Dragon Water Breath

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Dragon Water Breath.png Dragon Water Breath Skill Info
No detail image
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10, selectable
SP Cost: 25 + (Skill Level × 5)
Cast Time: 0.5 seconds (fixed) + 0~2 seconds (var)
Cast Delay: 2 seconds
Cooldown: 0.2 seconds
Target: Ground
Range: 10 cells
Area: 3x3 ~ 9x9
Element: Water
Status: Freezing
Mount: Dragon
(Rune Knight) Dragon Training Lv. 2

Dragon Water Breath (Alt: Water Dragon Breath) is a 3rd class offensive skill available as Rune Knight.


Commands the Dragon to spurt out scorching blue fire at a targeted location that will inflict Water property damage to all enemies within the Area of Effect. It has a 15% chance of leaving enemies Freezing for 10 seconds.

Level Area of Effect Cast Time (Fix + Var) SP Cost
1 3x3 (0.5 + 0.0)s 30
2 35
3 40
4 5x5 (0.5 + 1.0)s 45
5 50
6 55
7 7x7 (0.5 + 1.5)s 60
8 65
9 9x9 (0.5 + 2.0)s 70
10 75
Damage = [(CurrHP ÷ 50) + (MaxSP ÷ 4)] × (SkillLv × BaseLv ÷ 150) × (95 + DragonTraining_Lv × 5)% × (100 + Ranged Damage Modifiers)% x (Elemental Modifiers)%


  • The damage is affected by Demi Human reduction, Ranged Damage modifier, or Elemental/Property modifier items (this is after level 175 update).
  • The skill basically has same mechanic as Dragon Breath, the only difference is using Water element/Freezing instead of Fire/Burning.
  • Defense values are not applied to this skill in the same way as they are applied to other skills. It appears that Hard Defense is subtracted off the final damage value instead of reducing damage by a percent, basically treating it as Soft Defense.


Enhanced by

  • Red Baby Dragon Hat [1]:
    • Increases damage by 15%.
    • If upgrade level is +6 or higher, increases damage by an additional 15%.
    • If upgrade level is +8 or higher, increases damage by an additional 15%.
  • Fafnir Scale: Increases damage by 50%.