

  • Was passiert denn oder was passiert nicht? xD

  • Hey, wieso kann ich das spiel nicht mehr auf meinen 2 Monitor nutzen weiß das einer?

  • Cart Bug fixed!!

  • Alles klar, super :)

  • Was das angeht, bin ich zumindest nen Schritt weiter... ich weiß, wie ich es für einen Login mit dem Char fixen kann, weiß aber noch nicht, wieso der Server es anschließend beim speichern wieder zerschießt... Ich bin dran ^^"

  • Da er Blacksmith ist vermute ich mal das er nicht changen kann, weil er ein Cart hat. Beim Rebirth darf man allerdings keinen haben. Durch den Cart Bug kann er aber vermutlich den Cart nicht ablegen.

  • Zunächst solltest du das beachten: https://nyanro.org/?site=faq#q8 ...und dann musst du 99/50 sein und den "Master of new Jobs" (für den Change) bzw. den "Job Master" (für Rebirth) in Brasilis ansprechen.

  • Gast#5c03

    hey irgendwie kann ich meine klasse als Blacksmith nicht changen woan liegt es?

  • In der Vergangenheit gabs dazu genau die gegenteilige Meinung. Es wurde dann gesagt, dass der Eindruck entstehe, es wäre vergessen gegangen... ^^

  • Wozu dienen die ganzen "hier nichts neues" Posts. Neue Beiträge zu sehen nur um dann "nichts" zu lesen ist nervig.

  • Ihr Lieben das Leben kommt ja immer anders als gedacht 😅 ich verteile alles am Wochenende und geb da auch die Preise der Offline Verlosung bekannt

  • Control Panel -> Charaktere -> Den Char auswählen -> dort den Style resetten.

  • Du kannst den Style im CP zurücksetzen: Dazu auf der Homepage mit dem entsprechenden Account einloggen, dann:

  • Da ich keine ahnung habe wie man hier einen bugreport schreibt mache ich das hier. Beim Stylisten ist eine Frisur verbugt die das game abstürzenläst. Das zieht sich durch bis zum Login das der char die Frisur annimmt nach dem crash. lösst direkt den nächsten crash aus.

  • Für das Türchen mit dem hüpfenden Monster mit der Weihnachtsmütze. Abgabe wird auf 17.12 verlängert. Ich bin wirklich davon ausgegangen es spawnt regulär im Toy Factory 😅 sorry

  • Das Türchen heute öffnet sich aus privaten Gründen erst morgen. Tut mir leid

  • Auf der Homepage mit dem Ingame Account einloggen. Dann im Control Panel auf Charaktere -> den Char auswählen und dort dann den Style resetten. ^^

  • Gast#8848

    Moin Moin , ich wollte bei mein charackter die haare stylen und habe einen sprite error bekommen und kann auch nicht mehr einloggen...^^ wie kann ich das fixen ?

  • :heh:

  • eben eingeloggt und stehe in geffen vor dem shop. Somit war wohl nicht der .go pay die ursache? aber naja das Laufen in den shop ja wohl auch nicht xDD vllt muss sich der server erst an meine gottlosen onlinezeiten gewöhnen^^

  • Sorry Leute xD

  • Server läuft erstmal wieder... aber .go pay als Crash- Ursache? Ich weiß ja nicht... war noch jemand online und hat irgendwas getan? ^^"

  • wtf? wie zum... o.o"

  • der server istn icht tot, aber der map-server ist abgeraucht xD pöses Odi :P

  • Wenn ich mich anmelde und meinen char auswähle kommt: failled to connect to server

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    • Fixed a critical issue where all players had the MD_PLANT mode active by default.
      -This was caused by a wrong handling of the default mode mask.
    • Fixed bad login values.
    • Added some checks to unit_check_start_teleport_timer.
    • Some misc fixing & cleaning.
      -removed unused parameters in several functions.
      -Removed misplaced auction code.
    • Fixed a map-crash related to unit_walktobl function.
    • Added missing status icons for SC_MATKPOTION and SC_ATKPOTION.
    • Fixed another issue related to moving items.
      -Dragging an item into a full/overweighted guild storage caused the item to get stuck until relog.
    • Added New Char-Server Rename Packet.
    • Fixed magical reflection behavior, user reflecting now visually casts the skill back at the caster, instead of caster casting it on itself.
    • You no longer can dispell guild mates in non-pkable areas.
    • Status effects no longer propagate with magical reflection (e.g. when frost diver is reflected there is no chance that target will be frozen).
    • Modified @mi exclusion criteria so that it requires a monster to not have a fixed spawn point as well as no base/job exp. It was excluding things such as red/blue/whatever plant from search results.
    • #autotrade now relogs the target, not the caster.
    • Fixed bug where Kagerou and Oboro could hit their Zanzoe.
    • Slaves now return the final master when killing mob.
    • Improved the structure of status_get_sc_def so it's a lot easier to apply official formulas and make sure the checks are applied in the correct order.
      -In the process, fixed the effect of luk on status changes and removed the static 3% resistance that has been proven to not exist (97 vit, 1 luk can get stunned on officials)
      -As there is no general luk resistance as it depends on each status change, removed the luk_status_def configurations
    • Added check on map_flooradditem to prevent item apparition if inventory full and item is not droppable.
    • Changed some msg_langtype2langstr messages to a readable format.
    • Fixed disable_items not working when the close button appears in NPC dialog while keeping close/close2/end backwards compatibility.
    • Refactored start items config.
      -Thanks to rathena fo the base.
      -Now also supports auto-equip and (by default) max 16 items.
    • Capped reflected damage to max HP of the one reflecting.
    • Added battle_calc_cardfix function.
      -Thanks to rathena for the base.
      -This was done to optimize and clean-up the cardfix calculations.
    • Major battle calculation engine refactoring! Giant thanks to @rathena for the refactoring work
      -Forced neutral behavior documented and implemented. Weapon element does affect the following skills, but final damage is treated neutral for resistances.
      --End result is endows do boost skill damage as expected given elemental weaknesses or resistances, but forced neutral skills will always miss on Ghost 3/4 mobs as the damage is "forced" back to neutral type after bonuses are applied
      --but before resistances.
      -The following skills are considered "forced neutral"
      --Merchant "Cart Revolution"
      --Creator "Acid Demonstration"
      --Genetic "Cart Cannon" (damage is forced to element of cannon ball, either neutral or holy or ghost)
      -Weapon calculation engine has been rewritten to better emulate official behaviors and "quirks", the following changes have been documented and implemented:
      --Double attack takes priority over criticals when determining which effect activates
      --VITDEF (status or sDEF) is applied on every hit on multi-hit skills, rather than a flat reduction on the final damage total
      --Skills such as Spiral Pierce that differ when used by monsters modified to match official calculation methods
      -Weapon element behavior adjusted to match official behavior, endows override any innate weapon element, including elemental arrows
      --Double attack gives a hidden +1 HIT per skill level on attacks that activate the double attack effect
      --Envenom gives a flat +15 ATK per skill level when used, it is considered a mastery type damage and has no element
      --Acid Demonstration adjusted to match "forced neutral" behavior on official
      ---For example, Acid Demonstration used on a water-type mob with a wind endowed weapon will do bonus damage, but will miss on a Ghost 3/4 monster regardless of endow.
      --Magnum break bonus damage gives +20% ATK fire damage on physical attack (so 100% ATK normal + 20% ATK fire)
      --Final Strike will MISS on plant-type mobs (mobs that only take 1 damage per hit from all sources)
      --Mirror Image cast over itself will override and reset current Mirror Image count
      --Cart Cannon "forced element" behavior implemented, damage is "forced" to the element of the cannon ball.
      ---Ex. Cart Cannon fitted with a standard cannon ball and a fire elemental weapon will do bonus damage against earth targets, and a Cart Cannon fitted with a holy cannon ball will do bonus damage against shadow,
      ---but total damage is forced back to element of cannon ball and resistances applied against it. Neutral cannon balls will miss on Ghost 3/4 but holy/ghost/shadow will not.
      --Gunslinger Mine skill formula and behavior matched to official
      ---Fixed 500 damage, ignores DEF and is affected by +% ATK weapon cards only
      --Tetra Vortex behavior modified to match official
      ---First 4 spirit spheres are used for calculating element of each hit, but if 5 are present all 5 are consumed
    • Moved pc_dead NPC event calls to the end of the death process
    • Super Novices are no longer counted as dead when saved by their angel
      -They won't lose their +10 bonus on the first death
      -Pet intimacy, mercenaries, skull drops are unaffected by first death
      -Steel Body is level 5 when saved
    • Added AEGIS 'CLASS_' enum
      -Item bonuses 'bAddDefClass' and 'bAddMdefClass' replaced by 'bAddDefMonster' and 'bAddMdefMonster'.
      -Item bonuses 'bIgnoreMdefRate' and 'bIgnoreDefRate' replaced by 'bIgnoreMdefRaceRate' and 'bIgnoreDefRaceRate'.
      -Added new item bonuses: bIgnoreDefClass, bIgnoreMdefRaceRate, bDefRatioAtkClass, bAddClass, bSubClass, bMagicAddClass, bWeaponComaClass, bHpDrainValueClass, bSpDrainValueClass, bIgnoreMdefClassRate, bAddClassDropItem, bAddClassDropItemGroup.
      -Item bonus 'bAddClassDropItem' renamed to 'bAddMonsterIdDropItem'.
      -Updated 'battle_calc_cardfix' function.
    • Moved OnInit to load before OnInstanceInit in npc_reload().
    • Fixed homunculus causing the map-server to crash.
    • Added item_id on @whodrops's result for each item (avoiding confusion if the result is more than 1 items).
    • Finally fixed character delayed deletion method.
    • Fixed char-server not making use of name_ignoring_case setting.
    • Pets & Homun renaming with empty name fix.
    • Homunculus skill tree is now refreshed upon class change.
    • Fixed skill_copyable_db RequirementRemoved field.
      -Also added support for removing RequiredEquipment.
    • ItemDB updates:
      -Added missing Eden Group Equipment.
      -Added some costumes.
    • Changed some trading restrictions.
    • Changed Sleep chance of Lullaby's effect.
      -Chance is increased with INT.
    • Fixed Pneuma display.
    • changed CH_PALMSTRIKE to aspd based like official.
    • WL_COMET
      -Fixed an issue that caused the skill to be single target instead of AoE.
      -Still needs another fixing...
    • Fire Pillar is now removed by land protector, and no longer can be cast over land protector.
    • Fixed SC__SHADOWFORM not ending if target does not move after being warped.
      -This allowed to inflict damage between maps (only if both player don't move).
      -Cleanup old map-check on move check.
    • Fixed Trick Dead not being removed on job change.
    • Finally added the correct formula for Spiral Pierce when used by monsters.
    • When bosses use level 48 decrease agi, it will now have a base duration of 65 seconds on players.
      -NPC_PIERCINGATT deals 75% damage, ignoring DEF
      -NPC_COMBOATTACK deals 100%+25%*level damage spread on level+1 hits
      -NPC_RANDOMATTACK deals 100%*level damage with a random element
    • Fixed Dispel-Skills not removing dance statusses (inversed area checks).
    • Updated the success chance of Decrease Agi to the formula that was extracted from Aegis (blevel/5 + int/5 + skill_lv*3 + 50)
    • Implemented the official stun chance of Bash based on an Aegis leak.
      -Basically the base chance (5% per level above 5) will get multiplied by BaseLevel/50.0, so on level 50, it will be 1x, on level 75 it will be 1.5x and on level 99 it will be almost 2x (prior reductions),
      -e.g. a level 99 knight using bash 10 will have a 49.5% base success chance to stun with it (if he has learned the quest skill).
    • Updated Bowling Bash to its official behavior including the gutter line.
    • Sonic Blow now has a fixed range of 1, even for monsters; a monster can't use this skill if you tank it from farther away.
    • Minor fix to Reflect Damage timer going over time limit.
    • Fixed Star Gladiator Miracle not using correct ratio.
    • Per official behavior, Knight's Auto Counter skill is based off of player's ASPD for delay.
    • Water Ball now checks for obstacles
    • Mechanic Neutral Barrier updated to block ranged and splash attacks.
    • Update Songs/Dances for Land Protector.
    • Reflect damage even when damage is blocked by a status.
    • Changed Cart Tornado to use base strength.
    • Fixed Frost Driver damages with overpower level because of skill_lv reduction mistake.
    • Fixed Pneuma behaviors:
      -Emeny still can be knocked back.
      -Acid Terror still has chance to break the armor.
      -Fixed damage calculation.


    • (to much to write down... updated to Mainsevers state.)
  • 15peaces 21. Mai 2024 um 18:50

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