Chain Combo

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Chain Combo.png Chain Combo Skill Info
No detail image
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5 (Selectable)
SP Cost: (Skill Level + 10)
Cast Time: None
Cast Delay: 1.3 - [(agi*0.004) - (dex*0.002)] seconds
Target: Enemy (via Combo)
Range: Melee
(Monk) Raging Trifecta Blow Lv. 5


The second skill in the Monk's combo skill set, Raging Quadruple is a more powerful attack that hits four times and must be used in succession immediately after Raging Trifecta Blow (during the "delay" of Raging Trifecta Blow). The only other circumstance when a Monk can successfully perform Chain Combo is during a level 4 Root status. If the user has learned Raging Thrust, then Raging Thrust can be chained after the use of Chain Combo.

Level +ATK (%) SP Cost
1 200 11
2 250 12
3 300 13
4 350 14
5 400 15


Chain Combo is not a targeted skill; it strikes the foe currently being attacked by the user when Raging Trifecta Blow triggers. Chain Combo should be hotkeyed, and can only be activated during the Raging Trifecta Blow delay.

A smart way to use combos is to use quickspell 2 (/q2) and then put Chain Combo & Raging Thrust in the F7 & F8 hotkey slot. This allows scrolling the mouse wheel up or down to trigger the skills; this effectively allows the user to repeat the skills until they trigger while being less distracting then pushing on keyboard hotkeys. It's recommended to deactivate skill fail messages (/skillfail) because it can generate a lot of "skill failed" messages.

A monk can target a different monster with Chain Combo if he is quick enough to be able to target another monster, as if to do a normal attack, and hit the hotkey during Raging Trifecta Blow's delay.