem folgendes:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand
    • Clientupdate auf kRO / ragRE 30.09.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Start der Ranking Season 45

    Des Weiteren möchte ich hiermit dazu aufrufen, schreibt doch mal ne Review auf RateMyServer um dem Server zu helfen! :no1:


    • Coma is now triggered on every attack type.
    • Added mob_is_gvg macro.
    • Fixed some index's which would access an invalid array position, crashing the server.
    • Charge Attack has now a range of 14 cells and can do up to 500% damage.
    • Magnum Break will not hit hidden targets anymore.
    • Auto Guard will force a player to stand when being targeted to avoid client desync.
    • Item bonus updates:
      -Added `bonus2 bSubDefEle,e,x;` -> reduce x% damage received from monster with element e.
      -Added `bonus2 bComaRace,r,n;` and `bonus2 bComaClass,c,n;` -> replacing the current usages of `bWeaponComaRace` and `bWeaponComaClass`.
      --This bonus has no effect for GVG and BG monsters.
      -Fixed some item scripts.
      -Updated the documentations.
    • Fixed Incantation Samurai Card.
      -Unequipping a weapon with Incantation Samurai card will not kill you if you have less than 999 hp and are on a non-pvp map.

    Da der Server heute wegen einer Hoster- Wartung (die relativ kurzfristig final angekündigt war) längere Zeit offline war, habe ich die Gelegenheit mal wieder genutzt, um ein paar bereits fertige Updates zu übernehmen:


    • Autobonus fixes:
      -Autobonus now works with combined positions rather than just a single position
      -Autobonus should now also work with all equipment slots instead of just the first 15
      -This does NOT fix problems with multiple auto-bonuses activating at the same time
      -Fixed "Autocast on magic hit" having its chance halved
    • Monsters will now stop instantly if their target is completely non-existent
      -This is mainly for looters that had their loot taken
      -Hide and most other situations still use the configuration setting monster_chase_refresh
      -Using the skills will now be 100% successful (can't be resisted)
      -Fixed skills not working for players (e.g. Ulfhedinn, Mithril Magic Cape, Platinum Shield)
      -Fixed level 5 and 10 not working at all
      -NPC_STONESKIN and NPC_ANTIMAGIC will no longer change DEF/MDEF, instead they will increase/reduce physical/magical damage percentually, this IS official behavior
    • Fixed up the damage code in regards of damage against plants
      -Rewrote DAMAGE_DIV_FIX so that it rounds damage down when number of hits is negative (damage split on hits)
      -Created a function battle_apply_div_fix that does not only call DAMAGE_DIV_FIX but also makes sure that damage can only become 0 when the custom config setting skill_min_damage is not set for the current skill type
      -skill_min_damage is now 0 by default (official: all types can fail against plants as long as skills have negative number of hits), if set, all skills will deal as much damage as hits
      -Restructured and renamed function now known as "is_infinite_defense" that will work for all 3 damage types and returns if damage is infinite for the current situation, it will now also properly consider all "MD_IGNORE" modes
      -Fixed the order of processing of all 3 skill types in regards of plant damage: first all calculations are done, then plant damage is applied and then DAMAGE_DIV_FIX is applied
      -Sonic Blow and Rapid Shower are now skills with negative number of hits (i.e. they can't hit plants officially)
      -Traps can no longer ignore plant mode (only way to damage plant more is via status changes)
      -Final Strike is now able to hit plants (deals 1 HP damage)
      -When left-hand-wielding, you will now always deal 2 damage to plants per attack, regardless of whether double attack triggers or you don't even have a weapon in the right hand
      -There will no longer be backhand damage to plants (Katar)
    • Land Mine is now a single target skill, the trap still triggers in a 3x3 area, but will only hit the first target that touches it
    • Improved SC_SIGHTBLASTER structure slightly
    • 1st Transcendent Spirit will now work as on official servers
      -The max total stat that is granted by the skill is now BaseLevel-10 with a maximum of 50 instead of always 50
      -It will now work as Marionette Control and calculate the bonus at cast time rather than overwrite all existing bonuses
      -Agi Up and Blessing will now cancel the soul link
    • Fixed various problems that caused position lags on the client
      -Added a define ACTIVEPATHSEARCH in mob.c; if active (default and official), monsters will only grab targets if the walk path to the target is shorter or equal their search range; search range depends on whether the monster is moving or not
      - (range2 for standing monsters and range3 for walking monsters)
      -Fixed a bug that made monsters display "irregular movement with position lag" continuously when a status change ended that changed their walk speed
      -If the path search fails while a unit is already moving, we will now issue of fixpos packet so that the unit does not only stop moving on the server, but also on the client
    • Some item updates.
      -Fixed some item bonusses.
      -Added some missing items.
      -Added full support for this skill.
    • A little cleanup for Pets
      -Separated damage value for petskillattack2 to its own var 'damage', that previously use 'lv' var to store the value.
      -Added validation for pet script commands
      --Skill for petskillattack, petskillattack2, & petskillsupport
      --SC range for petrecovery.
    • Fixed another potential map crash.
      -SC_EQC & SC_CBC shouldn't be saved on logout.
    • Devotion, Defender, Magnificat and Sitting fixes
      -A devoted player will now get the full 5%+15%*level damage reduction of Defender.
      -Magnificat will no longer increase HP regen.
      -Sitting will now always double the regeneration speed instead of just adding 100% to the regen bonus (i.e. Magnificat + Sitting = quadruple SP regen instead of triple).
    • Homunculus skill fails will now be displayed correctly.
    • +20 Foods are no longer dispelled or removed by death.
    • Added 'bonus3 bHPVanishRaceRate,r,n,x' and 'bonus3 bSPVanishRaceRate,r,n,x'
      -This also fixed Velum item bonusses.
    • Corrected documentation about 'bHPVanishRate' and 'bSPVanishRate', rate should be n/100%, 10000 for 100%
    • 'bHPVanishRate' and 'bSPVanishRate' applied regardless the target's Race and map (before, if target is player bHPVanishRate only works in PVP/GVG maps)
    • Removed Kaahi timer system
      -Kaahi will now heal BEFORE the damage is dealt
      -Heals will no longer get lost due to timer system
      -Decreased Kaahi duration 1800->350 seconds
    • Added a check to make sure script has data before trying to free null values.
    • Corrected damage calculation of Dragon Breath skills.
    • Added missing monster transformation bonuses & fixed others.
    • Updated setunitdata to recalculate the object's information and update the client immediately.
    • For setunitdata, map name can also be passed in as a valid value instead of map ID.
      -Also added support for some missing values.
    • Added mapid2name script command.
    • Added status_set_maxhp and status_set_maxsp functions.
    • Corrected HP/SP values for Ninja & Gunslinger jobs.

    Die Wartung wurde ausgeführt und alle Systeme arbeiten wieder normal. Und hier die Änderungen:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand (changes)
    • Clientupdate auf kRO 31.08.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Vorbereitungen für das Lotto Event
    • Questboard und Rewardshops aktuallisiert
    • Die Vote-Rewards sind nun vollständig in den Cashshop umgezogen.
      -Ihr könnt beim Reward Shop eure NyanPoints in NyanCoins umtauschen. Diese Coins können zur Zahlung im Cashshop verwendet werden.
    • Wünsch dir was zur Wartung:
      -Choco entwicklung, Geffen magic tournament instanz, nach möglichkeit Royal Banquet Quest ist Episode 16.1, weiß nicht ob das überhaupt möglich ist aber wäre cool wenn das geht :)
      --Yoyo lässt sich nun zu Choco entwickeln.
      --Die Instanz ist im Moment nicht ohne weiteres integrierbar...
      --Erste Vorbereitungen für die EP 16.1 wurden getroffen, Integrierung wird aber noch etwas dauern...
      -taming item: nine tail, wird von enchanted peach tree gedropped auf renewal - die mobs scheinen nicht auf renewal zu sein weil pre-re wirds nicht gedropped
      --Leider nichtmehr geschafft.
      -love piece headgear im reward shop wäre auch cool :)
      --An GM Sakura weitergegeben.
      -Hallo, hätte den Wunsch storage kapazität etwas zu erhöhen xD
      -vielleicht auf 1000 oder noch etwas mehr.
      --Leider nichtmehr geschafft.

    Des Weiteren möchte ich hiermit dazu aufrufen, schreibt doch mal ne Review auf RateMyServer um dem Server zu helfen! :no1:


    • Field Manuals (SC_EXPBOOST and SC_JEXPBOOST) now increase EXP gained from NPC quests (through the getexp script command).
    • Various cleanups & fixing.
      -Added and cleaned up comments.
      -Added checks to prevent map server crashes.
      -Some Rebellion fixes.
      -Fixed some Basilica bugs.
      -Fixed potential map server crashes
    • Re-Added support for the min_npc_vending_distance battle config...
    • Fixed an issue where no item-granded drops are dropped anymore.
    • Added some support for the CZ_PARTY_CONFIG.
      -/refuse is not yet working.
    • Added 'spawn_direction' config to client.conf for keeping a character's face direction when teleporting/changing maps/logging in. Default is always North (official).
    • Reverted some parts of the recent Super Novice updates..
      -this caused some issues with some renewal class limits.
    • Merged config option knockback_left from rathena
      -Now the default direction is "east" and consequently the knockback direction is "west" when standing
      --This means if the source cell (ground target center or position of caster) is on the same cell as the target, it will be knocked back to the west
      --This also can effect other things like how an object is placed when cast on the cell you are currently standing on
      -If you disable the option it will use the old behavior and use the direction of the unit as default direction (and backwards as knock direction)
    • Optimized the knockback / instant movement code
      -skill_blown will call clif_blown and ensures the correct client information already, so it's no longer necessary to manually call clif_slide and clif_fixpos after it
      -replaced all calls of clif_slide and then clif_fixpos in row with a single call of clif_blown, makes the code look a lot cleaner
    • Fixed the reflected magic damage to always hit the target and not the paladin when it's not reflected by kaite.
    • SC_BLEEDING is now attached to caster to give exp.
    • Restricted skill_trap_type config to GvG only.
    • Revert a recent change, wrong commented line makes misc damage won't be relected.
    • Fixed 'devotion_rdamage' doesn't work for Magic Skills.
      -Note: When this active to reflect magic damage, it still displays dummy damage value on devoted player, and this is custom config at first place. :P
    • Official Icewall implementation and other fixes
      -Implemented the official icewall characteristic that monsters can only leave an icewall cell to the west or south, the changes include:
      --The "sight" path check no longer checks for the current cell so standing on an icewall allows you to see/attack into any direction
      --The path finding will still ignore the current cell as before but the walk routine will not allow to walk east or north while standing on an icewall cell
      --This leads monsters in the situation where they go through an AI loop not allowing them to escape the icewall (if their target is north or east of them)
      --Monster in this situation will use idle skills and if they get attacked will use their rudeattacked skills if available, similar to traps like Spiderweb
      --Added a configuration icewall_walk_block that allows to configure how long a monster should go through the AI loop before the server allows it any movement, this "safety" system is official and seems to equal about 75 AI loops; if you want
      --to disable the whole icewall system so that monsters don't get stuck in icewall at all, just set this to 0
      -Implemented the official calculation for "direction"; now you will be considered horizontal/vertical/diagonally aligned with a target cell in the exact same way as on official servers, this is for example used to determine whether an icewall or a
      -firewall should be horizontal, vertical or diagonal; the only thing that is still unofficial is the default direction (officially always "west"); effectively now there are more situations considered diagonal than before
      -Further cleanups on the idle skill use code for immobile monsters and monsters near a player but without a target (now skill using will always go via mob_unlocktarget)
      --This also fixes that monsters switched to idle mode and start to use idle skills one second too late
    • Warp portal no longer ignores knock back and snap's unit positioning.
    • Fixed (assistant/slave)summons/clone, where they dissappeared when going up to a nobranch mapflag map.
    • Updated the unit engine to cache attacker count rather than utilise CPU intensive block iterations.
      -This update removes two unofficial settings, nothing that will go amiss
    • Fixed unit_teleport_timer not removing an unnecessary timer.
    • Fixed teleport typo causing some crashs.
    • Updated monster skill use behavior so monsters use skills the same way and at the same rhythm as official servers, the changes include:
      -Unified the "monster can't move by default" and the "monster trapped" code as it really should behave exactly the same
      -Fixed a bug that caused the "monster skill use" routine to be called 20 times more often than it should in some situations
      -When a monster attacks you and you run away from it, the monster will now check if it has a ranged skill on "attack" state before switching to chase state
      -Monsters will now always do a normal attack before using "attack" state skills
      -Fixed a bug that caused monsters to switch to idle mode and never use their chase skills when they get hit continuously
      -Changed default for skillrange_from_weapon from 30 (all but player) to 0 (none); monsters will now use all skills at the skill range and not at their own attack range, if they get tanked from farther away than skill range, they won't use these skills
    • Updated ranges to work as on official servers, the changes include:
      -Implemented new functions "check_distance_client" and "distance_client", that instead of the server-sided square range system use the circular one that the client uses; these functions should be used for units that send their commands via the client
      - (players mostly)
      -Applied the new distance algorithm to some player-specific range checks, players will now have a circular attack range that reflects their attack range on the client; this makes it impossible to hack the client for more diagonal range
      -Removed the arbitrary +1 range bonus at range checks; as monsters now react fluently, they won't need it anymore, that means a monster with for example 4 attack range will now only attack targets within a 9x9 area around it, the moment you step out
      - of this area, the attacks will stop (if the monster can move it will follow you); as for players, the extra cell attack range when on a linear line to the target now is integrated into the distance algorithm, that means a player with attack range
      - 4 can attack from 5 cells away when directly on line with a monster, but no longer diagonally as range is circular for players now
      -Implemented a new "step action" feature to reflect official chase range behavior; when an attack or skill is used inside the attack range, it will act exactly as now, the skill is used once the signal from the client was received; however,
      - if an attack or skill is used outside the attack range, the player should move into the chase area which is 1 cell inside the attack range border; the client actually sends us where to use the attack / skill from, but previously we just dropped
      - that information the moment an attack request came; now instead of stopping the player instantly on an attack request, the player will continue moving to the target cell and then automatically use the command received earlier (it will be remembered);
      - this change was absolutely necessary as the client sends the attack request slightly before attack range is reached, execution on official servers only takes place on every full cell moved; the new system copies this behavior
    • Implemented an improved hit-lock system, the changes include:
      -MVPs are no longer immune to being stopped by a hit unless they used Endure
      -When hitting any unit, it will stop for its "dMotion" interval, exactly at the end of "dMotion" it will continue walking (official behavior); this helps getting more "move" packets to be displayed
      -The unit that was hit will be immune to being stopped for another "dMotion" interval, this allows to slow down any units by hitting them frequently, but makes it almost impossible to completely stop them forever (depends a lot of ASPD and dMotion
      - value); this does not affect special hit-lock properties (some skills and events should set delay anyway)
      -The unit that was hit will no longer be "pulled" to the next cell; this caused a lot of position lag, it should be much better nowRandom walking, monster target dropping
    • Implemented official behavior for (random walking of) monsters
      -Updated the interval between walks from 3-6 seconds to 4-5 seconds
      -Added a define MIN_RANDOMWALKTIME that is now used anywhere the interval is applied so it's easier to change
      -Monsters will no longer attempt to walk to the cell they are currently standing on (note: still requires a proper "no cell stacking" implementation)
      -Monsters will only target a cell within a 15x15 area around them
      -Moved the "mob_ai" 0x008 configuration setting to mob_unlocktarget, so it applies to all cases of monsters unlocking targets
      -Fixed a bug that caused monsters to never use their idle skills even if the define MOB_LAZYSKILLPERC was set
      -Monsters now use complex path searching for their random walk, so they can also walk around corners now (OFFICIAL_WALKPATH still applies!)
      -Monsters will no longer stop when using "walk" skills (they are supposed to be used while walking)
      -Increased chase range of monsters by 2
      -Monsters will no longer be able to do normal attacks when hiding
      -If out of any reason a monster on "attack" state can't move and can't do normal attacks, it will now use "attack" state skills
      -The order of monster thought processing is now equal to official servers
    • Step action will now be canceled when being knocked back (skills won't be executed anymore when knocked out of range)
    • When knock back magic is reflected it will no longer lead to the caster being knocked back
    • Activated traps can no longer be hit
    • Fixed a problem that left "trap ghosts" forever on the screen when a trap was knocked out of the screen
    • Added support for UF_NOKNOCKBACK flag in skill_unit_db.
      -Also moved UF_SINGLEANIMATION flag to 0x2000. It is the same flag as rAs UF_RANGEDSINGLEUNIT so it is easier to port skills from there if you want to. You won't need to re-check and switch the skill unit flags for them.
    • Added Choco Pet
      -Also enabled evolution from Yoyo to Choco.
    • Added some database entries to prepare for ep 16.1 updates.
      -Also did some cleaning.
      -Added some missing quest-db entries
    • Fixed npcwalkto script command.
      -Also some updates to npc's status data handling.
    • 'npcskill' now uses AREA_SIZE as maximum distance rather than using skill distance.
    • Fixed HP_BASILICA.
      -It won't crash the map-server anymore on changing maps.
    • Fixed knockback direction for AC_SHOWER, now using target to attacker direction.
    • Fixed chorus skills were not checking the partner condition.
      -Add kind of handler in skill_check_condition_castbegin for group check and move some from unit_skilluse_id2 (wich not really meant for checks)
    • Fixed map crash when a monster uses GS_FULLBUSTER.
    • Maximize Power no longer stops SP regeneration.
    • MC_VENDING/ALL_BUYING_STORE now immediately fails when it cannot be used on this map/cell.
    • Added support for some NPC_ skills.
    • Added Official Sight Blaster behavior
      -Sight Blaster's AoE is now 3x3
      -Sight Blaster will now prevent traps from triggering as long as they are knocked back
      -Fixed a bug that caused Sight Blaster to not work on traps and ice walls at all
      -Sight Blaster will no longer expire when the attack was reflected
      -Sight Blaster will now expire when hitting an ice wall
      -Sight Blaster will now properly protect you from being attacked from its AoE range
    • Sight, Ruwach and Sight Blaster will now check for a target every 20ms (previously every 250ms)


    • Spell Fist will now double damage with Double Attack.
    • Some more clean ups to skills that have a sliding effect.
    • Adjusted Falcon Assault to take arrow elements into effect.
    • Some fixes to storages.
      -It is possible to use teleport with the storage window open.
      -Storage will be restored after teleport usage.
    • Added missing baselevel requirement check to pc_is_taekwon_ranker macro.
    • Added some checks to status_damage function.
    • Fixed bSetDefRace and bSetMDefRace not zeroing out values.
    • Updated the display message for using items that have a delay.
    • Some cleaning.


    Am Freitag, den 13.09.2024 bis Sonntag, den 15.09.2024 werde ich unsere nächste monatliche Wartung ausführen. Während diesen Arbeiten wird der Server planmäßig 1x neu gestartet und ist für ca. 20 Minuten nicht erreichbar. Dieser Reboot wird Sonntag Abend stattfinden. Geplant ist unter anderem folgendes:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand
    • Clientupdate auf kRO / ragRE 31.08.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Vorbereitungen für das Lotto Event

    Des Weiteren möchte ich hiermit dazu aufrufen, schreibt doch mal ne Review auf RateMyServer um dem Server zu helfen! :no1:

    Die Wartung wurde ausgeführt und alle Systeme arbeiten wieder normal. Und hier die Änderungen:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand (changes)
    • Clientupdate auf kRO 31.07.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Fix einiger Itembeschreibungen
    • Änderung/Anpassung des Stave Crasher Skills
    • Vorbereitungen für ein Update der nyan.dat
    • Wir sind wieder bei RateMyServer! (Link)
    • Update der Item-DB in NyanDB
    • Wünsch dir was zur Wartung:
      -Neue Auswahl an Items im Reward Shop bitte. Ist doch mal überfällig
      --An GM Sakura weiter gegeben.
      --Hinweis: Bitte bedenke auch, dass der Vote Reward Bereich nach und nach in den offiziellen Cashshop umzieht.


    • Fixed and re-enabled the unique item id system.
      -Also the GUID field in item_package_db.txt is now working.
    • Added full support for the item merge system to merge separated items in player's inventory.
      -Enabled npc/other/item_merge.txt and it's now usable.
      -Added client iterface.
      -Added script commands.
    • Fixed an issue with announce script command to properly support bc_blue and bc_woe.
    • Some misc. cleaning and optimations.
      -Correcting some checks for some bonuses.
      -pc_is_same_equip_index function is now used to move all item index checks, removing redundancy in some cases.
      -Some random in-source documentations and changes of return types.
      -Removed some leftovers.
      -Renamed itemdb_other (DBMap) to itemdb
      -updated some doc files.
      -Changed account_id and char_id variables to uint32 as this is the value they can be in DB.
      -Modified @whodrops result for monster list to: "- <monster name> (<mob_id>): <rate>%"
    • Forced guild notice changes to save immediately.
    • Macro clean up for Element, Race, Race2, Class, & Size validation check.
    • Removed unused parameters in battle_calc_bg_damage() and battle_calc_gvg_damage().
    • Some buyingstore fixes:
      -Fixed "missing" buyingstore search (purchase type search) in searchstore, by adding DBMap *buyingstore_db.
      -Added nullpo checks on some buyingstore.c functions.
      -Added do_init_buyingstore() and do_final_buyingstore().
    • Script command query_sql will now return -1 on an empty result or failed result.
    • Rewrote the hard monster AI. Monsters will now behave a lot closer to official servers:
      -Monsters will now attack immediately when they are chasing a target and it comes into attack range.
      -Monsters will now chase their target during their aDelay, but they still have to wait for aMotion to be able to move again.
      -Monsters will now rethink their chase in a configurable interval, official value is once per cell, previously it was once per 3 cells
      -Monsters will now stop when they rethink their chase and their target is gone (player hides or target loot was picked), regardless of the monster_ai setting
    • Fixed characters moving to unavailable slots using Character Moving System.
    • Fixed EXP calculation overload.
      -Added macro apply_rate(val,rate) & apply_rate2(val,rate,per)
    • Added check to clear skill unit group that created by NPC/script before the NPC/script unloaded.
    • Switching arrows no longer stops attacks.
    • Looter monsters will now randomly pick items rather than going for the closest one.
    • Updated Expanded Super Novice and Super Baby to be able to do anything normal Super Novices can do. Guardian Angel, Dori Dori, etc.
    • Added magiccrasher_renewal battle config.
      -Set this to yes to use the renewal formular for this skill (Adding MATK to formular).
      -Default is no.
    • Some preperations for new item packets.
      -Added support for ZC_INVENTORY_START / ZC_INVENTORY_END packets.
      -Added new inventory packet IDs & lengths.
      -These are not yet full supported!
    • Item Database updates:
      -Added more than 400 missing items including their item packages & combo scripts.
      -Moved more than 200 stable items.
      -Changed wrong flag values from 6 to 4.
      -Changed all Shadow Gears to item type 12.
      -Fixed some item bonusses.
      -Added check for IT_SHADOWGEAR's script restriction before executing it.
      -Fixed some item types.
    • Official Item BindOnEquip Support
      -Added item flag value: 8 to init default item with BindOnEquip. Item with this flag will be character bound item once equipped.
      -Re-arranged fixed drom flag from 8 to 16.
      -Added optional config 'default_bind_on_equip' in conf/battle/items.conf to set default bind type. By default the type is character bound.
    • Fixed item_db parser:
      -map server would crash with mismatching curly braces in unequip script field
      -the parser wouldn't accept specific combinations of curly braces in the uniquip script field.
    • Optimized the item package handling.
      -Saved almost 160MB of RAM by removing ugly fixed array sizes.
      -Also speeded up loading the packages.
      -Broadcasts for special items are finally working.
    • Implemented MD_RANDOMTARGET.
    • Re-added missing damage formulars for Rebellion skills.
    • Fixed Mutanted Homunculus damage formulars.
    • Gates of Hell and Bakuretsu Kunai now uses weapon element and are forced neutral for the final element.
    • Corrected Devotion behavior.
      -Failing to cast Devotion to the 6th player
      -Only player who devotes other that 'shout' Auto Guard when it active also with the walk delay
      -Status icon that inherited from devoter won't be displayed at devoted player
      -Reflect Damage on devoted player won't reflect normal attack, only melee skill attack
    • Updated Napalm Vulcan damage to official.


    Am Freitag, den 09.08.2024 bis Sonntag, den 11.08.2024 werde ich unsere nächste monatliche Wartung ausführen.
    Während diesen Arbeiten wird der Server planmäßig 1x neu gestartet und ist für ca. 20 Minuten nicht erreichbar. Dieser Reboot wird Sonntag Nachmittag/Abend stattfinden. Geplant ist unter anderem folgendes:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand
    • Clientupdate auf kRO 31.07.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Fix einiger Itembeschreibungen
    • Änderung/Anpassung des Stave Crasher Skills
    • Einige NyanDB Updates
    • Vorbereitungen für ein Update der nyan.dat

    Da es heute einen ungeplanten Reboot durch den Hoster gab, habe ich die Gelegenheit noch für ein paar Updates genutzt, die es nichtmehr in die letzte Wartung geschafft haben:


    • Some cleaning.
    • Fixed elemental reductions stacking to eventually cause 100% immunity…
    • Fixed critical damage bonus from Monster Transformation system.
    • Updated clif_message enum and appropriate clif_msg* functions.
    • Cleaned up player specific drop rate calculations.
      -Removed the src check for the new bonuses.
    • Corrected MVP Tomb behavior.
      -On Aegis there is a 9~ second delay before the tomb is spawned.
    • Added script bonuses in order to support official `AddReceiveItem_Equip n`
      -`bonus2 bDropAddRace,r,x;` : Adds x% to player's drop rate when killing a monster with race r.
      -`bonus2 bDropAddClass,c,x;` : Adds x% to player's drop rate when killing a monster with class c.
    • Item Database Updates:
      -Implemented Sealed_Mind_Box.
      -Fixed a map crash if an invalid item package is opened.
      -Fixed an issue where all items with no random group where set to group 1.
      -Updated some view-ids.
      -Added some costume items.
    • Fixed Venom Splasher consuming a second Red Gemstone.
    • Concentration now casts Endure.
    • Updated Poem of Braggi cast time reduction bonus from Musical Lessons to only be 1% per level.

    Die Wartung wurde ausgeführt und alle Systeme arbeiten wieder normal. Und hier (wie meistens verspätet...) die Änderungen:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand:
      -Das offizielle Pincode System ist nun aktiv
      -Guild Window fixed.
      -uvm, changes
    • Clientupdate auf kRO 30.06.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Start der Ranking Season 44
    • Oldschool-Server fixed und wieder gestartet
    • Das "Hourly Reward" System wurde (versuchsweise) wieder aktiviert


    • Fixed monster status changes not getting reseted before respawning.
    • Fixed a nullpo info caused by skill_summoner_power.
    • Added place holders for a huge number of existing monsters.
    • Optimized jobchange command.
    • Some more optimations to pincode system.
      -Should be stable now.
    • Fixed Gympass to grant the skill permanent.
    • Some skill tree cleanup as ALL_INCCARRY and ALL_BUYING_STORE aren't necessary anymore.
    • Updated Basilica to finally act more official.
    • Fixed some remaining issues related to script end / close functions.
    • Added simple identifyall atcommand.
    • Some sc_start script command cleanup.
    • Fixed status effects not being removed correctly.
    • Fixed logout delay after attacking.
    • Fixed clear dmglog on MVP when player is logging out.
    • Fixed vender_id and buyer_id.
    • Added missing entries to mob_chat_db.txt
    • Updated CashShop window to correctly show kafra points.
      -Payment is still not supported...
    • Capped some return values in status_calc_* functions.
    • Some fixes & optimisations to item_noequip.txt
      -Fixed check when player try to equip an item.
      -Config naming changed: 'item_restricted_consumption_type' to 'allow_consume_restricted_item' (conf/battle/items.conf)
      -Added 'allow_equip_restricted_item' config to allow/disallow player use item that restricted. Default is yes, restricted item can be equipped but gives no script effect (conf/battle/items.conf)
      -Moved item_nouse checks to itemdb_isNoEquip & fixed them.
    • Added bonus2 bHPVanishRate bonus.
    • Added some missing consts.
    • Cart Boost effect stays even if the cart is removed. Revert of recent change...
    • Another small fix in MaxHP/SP calculation.
    • Some cleaning & misc fixing.
      -Added skill_do_copy function to encapsulate code.
      -Moved some stable costume items.
      -Adjusted a couple skills that have infinite timers to not display negative time to the client.
      -Fixed SP consumption.
    • A little optimization on skill_db for skill requirements.
    • Fixed Chorus skills not checking for additional partners.
    • Refactored clif functions for unit names.
      -Renamed clif_charnameack to clif_name and added additional parameters to follow other clif functions.
      -Removed clif_charnameupdate completely since it was just a copy of the BL_PC code in clif_charnameack and replaced all calls with clif_name_area.
    • Fixed a potential map-server crash.
    • -Added some checks to guild leader change
      Introduces two new configurations:
      --Allow guild leader changes in WoE (yes/no)
      ---Default: no
      --Delay between the changes (in minutes)
    • Fixed ZC_ACK_REQNAME_BYGID packet structure for 2018+ clients.
      -This also fixed the guild window.


    Am Freitag, den 12.07.2024 bis Sonntag, den 14.07.2024 werde ich unsere nächste monatliche Wartung ausführen.
    Während diesen Arbeiten wird der Server planmäßig 1x neu gestartet und ist für ca. 20 Minuten nicht erreichbar. Dieser Reboot wird Sonntag Nachmittag/Abend stattfinden. Geplant ist unter anderem folgendes:

    • Update des Servers auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand
    • Clientupdate auf kRO 30.06.24
    • Backup der Datenbanken
    • Einige interne (Sicherheits-) Updates / Fixes
    • Start der Ranking Season 44
    • Einige Updates der Deutsch-Übersetzung