Close Confine

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Close Confine.png Close Confine Skill Info
No detail image
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 25
Cast Time: None
Cast Delay: 1 second
Duration: 15 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
In order to gain this skill, the player has to complete a quest!


Holds a foe interlocked with the caster without either side being able to move, but still being able to attack or use skills and items. Casting it beyond the range of 2 cells results in skill failure. When using this skill, player gains +10 Flee.


If Close Confine target is knocked back 3 cells away from the caster (or going beyond the range of 2 cells after the skill is successfully executed), or hides and quickly unhides, the Close Confine status will be canceled.