- Enter the Eclage Plaza located in the top right of Eclage (/navi eclage 299/309) and pass by the travelers in the in the plaza (/navi ecl_in01 34/51)
- Datei:Ecl-3.png
- Offer to join them and talk to the three travelers individually. After talking to the three, a guard will appear and request you go with him.
- Datei:Ec travelers.png
- Talk to the guard again and then head to the east portal of the plaza and speak to the Eclage Guard Manuel (/navi ecl_in01 82/70)and he will send you to the Chief of Staff.
- Datei:EclageGuardMinuel.png
- Talk to the Chief of Staff (/navi ecl_in03 245/93). The Chief will request that you meet the Mayor. Promise the Chief not to tell anyone and the player will be sent back to the plaza to wait.
- Datei:ChiefOfStaffShenime.png
- After a 10 minute wait, talk to the Eclage Guard Manuel at the east portal again to be send to the Mayor.
- Speak to Mayor Jun Kardui (/navi ecl_in03 41/90). The Mayor tells you that he will listen to your stories if you help out around Eclage.
- Datei:MayorJunKardui.png
- You can start Light & Darkness.
- You are to help 3 people.
- Return to Eclage Guard Minuel (/navi ecl_in01 82/70)and he will request you collect 5 Horns of Hillslion, 5 Mystic Horns and 5 Horseshoes.
- Return to him with the items and the player will receive 200,000 Base EXP and 200,000 Job EXP.
- You can start Eclage Daily Quests#Yai Of The Wild.
- Speak to Eclage Messenger Roy in Blooming Flower Land (ecl_fild01) (/navi ecl_fild01 205/86) and help him collect mail from Splendide.
- Datei:EclageMessengerRoy.png
- Head to Splendide to receive the mail package from Contact Officer (/navi splendide 267/368).
- Datei:Spl ContactOfficer.png
- Return to Eclage Messenger Roy with the package and receive 200,000 Base EXP and 200,000 Job EXP.
- You can start Eclage Daily Quests#Deliveryman.
- Talk to Eclage Guard Leo in Eclage (/navi eclage 112/40) and accept his request. He will ask that the player brings him 3 Luciola's Honey Jams and 3 Pinguicula's Fruit Jams.
- Datei:EclageGuardLeo.png
- Datei:MerchantOfSplendide.png
- Return to him with the items and the player will receive 200,000 Base EXP and 200,000 Job EXP.
- You can start Eclage Daily Quests#Troublemakers.
- Return to the Eclage Plaza and head to the east portal to go up the building.
- Return to Mayor Jun Kardui and listen to his story.
- Player will receive 200,000 Base EXP and 200,000 Job EXP.
- After the story, speak with the Chief of Staff again and she will give the player a
Fairy Wing.
- Talk to 3 people about the rumors of Kardui.
- the two laphines (/navi ecl_in03 244/57) in Chief of Staff's opposite side.
- Datei:RestingLaphine LaphineOnOfficialDut.png
- Traveler Fome in Plaza (same quest-step2 NPC point)
- the gossiping laphines (/navi eclage 274/294) in Outside the plaza
- Datei:LaphinesInConversat EclageResident.png
- Return to Mayor Jun Kardui and ask him about the rumors. After the conversation the player will receive 200,000 Base EXP and 200,000 Job EXP.
- Talk to Mayor Jun Kardui again. (Continuing here has a level requirement, probably level 130)
- Deliver letter to Hisie from Bifrost Tower 4floor.
- Datei:Bt Hisie.png
- After a 5 minute wait, talk Hisie again.
- Talk to Chief of Staff and she will request you collect 10 Dustball and 10 Leaf Bookmark.
- Return to her with the items and the player will receive 150,000 Base EXP and 150,000 Job EXP.
- Go to Plaza, talk to Eclage Guard Manuel.
- Return to Hisie, he will request you collect 10 Dustball and 10 Leaf Bookmark.
- Deliver 2 item to Hisie (Not consumption).
- Go to Outside the plaza (/navi eclage 280/290), add blue mark in Mini-Map.
- Datei:Eis bluemark.png
- Go to Normal Yai (/navi eclage 304/232), select option "Shenime told me to...".
- Datei:Ec NormalYai.png
- robbery 10 Dustball and 10 Leaf Bookmark.
- Report to Mayor Jun Kardui.
- Return to Normal Yai, have to find Avant Research Data.
- Time limit 5 minute in Yai's inside. get kicked out if time over.
- Next step's reward EXP change by your behavior.
- Check to desk, select option "Look at the book on the bookshelf.".
- Datei:Avan01 desk.png
- Try rearranging the books.
- Align the mark of the back cover.
- Answer : Second, Fourth, First, Third, Fifth
- select option "Look at the hinged devices on top of the desk", input to secret number.
- Same first order of the books, 31425.
- Look at documents, Back Avant and you get Avant Research Data.
- You select capture of Avant.
- Get out if selected "Let Hisie handle it.".
- Start battle 5 Avant's Summon if selected "I'm taking care of this place!".
- Don't talk Avant, He use high damage Meteor Storm.
- Report to Mayor Jun Kardui.
- Player will receive 400,000 Base EXP and 300,000 Job EXP.
- Receive 350,000 Base EXP and 250,000 Job EXP if leave Hisie or battle's middle withdrawal (lost battle).
- Back Bifrost Tower 4floor. Talk to Hisie, Ask about Chief of Staff.
- Speak to Chief of Staff.
- Talk to Mayor Jun Kardui, Take his request again.
- Report to Chief of Staff. Interrogation about orb, and ask guide orb.
- You can skip next step if hold his hand, But reccomend to ask Kardui first.
- Ask to Mayor Jun Kardui, Back to Chief of Staff.
- Talk to Chief of Staff (/navi ecl_hub01 132/12) when instance is ready, click on Closed Entryway(/navi ecl_hub01 130/15) and select Enter. You have 20 minutes to complete this instance.
- Datei:ClosedEntryway.png
- Datei:Emd Shenime.png
- Speak to Avant, listen to beginning of orb's study.
- Datei:Ecp Avant.png
- Speak to Hisie, You know truth by Loki.
- Talk to Mayor Jun Kardui.
- Find Dead Laphine (/navi bif_fild02 311/91) in North bifrost field.
- Datei:Bf DeadLaphine.png
- Report to Mayor Jun Kardui.
- Player will receive 500,000 Base EXP and 400,000 Job EXP, and Blessing Lv1.