

  • Control Panel -> Charaktere -> Den Char auswählen -> dort den Style resetten.

  • Du kannst den Style im CP zurücksetzen: Dazu auf der Homepage mit dem entsprechenden Account einloggen, dann:

  • Da ich keine ahnung habe wie man hier einen bugreport schreibt mache ich das hier. Beim Stylisten ist eine Frisur verbugt die das game abstürzenläst. Das zieht sich durch bis zum Login das der char die Frisur annimmt nach dem crash. lösst direkt den nächsten crash aus.

  • Für das Türchen mit dem hüpfenden Monster mit der Weihnachtsmütze. Abgabe wird auf 17.12 verlängert. Ich bin wirklich davon ausgegangen es spawnt regulär im Toy Factory 😅 sorry

  • Das Türchen heute öffnet sich aus privaten Gründen erst morgen. Tut mir leid

  • Auf der Homepage mit dem Ingame Account einloggen. Dann im Control Panel auf Charaktere -> den Char auswählen und dort dann den Style resetten. ^^

  • Gast#8848

    Moin Moin , ich wollte bei mein charackter die haare stylen und habe einen sprite error bekommen und kann auch nicht mehr einloggen...^^ wie kann ich das fixen ?

  • :heh:

  • eben eingeloggt und stehe in geffen vor dem shop. Somit war wohl nicht der .go pay die ursache? aber naja das Laufen in den shop ja wohl auch nicht xDD vllt muss sich der server erst an meine gottlosen onlinezeiten gewöhnen^^

  • Sorry Leute xD

  • Server läuft erstmal wieder... aber .go pay als Crash- Ursache? Ich weiß ja nicht... war noch jemand online und hat irgendwas getan? ^^"

  • wtf? wie zum... o.o"

  • der server istn icht tot, aber der map-server ist abgeraucht xD pöses Odi :P

  • Wenn ich mich anmelde und meinen char auswähle kommt: failled to connect to server

  • server tot ?

  • Tut mir echt Leid, ich hab ihn wieder gecrasht... Hab in Geffen Blue Gems gekauft und danach .go pay eingetippt... und bin nie in Payon angekommen -.-" Sorry (mit RK Sir Odium)

  • Wow, cool Vielen Dank!!

  • Korrigiere nochmal, da der Server gerade leer war, ist der Fix nun übernommen, Crash sollte nichtmehr vorkommen.. ^^

  • Korrigiere, Ursache gefunden und Fix bereits vorbereitet ^^"

  • hm... also ich bin jetzt auf dem Testserver ne Weile im Dewata 2 unterwegs und kann bisher keine Probleme/Crashes feststellen... Mit welcher Class und ggf. welchen Skills hast du dort was gefarmt? ^^"

  • Läuft wieder, Ursache bislang unbekannt... ^^"

  • Ich glaube ich hab den Server abgeschossen...^^ sry. Bin nicht sicher was passiert ist, hab in Dewata 2 gefarmt ;(

  • Yuno ist ab sofort wieder zugänglich, bitte patchen ^^

  • Ich werd verrückt das is ja sau cool. Danke

  • dann geh mal in Control Panel und dort dann auf Characters. danach Character auswählen und auf reset potion klicken

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    • Fixed mercenary window not showing up critical.
    • Fixed cooking formula and creation effect is not working properly.
    • Star Gladiator's map data is now cleared upon job changing outside star gladiator lineage, that way the database will no longer store these vars when they're not used.
    • Normal Boss/mini-boss attacks no longer can hit trick-dead'd players.
    • Fixed bug with garments not displaying properly.
    • pc_cant_act will now also check for buying stores.
    • Players in chatrooms can now equip/unequip gear, can talk to NPCS, and can't use consumable items.
    • Players can now change equipment when talking with NPCs by default.
    • Players can now use items and self-targetting skills while talking to NPCs.
    • Revised/added 'npc_isnear' to check if an NPC is nearby when opening chat rooms or using vending.
    • Some cleaning & optimations.
      -Replaced some strncpy calls with safestrncpy.
    • NPC timer will not stop anymore after running all timer events.
    • Minor improvement on npc_event_do_clock, moved 'day'-part so that its only assigned when its actually used.
    • Modified monster and areamonster script commands to allow size and ai parameters.
      -Event parameter now no longer works as size & ai replacement.
      -If not defined, it'll assume the default size (0 = medium) and default ai (0 = none).
      -This also removes some unstable code...
      -permanent monster spawns also allow the new optional parameters.
    • Updated mob_count_sub fuction to read a 10 mobid list to check if present or not.
      -Before it simply always returned 1...?
    • Minor performance improvement; created guild flag cache to replace the inefficient npcdb lookup, in perspective:
      -Before: whenever a guild emblem was changed it'd loop through all npcs looking for flags belongin to that guild
      -Now: whenever a guild emblem is changed it'll loop through a very small list which contains all guild flags, and from there it'll update the flags accordingly.
    • Improved overall guild processing/lookup by creating a cached guild state.
    • Rewrite guild emblem change functions.
      -Added support for transparency check and change during woe check.
      -Added fail messages.
    • Official servers now always reshuffle the dice emoticon, so we will do by default.
    • Creating a guild and exiting in a short amount of time will now save the guild properly.
    • NPCs with monster sprite now work.
    • Added preliminary source modifications.
    • Fixed a bug where equipping equip with view-id would override costumes view-id.
    • Merged clif_guild_skillup and clif_skillup, they use the same packet. (old TODO)
    • (Re-)added some missing Dewata warps.
    • Small fix in map_addiddb function.
    • Song/Dance timers now cannot be updated by self without Soul Link.
    • Fixed "Unable to restore stack! Double continuation!" case (when dead by mob talking to an npc).
    • Improved infintite def checks.
    • Reworked unitwalk script command and updated documentation.
    • Added server-wide NPC close on @reloadscript.
    • Some small changes to clif_item_sub functions to optimize it a bit.
    • Expanded teleport_timer for pets, homunculus and elementals.
    • Some fixes related to cashfood status changes.
    • Fixed an issue where a non-player failing to freeze another with Frost Diver causes map crash.
    • Fixed a map crash in unit_walktoxy function.
    • Updated packet_db declarations for some older clients.
    • Fixed a map crash when private messaging an autotrade character.
    • Removed a duplicated HP/SP calculation on pc_readdb_exp.
    • Rewrite & optimized mob_chat_db reading.
    • Players can no longer block whispers from a higher gm level.
    • Implemented 'notomb' mapflag for Bossnia maps.
      -Thanks to rAthena for the base.
    • Replaced 'skill_num' with 'skill_id' in all source files.
    • You cannot save or memo on instance maps anymore.
    • Idle timer now resets on continuous attacks, i.e. /noctrl or ctrl+click.
      -Also it's initialized on login.
    • Optimized pc_useitem processing a bit.
    • New ranklist packets will now be used on newer clients.
    • Added int64 support to status_charge function.
    • clif_updatestatus will now also update the HP meters to GMs.
    • Moved misplaced SC_ALL_RIDING check in status_check_skilluse function.
      -This fixed the use of Fly Wing/Butterfly Wing while riding a cash mount.
    • Added support for 2 new types of shops: itemshop & pointshop.
      -itemshops will use a defined item as currency.
      -pointshops will us a defined variable as currency.
      -Thanks to rAthena
    • Cleaned up a mercenary kill check.
    • Fixed a redundant check for when uTokenLen is less then 0 when it's declared as unsigned int.
    • Fixed possible null pointer dereferences in ***_ball checks.
    • Fixed unsigned int specifier for sprint.
    • Card compounding window no longer appears if no slotted items are available.
    • Re-added (custom) Cool Event Corp Staffs to some places.
    • Fixed .lostskill was removing the skill from skill tree and not disabling it (making it grey).
    • .follow will not stop immeadily when turned off, instead of waiting for the current walk path to be complete.
    • Fixed .disguise breaking with .refresh.
    • Added some missing mapflags to .mapinfo command.
    • Fixed chatrooms disappearing after using .disguise.
      -Thanks to rAthena
    • Added script command checklang() for checking player's language.
    • Added full support for monster transformations, including their status changes.
      -Also updated the item scripts.
    • Add .fullstrip command.
      -Fixed packet 0x07f5 pointing to the wrong function.
    • Added info about skipped items to .dropall command.
    • Added some missing packets to db.
    • Rewrite clif_equipitemack to also support ZC_REQ_WEAR_EQUIP_ACK2 & correctly handle the result bytes.
    • Added support for /guildinvite command for 2012 or newer clients.
      -Also merged both guild invite functions.
    • Added hook for CZ_BLOCKING_PLAY_CANCEL and CZ_CLIENT_VERSION packets.
    • Added timestr for DumpUnknownPackets and moved to proper function for visibility.
    • Added some packets for party booking system.
      -Thanks to rAthena
    • Added full support for ZC_CLEAR_DIALOG packet.
    • Added a missing check for elementals in clif_parse_LoadEndAck function.
    • Added missing E_COWRAIDERS1 drops.
    • Restricted bonuses 'SPRecovRate' and 'HPRecovRate' to short range melee only.
    • Added support for bSetDefRace and bSetMdefRace for Vellum Weapons.
    • Some item fixes:
      -Fixed some item trading restrictions.
      -Corrected some job requirements.
    • Added support for RequiredEquip field in skill_require_db.
      -Currently only used for Mechanic Skills, more might be needed later.
    • Added correct refine rates above +10.
      -Changed fail-downrefine to -3.
      -Changed all rates to their official values which are much lower!
    • Updated item_group & item_package databases to support IG_ / IP_ constants.
      -Also updated item_package_db to use constants.
    • Changed some Rock Ridge monsters to fit pre-renewal calculations.
    • Basilica can only be placed when there are no other units (no mobs/players) within the range of which the basilica will spawn.
    • Fixed Ankle Snare to behave as in official servers, you only stop walking when you reach your destination and activates all other traps in the path.
      -Also added a new skill config - provided a switch to this official feature since it drastically change the way traps can be used.
    • MC_IDENTIFY will not take SP anymore when no items found.
    • Poison React now activates when character is damaged only.
    • Cloaking fixed to official behaviour.
      -These skills can now be casted by non players.
    • Fixed a multi-hit damage issue for Falcon Assault.
    • Fixed WE_MALE and WE_FEMALE checking target rather than caster.
    • CR_SPEARQUICKEN is now also usable with one handed spears (again).
    • Fixed a crash related to Warlocks Comet skill.
  • 15peaces 2. März 2024 um 17:09

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