- Offizieller Beitrag
- Corrected RAG203 [1] item price & also corrected item id in Rebellion Weapons shop.
- No cell stacking implemented (official version).
-Split config cell_stack_limit into custom_cell_stack_limit (previous feature) and official_cell_stack_limit (see below)
-Expanded map_count_oncell by a flag parameter, currently only one flag is supported: only count standing units (needed for official cell stack feature)
-Added a new function map_closest_freecell that will return the closest free cell using the same order that official servers use
-Monsters will now actively search for a free cell when starting to walk randomly and when unlocking target
-When any unit finishes walking (regularly) and is not on a free cell, it will now actively search for a free cell
-Step actions will be delayed until a suitable cell was found, they will even be executed when the player walked slightly out of attack range - Fixed Snap dodge bug.
- Fixed misc issues with traps:
-if Hunter traps expire it will now return either Booby Trap or Alloy Trap depending on item used.
-update list of skills that can hit/damage/affect traps.
-damage through skills can now be shown when hitting traps.
-proper knock back behaviors
-proper animation when triggers and triggering of item bonus script 'bHPDrainRate' - Fixed weapon check in dual wielding where it doesn't function properly specially in checking with the dual-wield constants.
- Added a missing check to pc_checkjoblevelup.
-Before it was possible to get a joblevel above max limit in some cases. - Fixed an issue with Sealed Shrine and NPC_INVINCIBLEOFF and NPC_INVINCIBLE.
- Fixed skill_weaponrefine function to only allow refinement up to +10.
- 'bautospellonskill' should now work properly.
- After casting skills it should now check for the path if it is ok to execute same as official behavior.
- Now caster should not hit/chase target between an obstacle same as official behavior.
- Fixed Enriched White PotionZs (#12428) bonus script.
- Castend now also checks if the required weapon matches, fixing any possible exploits where a character manages to change weapon during cast/animation (e.g. sonic blow).
- Small improvement in case someone uses logarithmic drops with 1x rate, saving a few ms on start in that case.
- Misc. fixes & cleaning.
- Fix a map crash when an unconditional_skill GM casts Tetra Vortex with less than 4 spheres.
- Live vendor data is now stored in SQL.
- Added support for clif_parse_dull.
-It is a placeholder for unsupported incoming packets (avoids DCs).
-Also did some cleaning in packet_db.
-Fixes 2013-12-23+ clients from disconnecting after executing /limitedsale command. - Improved the Waterball implementation
-The interval between Waterballs is now 150ms (previously 125ms); due to the timer interval it will alternate between 140ms and 160ms (yes, this is official)
-While the Waterball effect is active, players and non-boss monsters can no longer walk
-Added a server-sided canact delay each time a Waterball is shot, which is equal to the one the client gives; this is to prevent hackers from being able to mass-cast Waterball; you can still multi-cast Waterball if your aMotion is shorter
- than the Waterball interval (i.e. 186 ASPD or higher)
-The Waterball effect is no longer canceled when the target hides behind an obstacle, but no waterballs will fly and no damage will be applied; walkdelay will remain, but there won't be any canact delay for the caster (meaning he can cast
- another spell); if the target comes out of its cover during the duration, it will be hit again (this also fixes an exploit against MVPs)
-Waterball now has a max duration of 10 seconds, even if more water cells are available, the effect will stop; this means that level 10 monster water ball will now only hit up to 67 times - Fixed Crimson Fire Formation having a knock-back effect although it shouldn't.
-It will hit once every 20ms with no knock-back, regardless of whether the target is undead, non-undead or a player - Fixed a bug where Storm Gust and other miscellaneous skills were not sending the packets to the client; prior to this revision, if you used, SG for example, you wouldn't see the mobs push until you @refresh.
- Added full support for ALL_PARTYFLEE skill.
- Updated Chemical Protection skills to its official behavior.
- Fixed a missing null pointer check on NC_MAGNETICFIELD.
- Wug rider may no longer be used on rangers with a falcon.
- Fixed Bard/Dancer songs duration exploit.
- Warp Portal will now cease to function after warping first user if its target is the same point where it was casted.
- HT_REMOVETRAP now shows a skill fail message when it fails.
- If you stand on a warp portal with chat room, after you close it you will now be warped properly.
- Fixed an animation problem when casting skills.
- Fixed wizard sightblaster skill which was not knocking back traps.
- Fixed soul linker Swoo(Eswoo) skill to make proper application of stun to caster and target when the second is shrunkened.
- Fixed Spider Web and other trap skills not working correctly.
- Icewall stacking update
-If you now cast Icewall on an existing ice wall cell, the duration (HP) will no longer be refreshed
-If casting Icewall doesn't change any cell, there won't be a skill animation/sound anymore (SP will still be consumed) - Land Protector now behaves like on official servers
-Land Protector now protects from units being placed on it, no matter if they have splash range or not
-Land Protector no longer protects from damage from units not outside Land Protector that splash inside
-Meteor Storm no longer shows meteors falling if they would land on Land Protector
-Pneuma can no longer be placed next to Land Protector
-Also cleaned up the code a bit, so the checks are done where they should be done - Ground skill splash ranges updated to their official values
-Lord of Vermilion places units in a 11x11 area with 3x3 splash range each
-Storm Gust places units in a 9x9 area with 3x3 splash range each
-Heaven's Drive places units in a 5x5 area with no splash range
-Venom Dust now has a splash range of 3x3 and is consequently larger than before - Storm Gust's knock-back behavior updated to official
-Storm Gust was not pushing mobs as per the official mechanic (randomly) as it was pushing one cell backwards.
-Each of Storm Gust's units will knock back "Away from center"
-As units in the south-west are processed first, the knock-back direction will usually be north-east
-At the edges the knock-back direction will be "to the outside"
-Land Protector and Ganbantein will influence the knock-back behavior strongly, e.g. if Storm Gust has a hole in the middle, it will have a "suck in" effect
-Added a config option for those who want the old "random direction" behavior from eAthena - Fire Pillar fixes
-Fire Pillar can no longer hit plants.
-Fixed damage formular. - Magnum Break damage fixed
-The 20% fire damage bonus now only applies if the base damage is at least 1.
-Targets two cells away will now only take 100%+10%*level damage. - Hindsight, Song/Dance Effect fixes
-Fixed Hindsight often casting level 0 of a skill when the selected auto-skill was of level 2.
-Fixed song and dance effects staying forever on the screen if the bard / dancer walked out of sight. - Gravitational Field will now work as official servers
-Fixed range of Ganbantein (16->14) and Gravitational Field (9->14)
-Gravitational Field never misses and can hit hidden targets
-Similar to Pressure the damage can not be increased or decreased by any means, it even hits GTB users and users protected by Devotion/Sacrifice
-You can no longer do normal attacks while the skill is active
-You now can use skills while the skill is active, however, other skills are unable to deal any damage as long as Gravitational Field is active
-Added the possibility to link different skill unit groups together; if a skill unit group gets deleted, the linked skill unit groups are deleted as well;
--this was needed because when being hit, all Gravitational Fields of the person being hit need to be removed.
-Gravitational Field can no longer overlap with itself - Pressure and Gravitational Field will now be considered "physical normal attacks" and can consequently trigger Autospells; unlike manually cast spells, Autospells can deal damage while Gravitational Field is active
- Poison and edp poison now give proper exp to caster vs mobs.
- Added some missing SC bonuses from skills & fixed others.