Axe Training

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(Weitergeleitet von Axe Mastery (Mechanic))
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Axe Training.png Axe Training Skill Info
Passive Info.gif
Type: Passive Skill
Levels: 10
Weapon: Axe or Mace

Axe Training (Alt: Axe Mastery) is a 3rd class passive skill available as Mechanic.


Raises Physical Attack (Weapon Mastery) and Hit Rate with Axe and Mace class weapons.

Level Axe Mace
ATK Raise HIT Raise ATK Raise HIT Raise
1 5 3 4 2
2 10 6 8 4
3 15 9 12 6
4 20 12 16 8
5 25 15 20 10
6 30 18 24 12
7 35 21 28 14
8 40 24 32 16
9 45 27 36 18
10 50 30 40 20