

  • Control Panel -> Charaktere -> Den Char auswählen -> dort den Style resetten.

  • Du kannst den Style im CP zurücksetzen: Dazu auf der Homepage mit dem entsprechenden Account einloggen, dann:

  • Da ich keine ahnung habe wie man hier einen bugreport schreibt mache ich das hier. Beim Stylisten ist eine Frisur verbugt die das game abstürzenläst. Das zieht sich durch bis zum Login das der char die Frisur annimmt nach dem crash. lösst direkt den nächsten crash aus.

  • Für das Türchen mit dem hüpfenden Monster mit der Weihnachtsmütze. Abgabe wird auf 17.12 verlängert. Ich bin wirklich davon ausgegangen es spawnt regulär im Toy Factory 😅 sorry

  • Das Türchen heute öffnet sich aus privaten Gründen erst morgen. Tut mir leid

  • Auf der Homepage mit dem Ingame Account einloggen. Dann im Control Panel auf Charaktere -> den Char auswählen und dort dann den Style resetten. ^^

  • Gast#8848

    Moin Moin , ich wollte bei mein charackter die haare stylen und habe einen sprite error bekommen und kann auch nicht mehr einloggen...^^ wie kann ich das fixen ?

  • :heh:

  • eben eingeloggt und stehe in geffen vor dem shop. Somit war wohl nicht der .go pay die ursache? aber naja das Laufen in den shop ja wohl auch nicht xDD vllt muss sich der server erst an meine gottlosen onlinezeiten gewöhnen^^

  • Sorry Leute xD

  • Server läuft erstmal wieder... aber .go pay als Crash- Ursache? Ich weiß ja nicht... war noch jemand online und hat irgendwas getan? ^^"

  • wtf? wie zum... o.o"

  • der server istn icht tot, aber der map-server ist abgeraucht xD pöses Odi :P

  • Wenn ich mich anmelde und meinen char auswähle kommt: failled to connect to server

  • server tot ?

  • Tut mir echt Leid, ich hab ihn wieder gecrasht... Hab in Geffen Blue Gems gekauft und danach .go pay eingetippt... und bin nie in Payon angekommen -.-" Sorry (mit RK Sir Odium)

  • Wow, cool Vielen Dank!!

  • Korrigiere nochmal, da der Server gerade leer war, ist der Fix nun übernommen, Crash sollte nichtmehr vorkommen.. ^^

  • Korrigiere, Ursache gefunden und Fix bereits vorbereitet ^^"

  • hm... also ich bin jetzt auf dem Testserver ne Weile im Dewata 2 unterwegs und kann bisher keine Probleme/Crashes feststellen... Mit welcher Class und ggf. welchen Skills hast du dort was gefarmt? ^^"

  • Läuft wieder, Ursache bislang unbekannt... ^^"

  • Ich glaube ich hab den Server abgeschossen...^^ sry. Bin nicht sicher was passiert ist, hab in Dewata 2 gefarmt ;(

  • Yuno ist ab sofort wieder zugänglich, bitte patchen ^^

  • Ich werd verrückt das is ja sau cool. Danke

  • dann geh mal in Control Panel und dort dann auf Characters. danach Character auswählen und auf reset potion klicken

    • Neu
    • Offizieller Beitrag


    • Corrected RAG203 [1] item price & also corrected item id in Rebellion Weapons shop.
    • No cell stacking implemented (official version).
      -Split config cell_stack_limit into custom_cell_stack_limit (previous feature) and official_cell_stack_limit (see below)
      -Expanded map_count_oncell by a flag parameter, currently only one flag is supported: only count standing units (needed for official cell stack feature)
      -Added a new function map_closest_freecell that will return the closest free cell using the same order that official servers use
      -Monsters will now actively search for a free cell when starting to walk randomly and when unlocking target
      -When any unit finishes walking (regularly) and is not on a free cell, it will now actively search for a free cell
      -Step actions will be delayed until a suitable cell was found, they will even be executed when the player walked slightly out of attack range
    • Fixed Snap dodge bug.
    • Fixed misc issues with traps:
      -if Hunter traps expire it will now return either Booby Trap or Alloy Trap depending on item used.
      -update list of skills that can hit/damage/affect traps.
      -damage through skills can now be shown when hitting traps.
      -proper knock back behaviors
      -proper animation when triggers and triggering of item bonus script 'bHPDrainRate'
    • Fixed weapon check in dual wielding where it doesn't function properly specially in checking with the dual-wield constants.
    • Added a missing check to pc_checkjoblevelup.
      -Before it was possible to get a joblevel above max limit in some cases.
    • Fixed an issue with Sealed Shrine and NPC_INVINCIBLEOFF and NPC_INVINCIBLE.
    • Fixed skill_weaponrefine function to only allow refinement up to +10.
    • 'bautospellonskill' should now work properly.
    • After casting skills it should now check for the path if it is ok to execute same as official behavior.
    • Now caster should not hit/chase target between an obstacle same as official behavior.
    • Fixed Enriched White PotionZs (#12428) bonus script.
    • Castend now also checks if the required weapon matches, fixing any possible exploits where a character manages to change weapon during cast/animation (e.g. sonic blow).
    • Small improvement in case someone uses logarithmic drops with 1x rate, saving a few ms on start in that case.
    • Misc. fixes & cleaning.
    • Fix a map crash when an unconditional_skill GM casts Tetra Vortex with less than 4 spheres.
    • Live vendor data is now stored in SQL.
    • Added support for clif_parse_dull.
      -It is a placeholder for unsupported incoming packets (avoids DCs).
      -Also did some cleaning in packet_db.
      -Fixes 2013-12-23+ clients from disconnecting after executing /limitedsale command.
    • Improved the Waterball implementation
      -The interval between Waterballs is now 150ms (previously 125ms); due to the timer interval it will alternate between 140ms and 160ms (yes, this is official)
      -While the Waterball effect is active, players and non-boss monsters can no longer walk
      -Added a server-sided canact delay each time a Waterball is shot, which is equal to the one the client gives; this is to prevent hackers from being able to mass-cast Waterball; you can still multi-cast Waterball if your aMotion is shorter
      - than the Waterball interval (i.e. 186 ASPD or higher)
      -The Waterball effect is no longer canceled when the target hides behind an obstacle, but no waterballs will fly and no damage will be applied; walkdelay will remain, but there won't be any canact delay for the caster (meaning he can cast
      - another spell); if the target comes out of its cover during the duration, it will be hit again (this also fixes an exploit against MVPs)
      -Waterball now has a max duration of 10 seconds, even if more water cells are available, the effect will stop; this means that level 10 monster water ball will now only hit up to 67 times
    • Fixed Crimson Fire Formation having a knock-back effect although it shouldn't.
      -It will hit once every 20ms with no knock-back, regardless of whether the target is undead, non-undead or a player
    • Fixed a bug where Storm Gust and other miscellaneous skills were not sending the packets to the client; prior to this revision, if you used, SG for example, you wouldn't see the mobs push until you @refresh.
    • Added full support for ALL_PARTYFLEE skill.
    • Updated Chemical Protection skills to its official behavior.
    • Fixed a missing null pointer check on NC_MAGNETICFIELD.
    • Wug rider may no longer be used on rangers with a falcon.
    • Fixed Bard/Dancer songs duration exploit.
    • Warp Portal will now cease to function after warping first user if its target is the same point where it was casted.
    • HT_REMOVETRAP now shows a skill fail message when it fails.
    • If you stand on a warp portal with chat room, after you close it you will now be warped properly.
    • Fixed an animation problem when casting skills.
    • Fixed wizard sightblaster skill which was not knocking back traps.
    • Fixed soul linker Swoo(Eswoo) skill to make proper application of stun to caster and target when the second is shrunkened.
    • Fixed Spider Web and other trap skills not working correctly.
    • Icewall stacking update
      -If you now cast Icewall on an existing ice wall cell, the duration (HP) will no longer be refreshed
      -If casting Icewall doesn't change any cell, there won't be a skill animation/sound anymore (SP will still be consumed)
    • Land Protector now behaves like on official servers
      -Land Protector now protects from units being placed on it, no matter if they have splash range or not
      -Land Protector no longer protects from damage from units not outside Land Protector that splash inside
      -Meteor Storm no longer shows meteors falling if they would land on Land Protector
      -Pneuma can no longer be placed next to Land Protector
      -Also cleaned up the code a bit, so the checks are done where they should be done
    • Ground skill splash ranges updated to their official values
      -Lord of Vermilion places units in a 11x11 area with 3x3 splash range each
      -Storm Gust places units in a 9x9 area with 3x3 splash range each
      -Heaven's Drive places units in a 5x5 area with no splash range
      -Venom Dust now has a splash range of 3x3 and is consequently larger than before
    • Storm Gust's knock-back behavior updated to official
      -Storm Gust was not pushing mobs as per the official mechanic (randomly) as it was pushing one cell backwards.
      -Each of Storm Gust's units will knock back "Away from center"
      -As units in the south-west are processed first, the knock-back direction will usually be north-east
      -At the edges the knock-back direction will be "to the outside"
      -Land Protector and Ganbantein will influence the knock-back behavior strongly, e.g. if Storm Gust has a hole in the middle, it will have a "suck in" effect
      -Added a config option for those who want the old "random direction" behavior from eAthena
    • Fire Pillar fixes
      -Fire Pillar can no longer hit plants.
      -Fixed damage formular.
    • Magnum Break damage fixed
      -The 20% fire damage bonus now only applies if the base damage is at least 1.
      -Targets two cells away will now only take 100%+10%*level damage.
    • Hindsight, Song/Dance Effect fixes
      -Fixed Hindsight often casting level 0 of a skill when the selected auto-skill was of level 2.
      -Fixed song and dance effects staying forever on the screen if the bard / dancer walked out of sight.
    • Gravitational Field will now work as official servers
      -Fixed range of Ganbantein (16->14) and Gravitational Field (9->14)
      -Gravitational Field never misses and can hit hidden targets
      -Similar to Pressure the damage can not be increased or decreased by any means, it even hits GTB users and users protected by Devotion/Sacrifice
      -You can no longer do normal attacks while the skill is active
      -You now can use skills while the skill is active, however, other skills are unable to deal any damage as long as Gravitational Field is active
      -Added the possibility to link different skill unit groups together; if a skill unit group gets deleted, the linked skill unit groups are deleted as well;
      --this was needed because when being hit, all Gravitational Fields of the person being hit need to be removed.
      -Gravitational Field can no longer overlap with itself
    • Pressure and Gravitational Field will now be considered "physical normal attacks" and can consequently trigger Autospells; unlike manually cast spells, Autospells can deal damage while Gravitational Field is active
    • Poison and edp poison now give proper exp to caster vs mobs.
    • Added some missing SC bonuses from skills & fixed others.

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