

  • Auf der Homepage mit dem Ingame Account einloggen. Dann im Control Panel auf Charaktere -> den Char auswählen und dort dann den Style resetten. ^^

  • Gast#8848

    Moin Moin , ich wollte bei mein charackter die haare stylen und habe einen sprite error bekommen und kann auch nicht mehr einloggen...^^ wie kann ich das fixen ?

  • :heh:

  • eben eingeloggt und stehe in geffen vor dem shop. Somit war wohl nicht der .go pay die ursache? aber naja das Laufen in den shop ja wohl auch nicht xDD vllt muss sich der server erst an meine gottlosen onlinezeiten gewöhnen^^

  • Sorry Leute xD

  • Server läuft erstmal wieder... aber .go pay als Crash- Ursache? Ich weiß ja nicht... war noch jemand online und hat irgendwas getan? ^^"

  • wtf? wie zum... o.o"

  • der server istn icht tot, aber der map-server ist abgeraucht xD pöses Odi :P

  • Wenn ich mich anmelde und meinen char auswähle kommt: failled to connect to server

  • server tot ?

  • Tut mir echt Leid, ich hab ihn wieder gecrasht... Hab in Geffen Blue Gems gekauft und danach .go pay eingetippt... und bin nie in Payon angekommen -.-" Sorry (mit RK Sir Odium)

  • Wow, cool Vielen Dank!!

  • Korrigiere nochmal, da der Server gerade leer war, ist der Fix nun übernommen, Crash sollte nichtmehr vorkommen.. ^^

  • Korrigiere, Ursache gefunden und Fix bereits vorbereitet ^^"

  • hm... also ich bin jetzt auf dem Testserver ne Weile im Dewata 2 unterwegs und kann bisher keine Probleme/Crashes feststellen... Mit welcher Class und ggf. welchen Skills hast du dort was gefarmt? ^^"

  • Läuft wieder, Ursache bislang unbekannt... ^^"

  • Ich glaube ich hab den Server abgeschossen...^^ sry. Bin nicht sicher was passiert ist, hab in Dewata 2 gefarmt ;(

  • Yuno ist ab sofort wieder zugänglich, bitte patchen ^^

  • Ich werd verrückt das is ja sau cool. Danke

  • dann geh mal in Control Panel und dort dann auf Characters. danach Character auswählen und auf reset potion klicken

  • Man könnte sagen meine Poppel kleben in Yuno fest... :D

  • Gast#6311

    2 meiner chars hängen in yuno wegen c3dworldress unsupported error :(

  • Gast#6311

    oh mann ... ja habs selbst auch rausgefunden... man muss weiblich sein. Ich bin aber genderfluid!.... wie unfair

  • Kann ich dir so ohne weitere Infos auch nicht sagen, vermutlich erfüllst du irgend eine Voraussetzung nicht... Ist der Char weiblich? ^^

  • Gast#25a6

    Warum kann man Ribbon mit Slot nicht anziehen?

  • Server:

    • *Changed the land_skill_limit config so that homunculus will follow the maxcount limits set on certain skills. This is a response to a issue with Lava Slide.
    • *Added support for the 2015-05-13aRagexe client.
      -The support might be stable enough for public use, but as with any new client there are likely a few hidden bugs left to deal with. If you find any bugs, report it and ill get it fixed.
    • *Enabled the ZC_PROPERTY_HOMUN_2 packet for use with the new client.
    • *Added the ZC_DRESSROOM_OPEN packet.
      -This is used for a incomplete client feature and is just for testing purposes right now.
    • *Fixed a issue where certain item bonuses didn't work with items equipped on the SHADOW_ACC_L equip slot.
      -It appears the equip_index handles AMMO in a special way and needs it at the end of the index table. So I had to also change its placement in the equip_pos to the very end. This issue also happened with equips in the COSTUME_FLOOR, but vanished when I added the shadow equips support.
      -Added support for these packets.
    • *clif_set_unit_idle_v10; clif_set_unit_walking_v10
      -Added these functions.
      -These functions are completely new versions of older existing versions of these functions. The old ones are such a cluster fuck of code because of all the different packet versions and I felt its best to make a fresh one that starts from v10 and up.
    • *Fixed a issue where the ZC_NOTIFY_ACT2 packet wasn't working with player dealt damage from regular attacks.
    • *Updated the character size packet.
      -The format for the latest client is now fully confirmed and is now fully coded in and finalized.
    • *Support for the ZC_HP_INFO packet is no longer used due to issues.
      -This due to glitchy behavior on it and I have no interest to recode it since the official way of displaying monster HP bars is now coded in, but requires a 2013-12-23Ragexe or newer.
    • *Fixed a issue where players and monsters will appear to endure single hit skills when using 2013-12-23Ragexe or newer clients.
    • *Added full support for the body style feature.
      -This feature allows player's to change their job outfit to a different one. Mainly a outfit from a previous job. However, this feature is not officially released and changing your body style will cause sprite errors. The adding of this feature is just to have it ready to use for when the feature is officially released.
    • *Added the "bodystyle" command.
      -This command changes your body style.
      -Note: Using this command will cause client errors.
      -Best to use the changelook command if your interested in seeing what changing body styles does for safety reasons.
    • *Updated the changelook command.
      -Value 7 was added which allows temp changing your body style.
      -Added support for this packet.
      -I borrowed from hercules for a quick temp fix to the vending issue.
      -Updated these packets to support the new required item lengths for 2015-05-13 and newer clients which fixes a issue where items listed in vending will appear incorrectly.
    • *clif_add_random_options; clif_openvending_ack
      -Added these functions.
      -clif_add_random_options is used to supply the variable bonuses data to item packets. Currently it only gives dummy data.
      -clif_openvending_ack is used for the ZC_ACK_OPENSTORE2 so it is triggered through its own function.
    • *Added support for refining costume- and shadow equip.
      -However, currently there is NO DEF bonus from refining for these items.
      -Other refining bonuses will work. This is due to suspected balancing issues like a player getting too much DEF.
      -Applied some major updates to these packets to be more compatible with different clients.
    • *Fixed a issue that would cause a player to disconnect when clicking in the title window in a 2015-05-13Ragexe client.
      -Added support for this packet.
      -This fixes a suspected issue where a player's client might crash when logging on with a 2015-05-13Ragexe client while having 2 or more quests active.
    • *Merged in all latest quest.c data from eAthena.
    • *Updated waiting room code with latest from eAthena.
    • *Updated the const file with all the latest effect tags and ID's.
    • *Added the shadow equips promtion set.
      -These are shadow equip items that were used in a event to promote the shadow equip system to give players a taste of what it does.
      -The promotion shadow equips set are now also refineable and have thier proper bonuses.
    • *Organized some packets in the packet_db.
    • *Corrected some EQI's in the const file.
      -Now cures the Netherworld status.
      -Recoded the entire skill to fix bugs and make things more official.
      -Recoded the entire skill to fix bugs.
      -Fixed a issue where hitting enemys would cause the caster to studder.
      -This issue happens in official, but its something that shouldnt happen at all. If it did, then stuff like Storm Gust would do this too when you hit someone. Its a bug that shouldnt exist at all.
      -Recoded the entire skill to fix bugs and make things more official
      -Fixed a issue where the status didn't give the cast interruption protection. It gives it now, but it will not work in WoE and battleground areas.
      -Fixed a issue where it would give the burning status to enemys when not hit by the skill.
      -Burning duration updated.

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