Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Item(s) (Consumed):
Base Experience:
100,000 Base Exp
Job Experience:
100,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
- Inside the entrance to the Rebellion Base is Mason Bender (/navi rebel_in 19/48) needs help promoting is 81mm ___ [gun]. He will give you 3
Arms Shop Ad to pass out to the villagers.
- Datei:MansonBender-Rebel-Inn.png
- There will be yellow '+' on your mini map to help guide you to the villagers. Here are the coordinates:
- Sleepy Looking Old woman (/navi einbech 170/143) is on the stairs north of the Kafra. Too blind to see, she thinks it's for fish.
- Tired Looking Man (/navi einbech 71/168) is as grumpy as any old man. He thinks there's a war coming and that's why you're trying to sell arms.
- Tired Looking Old man (/navi einbech 79/100) by the bridge over the river wonders why you want to sell him a cannon.
- After distributing the pamphlets, return to Mason Bender. You tell them of the unenthusiastic reactions and he thinks that they were so distracted by his words that they didn't get to read all of the ad.
- Receive 10 Schwartz's Honor Token (Possibly 10 first time, and 3 afterward)
Rachel's Repair Request
This portion is a one-time quest. The daily quest is below.
- Rachel Smith has had it with people lying they "lost" their weapons when they only merely broke. The weapons have a high defect rate. She requests you to bring
Rachel's Revolver to the Blacksmith Guild for them to inspect it.
- Travel to Einbroch's Blacksmith Guild and speak to Blacksmith Jack who scrutinizes her work. He concludes that it's the impurity of materials that she is using that is causing the issue.
- Return to Rachel Smith inside the Rebellion base where she says she suspected it might be the materials causing the issue. Grant her favor and say you will come back daily with better materials.
- Receive 7 Schwartz's Honor Token.
Pure Ore for Safe Combat Tours
- Rachel Smith inside the base will request one of the following materials for repairs:
- Once you hand those over, receive 3 Schwartz's Honor Token, Base EXP, and Job EXP.
Ericsson Adler
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
? Schwartz's Honor Token
- Behind the couches is Ericsson Adler seems to want to say something. He wants you to buy flowers from someone in Einbroch and then place them by the nearby tree.
- Note: This quest is not able to be completed as the GMs have not implemented the next NPC(s).
- Datei:EricssonBender-Rebel-Inn.png
Fighting Elena
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Elena Bolkova
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
200,000 Bas Exp
Job Experience:
200,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
- At the top of the left stairs is Elena Bolkova who you can fight for honor!
- If you are a Priest class, you must talk to her again to convince her to fight you. She says she'll go easy on you.
- Datei:ElenaBolkova-Rebel Inn.png
- Once you are warped inside the room, enter the Chat above Ivan Ivanov and you will be teleported inside the arena.
- If you wish to exit the map, talk to Sorita Doritas.
- Defeat Elena. You have a 2-minute time limit to defeat her.
- Non-Priest Classes: Elena has 1.4m HP
- Priest Classes: Elena has 13,000 HP
- After defeating her, receive 3 Schwartz's Honor Token, Base EXP and Job EXP.
Twinkle Twinkle Shooting Star
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
- Rookie has been handling the children at the base, and apparently Magenta wants the glitter to come out of their gun as its shot. You will be given one of two quests in order to accomplish this:
- Datei:Rookie-Rebel-Inn.png
- Hunt 5 Obsidian and 5 Mineral; Collect 10 Crystal Fragment and 10 Dark Crystal Fragment.
- Hunt 10 Waste Stove; Collect 10 Burnt Tree and 3 Coal.
- Hunt 10 Waste Stove; Collect 5 Steel and 15 Used Iron Plate
Tracking Down Missing Guns for Master
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
200,000 Base Exp
Job Experience:
200,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
- Master (/navi rebel_in 104/36) in the southeast corner of the base explains how the Rebellion manages lending out weapons. However, there's a lot of good-for-nothing Rebels who think they're made of zeny and endless amounts of weapons so they just toss out their weapons.
- Datei:Master-Rebel-Inn.png
- Master told you to retrieve 3 broken guns and kill 5 Grudge of Broken Gun.
- Travel one map south of Einbech and inspect the Suspicious Heap_of_Earth, coordinates below:
- Note: These take [awhile] to respawn if another player activates the NPC.
- Defeat the Grudge of Broken Gun that spawns until you get 5
Broken Gun Wreck.
- Return the Broken Gun Wrecks to Master in the base. Daryl shows up and says that he lost his gun again but Master isn't having it. Once Master checks the serial numbers on the items you brought, he confronts a lying Daryl who said he lost it but yet it matches the one you brought. Daryl's weapon is taken and is sent to training.
Giving Charity to Charity
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Item(s) (Consumed):
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
100,000 Base Exp
Job Experience:
100,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
- Milo River in the southeast corner by the stairs (/navi rebel_in 108/27) and choose Take care of the cat please.
- Datei:MiloRivera-Rebel-Inn.png
- There's a cat named Charity that found its way to the base and Milo wants to feed it but since it ran out and hasn't returned, Milo is scared that someone has been feeding Charity rotten food.
- With the
Crispy Anchonvy that Milo gave you, and Put them on the bench at an Empty bench to attract Charity. Possible benches below:
- Einbech Train Platform (/navi einbech 34/209)
- Near the River (/navi einbech 144/98)
- When you return to Milo River again, choose the same cat option and two others will appear to worship the return of Charity.
- Receive 10 Schwartz's Honor Token, Base EXP, and Job EXP
Tea Time Snacks
- Milo River needs help with Refreshments for seniors as he has to cook for the elders on the second floor and can't travel too far.
- Return to Milo with one of any of the following items:
- ?
Preparing for the Party
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
450,000 Base Exp (Total)
Job Experience:
450,000 Job Exp (Total)
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
(This may be for a separate quest or just a general area to unlock the 3 quests) Walking on the guarded portal will let you listen in to the 3 old women's conversation about needing cosmetics to combat their old age looks as well as not liking either the Secret Wings or the Heart Hunters.
- Once inside, speak to Dien and she will be surprised you remembered the errand she asked about. She needs a few things for the party.
- Now talk to Rebellion Guard leader Larcis. Three options:
- Dien's High Class Tea: received after defeating Heart Hunter Ebel.
- Ridsh's Old Letter: received by chance when defeating Upgraded Heart Hunter Guards. This option also requires you to defeat 1 Upgraded Heart Hunter Guard.
- Cotness's Very Shiny Ring: received by chance when defeating Heart Hunter Guards. This option also requires you to defeat 5 Heart Hunter Guards and to bring back 4 Very Shiny Rings.
- All 3 monsters to hunt appear only in the 2nd Heart Hunter War Instance at this point
- Return to Rebellion Guard leader Larcis and claim the three options to recieve 3 Schwartz's Honor Token, 150,000 Base EXP, and 150,000 Job EXP for each option completed.
Helping the Twins
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Item(s) (Consumed):
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
200,000 Base Exp
Job Experience:
200,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
Jana Levedeva has a request for you. She will ask one of a few things:
- Datei:JanaLevedeva-Rebel-Inn.png
Cookie Delivery
- She has cookies she wants to share with the other Rebellions. Bring them to:
- Milo River
- Elena Bolkova
- Ericsson Adler
- Rachel Smith
- Mason Bender
- After all five are delivered, return to the twins and speak to Jana Levedava.
Learning their History
- Jana Levedava remembers that Elena told her reading is a good hobby, she'll ask to borrow a book from the Prontera Library.
- Look around Prontera Library for Librarian in charge of Juveniles (/navi prt_in 165/89) and tell her you are looking for either Rebellion, the History of Liberty, Noggroad Horizon(?), or It's dizzy after spinning 1000 times (The specific book to be borrowed changes depending on Jana's request). She will give you
Borrowed Book.
- Bring the book to Jana Levedava and wonder if she will even return it.
Investigate Gun Powder
- Jana Levedava wants to experiment with firepower-to-gun powder ratios. She sends you to hunt 30 Pitman and return with 1 Gun Powder.
Venomous/Noxious Hunting
- Jana Levedava asks you to hunt 20 Venomous, 20 Noxious, and to bring back 1 Explosive Powder.
After completing the task Jana asked you for help with, return to her to get rewarded with 3 Schwartz's Honor Token, Base EXP and Job EXP.
Heart Hunter War Base Quests
Travel to Einbroch Field 04, which is the one immediately north of Einbroch. Speak to Rookie (/navi ein_fild04 284/332) who can take you to the Base.
- Rookie guarding the entrance to the Heart Hunter war base Rookie needs help hunting the Cutie pet monster
- Once you're done with the tasks inside, you can also talk to Rookie to leave the Heart Hunter War Base
Heart Hunter War Base 2
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
This is included under the Heart Hunter as the NPC to start the instance is located beside the NPC that warps you to the base.
- Possible redirection of quest page pending
- Speak to Julian (/navi ein_fild04 281/337) once again to reserve the instance.
- Striker Unit Commander will then escort you to the second base.
- Once inside the instance, Talk to Julian to start the encounter (2nd option will reduce the amount of dialogues). Heart Hunter Guards and Upgraded Heart Hunter Guards will appear.
- Defeat all the guards and the defense wall to the north will automatically explode to let you pass. Julian ( @swat 30/233 ) will tell you ____.
- More Heart Hunter Guards and Upgraded Heart Hunter Guards will spawn. Defeat those and continue through the defense wall that explodes after they are all defeated.
- Julian is standing there and tells you about the security devices. It's designed to prevent people from passing through. Talk to the SWT_309 device beside Julian and "Push the Button" to reveal a path through the security devices. More Heart Hunter Guards spawn that you must kill.
- This next portion is a maze created by the Robot-NPCs positioning. If you get too close to them, you will get severely damaged (death by robot not possible, but hp will drop to 1). There are more than 1 possible paths depending on the encounter. The path leads north-east of where you start.
- The Robot-NPCs' range is up to 4 cells away as shown here:
- A visual depiction of the area coverage of the robot sentry's range
- Julian is waiting for you at the end of the defensive force maze ( @swat 163/300 ). He wants you to go through the portal near him.
- Go down the stairs and talk to Julian who is standing next to Ebel (2nd option shortens the dialogue). Prepare yourself, and gird your loins!
- Defeat Ebel despite her odd personality and attractive allure to some.
- After defeating her, go back up the stairs and you will be warped outside the instance.
Chimera Killing
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
10 Humanoid Chimera 10 Material Chimera
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
300,000 Base Exp
Job Experience:
300,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
- Yuslan needs help clearing the lab of Chimeras
- Talk to Yuslan (/navi que_swat 161/53) and he will dispatch you to kill 10 Humanoid Chimeras and 10 Material Chimeras. These are found in the Werner Laboratory.
- Once finished, speak to Yuslan again and be rewarded 3 Schwartz's Honor Token, Base EXP and Job EXP.
People in the Lab
Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Base Level:
Item(s) (Consumed):
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Base Experience:
200,000 Base Exp
Job Experience:
200,000 Job Exp
3 Schwartz's Honor Token
(Name change pending)
- Phil wants to interrogate more scientists
- Philopentess (/navi que_swat 145/57) at the Heart Hunter War Base will request you to search the laboratory to find the remaining researchers.
- Below are the places to look:
- A map of Werner Lab with locations of all the hidden scientists
- Suspicious Desk (/navi slabw01 178/56)
- Suspicious Bookshelf (/navi slabw01 245/35)
- Suspicious Gap (/navi slabw01 253/64)
- Suspicious Trash Can (/navi slabw01 228/125)
- Suspicious Cabinet (/navi slabw01 252/130)
- Notes:
- Only 1 researcher can be found at each suspicious spot.
- After finding 3 resarchers, the remaining spots will say "its nothing special now" when talked to.
- Once enough have been found, return to Philopentess and be rewarded with 3 Schwartz's Honor Token, Base EXP and Job EXP.
Werner's Laboratory: Central Room