(Besser spät als nie ^^")
- (re?-)added support for the SC_MOONSTAR status.
- Fixed some potential nullpointer crashes in npc_event_sub function.
- Some more cleaning related to the vending system.
- Converted all database tables to InnoDB for better performance.
- Changed Refiner & Healer sprites.
- Added Healer to Izlude duplicates.
- Some misc npc updates/changes in brasilis.
- Fixed an typo that caused the RODEX system to not load the inbox.
- Added kRO/ragRE updates
- Added a huge number of missing item sprites
- Updated MvP ranking to permanently save the serverwide score.
- Added some more pages and redirections to wiki.
New Serversoftware:
- Did a almost complete rewrite of the achievement system to finally fix it. (Not finnished yet)