Song of Destruction

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Song of Destruction.png Song of Destruction Skill Info
No detail image
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: ?
Cast Time: 0.5 seconds (fixed) + [(Skill Level × 0.5) − 0.5] seconds (var)
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: (Skill Level + 5) seconds
Target: Ground
Range: 10 cells
Area: 9x9 ~ 15x15
Weapon: Instrument or Whip
(Minstrel & Wanderer) Saturday Night Fever Lv. 3, Sinking Melody Lv. 3

Song of Destruction (Alt: Sound of Destruction) is a 3rd class offensive chorus skill available as Minstrel and Wanderer.


Performs a nullifying chorus on a targeted location that may silence the performance of all other performers within its area of effect, inflicting piercing damage and stunning them. The more performers are in the party, the higher effects this skill will have. Requires the performers to wield an instrument or whip.

Level Base Chance of Effect Base Damage Area of Effect Cast Time (Fix + Var) Cooldown
1 4% 1,000 9x9 (0.5 + 0.0)s 6s
2 8% 2,000 (0.5 + 0.5)s 7s
3 12% 3,000 11x11 (0.5 + 1.0)s 8s
4 16% 4,000 13x13 (0.5 + 1.5)s 9s
5 20% 5,000 15x15 (0.5 + 2.0)s 10s
Chance of Effect = [Base_Chance_of_Effect + (Voice_Lessons_Lv × 2)]%
Damage = Base_Damage + (Voice_Lessons_Lv × INT)
Effect from performers
Performers Bonus Chance & Damage
3 10%
4 20%
5 30%
6 40%
7 50%


  • This skill will only inflict damage to performers whose performances have been silenced.
  • The silenced performances not only include the 3rd class performances, but also 2nd class performances.