

  • ist jetzt online... Da sieht man wieder, das ne Fehlermeldung oder ne Beschreibung dessen, was nicht geht, hilft xD

  • ok.. tatsächlich war der patchserver down, sorry ^^"

  • und uneigentlich schon.. man kann nicht patchen. failed to connect to file server

  • Eigentlich nicht...

  • Gast#3a5f

    Ist der Server noch offline ?

  • Kurze Info: aus privaten Gründen wird im Juni keine Wartung stattfinden. die nächste Wartung wird dann wieder im Juli sein und wie gewohnt angekündigt ^^

  • Gast#d4ca


  • Im Discord geklärt worden ^^

  • Guest#3ff6

    Gm anwesend? mein char stuckt und game crasht wenn ich da einlogge

  • :heh:

  • Oh man, hat sich doch tatsächlich ein Bot in die Shoutbox verirrt 😅😅

  • Doch, lag an SPF... Mails gehen wieder, werden ab sofort auch verschlüsselt über SMTP versendet und SPF-authentifiziert. Jetzt dürfte kein Mail-Provider mehr was zu meckern haben xD

  • Ok, dann liegt es nicht daran ^^"

  • Ja

  • Welche Mailadressen habt ihr? Zufällig gmail?

  • Heute Morgen kam eine Mail an :)

  • Also, ich sitze jetzt seit 2 Stunden an dem Problem mit den Mails... scheinbar gehen die Mails zwar raus, werden aber vom Empfänger blockiert... ich bin dran ^^"

  • Gast#e3c4

    Würde gerne mein Foren-PW zurücksetzen, bekomme aber keine Kennwort rücksetzen Mail... hab es dann noch ein paar Mal versucht das PW zu erraten, jetzt zeigt es nur noch "Fehlermeldung".

  • Gute Frage... das ist halt der "Nachteil", weil alles heute auf mobile Endgeräte optimiert wird ^^"

  • gibt es auch die möglichkeit im forum eine horizontale scrollbar einzuführen? muss in beiträgen den firefox immer maximieren

  • Und noch ein Versuch... PS: es gibt dazu nen Bug Report: NCP Teleportra Bug

  • Leider nicht. Eben geprüft und der Fehler kommt weiterhin

  • Sollte fixed sein...

  • Musste 5 mal aus und einloggen bis ich es aus der Startmap rausgekommen bin. Jeder npc hat das, ausser tool dealer bzw verkaufs npcs. Ist nahezu unspielbar :/

  • Öhm ok... das ist neu.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    • Fixed mercenary window not showing up critical.
    • Fixed cooking formula and creation effect is not working properly.
    • Star Gladiator's map data is now cleared upon job changing outside star gladiator lineage, that way the database will no longer store these vars when they're not used.
    • Normal Boss/mini-boss attacks no longer can hit trick-dead'd players.
    • Fixed bug with garments not displaying properly.
    • pc_cant_act will now also check for buying stores.
    • Players in chatrooms can now equip/unequip gear, can talk to NPCS, and can't use consumable items.
    • Players can now change equipment when talking with NPCs by default.
    • Players can now use items and self-targetting skills while talking to NPCs.
    • Revised/added 'npc_isnear' to check if an NPC is nearby when opening chat rooms or using vending.
    • Some cleaning & optimations.
      -Replaced some strncpy calls with safestrncpy.
    • NPC timer will not stop anymore after running all timer events.
    • Minor improvement on npc_event_do_clock, moved 'day'-part so that its only assigned when its actually used.
    • Modified monster and areamonster script commands to allow size and ai parameters.
      -Event parameter now no longer works as size & ai replacement.
      -If not defined, it'll assume the default size (0 = medium) and default ai (0 = none).
      -This also removes some unstable code...
      -permanent monster spawns also allow the new optional parameters.
    • Updated mob_count_sub fuction to read a 10 mobid list to check if present or not.
      -Before it simply always returned 1...?
    • Minor performance improvement; created guild flag cache to replace the inefficient npcdb lookup, in perspective:
      -Before: whenever a guild emblem was changed it'd loop through all npcs looking for flags belongin to that guild
      -Now: whenever a guild emblem is changed it'll loop through a very small list which contains all guild flags, and from there it'll update the flags accordingly.
    • Improved overall guild processing/lookup by creating a cached guild state.
    • Rewrite guild emblem change functions.
      -Added support for transparency check and change during woe check.
      -Added fail messages.
    • Official servers now always reshuffle the dice emoticon, so we will do by default.
    • Creating a guild and exiting in a short amount of time will now save the guild properly.
    • NPCs with monster sprite now work.
    • Added preliminary source modifications.
    • Fixed a bug where equipping equip with view-id would override costumes view-id.
    • Merged clif_guild_skillup and clif_skillup, they use the same packet. (old TODO)
    • (Re-)added some missing Dewata warps.
    • Small fix in map_addiddb function.
    • Song/Dance timers now cannot be updated by self without Soul Link.
    • Fixed "Unable to restore stack! Double continuation!" case (when dead by mob talking to an npc).
    • Improved infintite def checks.
    • Reworked unitwalk script command and updated documentation.
    • Added server-wide NPC close on @reloadscript.
    • Some small changes to clif_item_sub functions to optimize it a bit.
    • Expanded teleport_timer for pets, homunculus and elementals.
    • Some fixes related to cashfood status changes.
    • Fixed an issue where a non-player failing to freeze another with Frost Diver causes map crash.
    • Fixed a map crash in unit_walktoxy function.
    • Updated packet_db declarations for some older clients.
    • Fixed a map crash when private messaging an autotrade character.
    • Removed a duplicated HP/SP calculation on pc_readdb_exp.
    • Rewrite & optimized mob_chat_db reading.
    • Players can no longer block whispers from a higher gm level.
    • Implemented 'notomb' mapflag for Bossnia maps.
      -Thanks to rAthena for the base.
    • Replaced 'skill_num' with 'skill_id' in all source files.
    • You cannot save or memo on instance maps anymore.
    • Idle timer now resets on continuous attacks, i.e. /noctrl or ctrl+click.
      -Also it's initialized on login.
    • Optimized pc_useitem processing a bit.
    • New ranklist packets will now be used on newer clients.
    • Added int64 support to status_charge function.
    • clif_updatestatus will now also update the HP meters to GMs.
    • Moved misplaced SC_ALL_RIDING check in status_check_skilluse function.
      -This fixed the use of Fly Wing/Butterfly Wing while riding a cash mount.
    • Added support for 2 new types of shops: itemshop & pointshop.
      -itemshops will use a defined item as currency.
      -pointshops will us a defined variable as currency.
      -Thanks to rAthena
    • Cleaned up a mercenary kill check.
    • Fixed a redundant check for when uTokenLen is less then 0 when it's declared as unsigned int.
    • Fixed possible null pointer dereferences in ***_ball checks.
    • Fixed unsigned int specifier for sprint.
    • Card compounding window no longer appears if no slotted items are available.
    • Re-added (custom) Cool Event Corp Staffs to some places.
    • Fixed .lostskill was removing the skill from skill tree and not disabling it (making it grey).
    • .follow will not stop immeadily when turned off, instead of waiting for the current walk path to be complete.
    • Fixed .disguise breaking with .refresh.
    • Added some missing mapflags to .mapinfo command.
    • Fixed chatrooms disappearing after using .disguise.
      -Thanks to rAthena
    • Added script command checklang() for checking player's language.
    • Added full support for monster transformations, including their status changes.
      -Also updated the item scripts.
    • Add .fullstrip command.
      -Fixed packet 0x07f5 pointing to the wrong function.
    • Added info about skipped items to .dropall command.
    • Added some missing packets to db.
    • Rewrite clif_equipitemack to also support ZC_REQ_WEAR_EQUIP_ACK2 & correctly handle the result bytes.
    • Added support for /guildinvite command for 2012 or newer clients.
      -Also merged both guild invite functions.
    • Added hook for CZ_BLOCKING_PLAY_CANCEL and CZ_CLIENT_VERSION packets.
    • Added timestr for DumpUnknownPackets and moved to proper function for visibility.
    • Added some packets for party booking system.
      -Thanks to rAthena
    • Added full support for ZC_CLEAR_DIALOG packet.
    • Added a missing check for elementals in clif_parse_LoadEndAck function.
    • Added missing E_COWRAIDERS1 drops.
    • Restricted bonuses 'SPRecovRate' and 'HPRecovRate' to short range melee only.
    • Added support for bSetDefRace and bSetMdefRace for Vellum Weapons.
    • Some item fixes:
      -Fixed some item trading restrictions.
      -Corrected some job requirements.
    • Added support for RequiredEquip field in skill_require_db.
      -Currently only used for Mechanic Skills, more might be needed later.
    • Added correct refine rates above +10.
      -Changed fail-downrefine to -3.
      -Changed all rates to their official values which are much lower!
    • Updated item_group & item_package databases to support IG_ / IP_ constants.
      -Also updated item_package_db to use constants.
    • Changed some Rock Ridge monsters to fit pre-renewal calculations.
    • Basilica can only be placed when there are no other units (no mobs/players) within the range of which the basilica will spawn.
    • Fixed Ankle Snare to behave as in official servers, you only stop walking when you reach your destination and activates all other traps in the path.
      -Also added a new skill config - provided a switch to this official feature since it drastically change the way traps can be used.
    • MC_IDENTIFY will not take SP anymore when no items found.
    • Poison React now activates when character is damaged only.
    • Cloaking fixed to official behaviour.
      -These skills can now be casted by non players.
    • Fixed a multi-hit damage issue for Falcon Assault.
    • Fixed WE_MALE and WE_FEMALE checking target rather than caster.
    • CR_SPEARQUICKEN is now also usable with one handed spears (again).
    • Fixed a crash related to Warlocks Comet skill.
  • 15peaces 2. März 2024 um 17:09

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.

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