- Official Post
- Fixed null pointer dereference in skill_name2id.
- Fixed item script typos NPC_CRITICALWOUND*S*
- Fixed baphomet card bonus not working when used by ammunition (required by a new kunai)
- Fixed gcc warning, removed unused variable 'flag'.
- Fixed an exploit where you can create crafting items by mixing packets thru wpe/rpe/whatever. -It now checks if the item you're attempting to create belongs to the trigger used.
- Fixed a server crash when a character with guild-exp-tax kills a monster.
-Also cleaned up and moved guid-exp-cache code just like the castle stuff... - loginlog now submits proper escaped message to log.
-Fixed damage reduction to now apply damage properly and reject dual-wield weapons properly as on official servers. - HW_MAGICPOWER
-Rewrote to behave like on official servers...
-the status now uses a much simpler two-state mechanism.
-non-offensive and non-magic skills no longer consume the status
-set WZ_ICEWALL NK flag to NK_NO_DAMAGE to properly not consume the status
-fixed stale matk used for unit- and timerskills
-removed a couple now unnecessary exceptions (they now work out of the box/as side effects)