

  • Auf der Homepage mit dem Ingame Account einloggen. Dann im Control Panel auf Charaktere -> den Char auswählen und dort dann den Style resetten. ^^

  • Gast#8848

    Moin Moin , ich wollte bei mein charackter die haare stylen und habe einen sprite error bekommen und kann auch nicht mehr einloggen...^^ wie kann ich das fixen ?

  • :heh:

  • eben eingeloggt und stehe in geffen vor dem shop. Somit war wohl nicht der .go pay die ursache? aber naja das Laufen in den shop ja wohl auch nicht xDD vllt muss sich der server erst an meine gottlosen onlinezeiten gewöhnen^^

  • Sorry Leute xD

  • Server läuft erstmal wieder... aber .go pay als Crash- Ursache? Ich weiß ja nicht... war noch jemand online und hat irgendwas getan? ^^"

  • wtf? wie zum... o.o"

  • der server istn icht tot, aber der map-server ist abgeraucht xD pöses Odi :P

  • Wenn ich mich anmelde und meinen char auswähle kommt: failled to connect to server

  • server tot ?

  • Tut mir echt Leid, ich hab ihn wieder gecrasht... Hab in Geffen Blue Gems gekauft und danach .go pay eingetippt... und bin nie in Payon angekommen -.-" Sorry (mit RK Sir Odium)

  • Wow, cool Vielen Dank!!

  • Korrigiere nochmal, da der Server gerade leer war, ist der Fix nun übernommen, Crash sollte nichtmehr vorkommen.. ^^

  • Korrigiere, Ursache gefunden und Fix bereits vorbereitet ^^"

  • hm... also ich bin jetzt auf dem Testserver ne Weile im Dewata 2 unterwegs und kann bisher keine Probleme/Crashes feststellen... Mit welcher Class und ggf. welchen Skills hast du dort was gefarmt? ^^"

  • Läuft wieder, Ursache bislang unbekannt... ^^"

  • Ich glaube ich hab den Server abgeschossen...^^ sry. Bin nicht sicher was passiert ist, hab in Dewata 2 gefarmt ;(

  • Yuno ist ab sofort wieder zugänglich, bitte patchen ^^

  • Ich werd verrückt das is ja sau cool. Danke

  • dann geh mal in Control Panel und dort dann auf Characters. danach Character auswählen und auf reset potion klicken

  • Man könnte sagen meine Poppel kleben in Yuno fest... :D

  • Gast#6311

    2 meiner chars hängen in yuno wegen c3dworldress unsupported error :(

  • Gast#6311

    oh mann ... ja habs selbst auch rausgefunden... man muss weiblich sein. Ich bin aber genderfluid!.... wie unfair

  • Kann ich dir so ohne weitere Infos auch nicht sagen, vermutlich erfüllst du irgend eine Voraussetzung nicht... Ist der Char weiblich? ^^

  • Gast#25a6

    Warum kann man Ribbon mit Slot nicht anziehen?

  • Server:

    • *Updated rune ores to give official success chance increase.
    • *Added the KG_KAGEMUSYA / Shadow Warrior skill.
      -The success chance of double attacking will take higher priority over the Thief's Double Attack skill, but only if Shadow Warrior's success chance is higher then Double Attack's success chance. Thats if the player has learned the Double Attack skill.

      -The map and cords the skill warps the caster to is now official.

    • *WL_COMET
      -Is now blockable by Land Protector

      -Fixed a issue where the damage wasnt being reduced by the enemy's DEF and VIT DEF
      -Skill changed to weapon type attack. This change was needed to allow damage to be reduceable by DEF and VIT DEF. Even tho its set as weapon type, ATK will not affect the damage. Skill was also changed to forced neutral element due to its high possible damage. Its very likely forced neutral on official.

      -Fixed a issue where the status would give a HIT increase and interfere with the HIT increase from other skills.
      -Now increases DEF / MDEF.
      -Now fully blocks ranged attacks.

    • *Kagerou/Oboro Skills
      -All database entrys were updated to official settings. (As official as I can get right now)
      -Required items updated. Not all of the items are in the item db yet, but will be soon.

    • *Added all Kagerou/Oboro items and exclusive equips.
      -Equip's defense were balanced out for pre-renewal mechanics.
      -Not all bonuses are coded in yet. Precoded bonuses were taken from rAthena.
      -Prices on equips is temporarly until I can get the official prices.
      -Special Shirukens and Kunais were added as well.

    • *The list of skills in the magic mushroom trigger list was updated to official.
      -Fixed a issue where damage increase from INT only increased in multiples of 8 instead of per point.

      -Stun duration updated to the normal 5 seconds.

    • *AB_JUDEX
      -Damage formula updated.

      -Damage increase from EDP has been disabled for these skills. This adds on to the other few skills that had their effect with EDP disabled due to balance issues.
      -Once the side part for EDP is coded, these skills will be enabled to allow EDP to increase their damage again, but in a renewal way.

      -Fixed a issue where the caster could still be attacked by targets inflected with the status.

      -Updated the success and resistance formula.
      -Added the duration reduction formula.

    • Cross Impact and Counter Slash and the damage is increased in a renewal EDP way. This doesn't affect assassin skills in any way.
      -Fixed a issue where some of the debuffs weren't being removed.
      -Note: Their's still a bug where you can't use the runes while in stun, stone, frozen, sleep, etc. status.

      -Fixed a suspected issue where the status would prevent use of Mercenary potions.
      -Status should prevent use of items on yourself or others, but don't know about mercenary's.

    • *Added and updated some items.
      -Corrected the weight on Light of El Dicastes and Guardian's Pendant.
      -Added complete support for the 5 Eclage items that give or use skills.
      -Added the Promise Bible's Vol's 1 and 2. DEF is balanced out for pre-renewal as usual.
      -Odin's Recall ring now gives the Odin's Recall skill.
      -Ahura Mazdah now gives access to the Eclage status cures skills on the skill window.

    • *All rune stones are now assigned to the cooldown of the skills they cast.
    • *Corrected the name of 2 of the runes
    • *Eclage status cure items are coded to have a reuse delay equal to the cooldown of the skill each one of them casts.
      -The rune used to cast the skill is now properly set to follow Storm Blast's cooldown.

      -Enemy players and monsters can no longer use player targeted skills on targets with the Camouflage status active.

      -Added full support for these skills.
      -Odin's Recall appears on the skill window when Odin's Recall is worn.
      -Odin's Power appears on the skill window when Bible Of Promise Vol1 or Vol2 is worn.
      -Snow Flip, Peony Mamy, Sadagui, and Sequoia Dust are item skills triggered by using their items.
      -Ahura Mazdah is customized to give access to these 4 item skills in the skill window.

    • *Ranger and Genetic traps will no longer hurt allies in WoE areas.
      -They will also no longer have their duration times increased in WoE areas.

    • *Added translated skill names for Kagerou/Oboro skills to the skill_db.
    • *Added pre-support to a number of Kagerou/Oboro skills.
      -This support makes casting, skill, and status animations work and sets the base needed for these kinds of skills. This doesen't mean the skills do their effects yet.

      -Now displays a status icon after use.
      -The icon acts as a alert to let you know your SP is not recovering.

    • *KO_MEIKYOUSISUI / Clear Meditation;KO_IZAYOI / 16th Night;KG_KAGEHUMI / Shadow Hold
      -Added full support for these skills.

    • *Added full support for the attribute spheres system.
    • *KO_KAHU_ENTEN / Fire Seal - Scorching Fire;KO_HYOUHU_HUBUKI / Water Seal - Snow Storm;KO_KAZEHU_SEIRAN / Wind Seal - Turbulent Wind;KO_DOHU_KOUKAI / Earth Seal - Steel
      -Added pre-support and additional coding.
      -The skills will summon the different attribute sphere's properly and with its proper limits.
      -The sphere's will however not have any effect on the player until a later update is completed.

      -Due to a balancing issue caused by not having all the facts, single target skills will be temporarily allowed to hit players in the camouflage status.
      -According to a bug fix note on official servers at the end of August 2012, a bug was fixed that prevented a player from using the skill again to turn off the camouflage.
      -To allow turning on/off the status means their's a reason for this to be allowed.

      -HP for the FAW's have been greatly increased.
      -The change is temp and is set to be the HP given by a level 150 Mechanic, with 120 stats, job level 50, and using the max skill level with nothing equipt. This is calculated using HP formula's found in official iRO documents.

    • *KO_KAIHOU / Release Seals
      -Added full support for the skill.

    • *Guillotine Cross poison system updated.
      -Fixed a issue where all skills would give a chance of inflecting the poison on the target.
      -Fixed a issue where poison durations weren't being reduced by players VIT or LUK.
      -Fixed a issue where Oblivion's Curse's success chance wasn't being applied properly.
      -Fixed a issue where Oblivion's Curse duration was being incorrectly reduced.
      -Fixed a issue where Oblivion's Curse duration timer was incorrectly displayed.
      -Fixed a issue where poisons were stackable on enemy's.
      -Fixed a issue where poisons durations were resetable / extendable.
      -The Guillotine Cross poisons will now follow these behaviors....
      -Guillotine Cross poisons can now only infect a enemy though regular attacks, or using the skills Venom Pressure or Poison Smoke. Other skills will not infect enemys with poisons.
      -The caster can now replace the old poison on his weapon with a new one through poisoning weapon.
      -Duration for the poisons are now all 300 seconds and can now be reduced with VIT and LUK.
      -Sucess chance of infecting targets with the poison depends on if your regular attacking or using the skill Venom Pressure or Poison Smoke.
      -If using Oblivion Curse poison, a 2nd success chance will be applied if the 1st success chance triggers. Oblivion's Curse's success is reduceable with INT.
      -Poisons are no longer stackable on a enemy target. A enemy can only be infected with one poison at a time and can't be infected with another until the old poison wears out.
      -Poison durations can't be extend and will continue to count down until it wears off.

      -Fixed a issue where trying to apply a new poison wouldn't replace the old poison with the new one.

      -Fixed a issue where the damage was affected by the caster's weapon, elemental, and race cards.

      -Fixed a issue where unequipting a weapon would end the status.

    • *Added support for the costume system.
      -The system currently has full support for headgears, but does not have support for garment items....yet.

    • *Updated the itemlist command to list equips equipped in the costume item slots.
    • *Added full support for costume robes.
  • Server:

    • *Updated rune ores to give official success chance increase.
    • *Added the KG_KAGEMUSYA / Shadow Warrior skill.
      -The success chance of double attacking will take higher priority over the Thief's Double Attack skill, but only if Shadow Warrior's success chance is higher then Double Attack's success chance. Thats if the player has learned the Double Attack skill.

      -The map and cords the skill warps the caster to is now official.

    • *WL_COMET
      -Is now blockable by Land Protector

      -Fixed a issue where the damage wasnt being reduced by the enemy's DEF and VIT DEF
      -Skill changed to weapon type attack. This change was needed to allow damage to be reduceable by DEF and VIT DEF. Even tho its set as weapon type, ATK will not affect the damage. Skill was also changed to forced neutral element due to its high possible damage. Its very likely forced neutral on official.

      -Fixed a issue where the status would give a HIT increase and interfere with the HIT increase from other skills.
      -Now increases DEF / MDEF.
      -Now fully blocks ranged attacks.

    • *Kagerou/Oboro Skills
      -All database entrys were updated to official settings. (As official as I can get right now)
      -Required items updated. Not all of the items are in the item db yet, but will be soon.

    • *Added all Kagerou/Oboro items and exclusive equips.
      -Equip's defense were balanced out for pre-renewal mechanics.
      -Not all bonuses are coded in yet. Precoded bonuses were taken from rAthena.
      -Prices on equips is temporarly until I can get the official prices.
      -Special Shirukens and Kunais were added as well.

    • *The list of skills in the magic mushroom trigger list was updated to official.
      -Fixed a issue where damage increase from INT only increased in multiples of 8 instead of per point.

      -Stun duration updated to the normal 5 seconds.

    • *AB_JUDEX
      -Damage formula updated.

      -Damage increase from EDP has been disabled for these skills. This adds on to the other few skills that had their effect with EDP disabled due to balance issues.
      -Once the side part for EDP is coded, these skills will be enabled to allow EDP to increase their damage again, but in a renewal way.

      -Fixed a issue where the caster could still be attacked by targets inflected with the status.

      -Updated the success and resistance formula.
      -Added the duration reduction formula.

    • Cross Impact and Counter Slash and the damage is increased in a renewal EDP way. This doesn't affect assassin skills in any way.
      -Fixed a issue where some of the debuffs weren't being removed.
      -Note: Their's still a bug where you can't use the runes while in stun, stone, frozen, sleep, etc. status.

      -Fixed a suspected issue where the status would prevent use of Mercenary potions.
      -Status should prevent use of items on yourself or others, but don't know about mercenary's.

    • *Added and updated some items.
      -Corrected the weight on Light of El Dicastes and Guardian's Pendant.
      -Added complete support for the 5 Eclage items that give or use skills.
      -Added the Promise Bible's Vol's 1 and 2. DEF is balanced out for pre-renewal as usual.
      -Odin's Recall ring now gives the Odin's Recall skill.
      -Ahura Mazdah now gives access to the Eclage status cures skills on the skill window.

    • *All rune stones are now assigned to the cooldown of the skills they cast.
    • *Corrected the name of 2 of the runes
    • *Eclage status cure items are coded to have a reuse delay equal to the cooldown of the skill each one of them casts.
      -The rune used to cast the skill is now properly set to follow Storm Blast's cooldown.

      -Enemy players and monsters can no longer use player targeted skills on targets with the Camouflage status active.

      -Added full support for these skills.
      -Odin's Recall appears on the skill window when Odin's Recall is worn.
      -Odin's Power appears on the skill window when Bible Of Promise Vol1 or Vol2 is worn.
      -Snow Flip, Peony Mamy, Sadagui, and Sequoia Dust are item skills triggered by using their items.
      -Ahura Mazdah is customized to give access to these 4 item skills in the skill window.

    • *Ranger and Genetic traps will no longer hurt allies in WoE areas.
      -They will also no longer have their duration times increased in WoE areas.

    • *Added translated skill names for Kagerou/Oboro skills to the skill_db.
    • *Added pre-support to a number of Kagerou/Oboro skills.
      -This support makes casting, skill, and status animations work and sets the base needed for these kinds of skills. This doesen't mean the skills do their effects yet.

      -Now displays a status icon after use.
      -The icon acts as a alert to let you know your SP is not recovering.

    • *KO_MEIKYOUSISUI / Clear Meditation;KO_IZAYOI / 16th Night;KG_KAGEHUMI / Shadow Hold
      -Added full support for these skills.

    • *Added full support for the attribute spheres system.
    • *KO_KAHU_ENTEN / Fire Seal - Scorching Fire;KO_HYOUHU_HUBUKI / Water Seal - Snow Storm;KO_KAZEHU_SEIRAN / Wind Seal - Turbulent Wind;KO_DOHU_KOUKAI / Earth Seal - Steel
      -Added pre-support and additional coding.
      -The skills will summon the different attribute sphere's properly and with its proper limits.
      -The sphere's will however not have any effect on the player until a later update is completed.

      -Due to a balancing issue caused by not having all the facts, single target skills will be temporarily allowed to hit players in the camouflage status.
      -According to a bug fix note on official servers at the end of August 2012, a bug was fixed that prevented a player from using the skill again to turn off the camouflage.
      -To allow turning on/off the status means their's a reason for this to be allowed.

      -HP for the FAW's have been greatly increased.
      -The change is temp and is set to be the HP given by a level 150 Mechanic, with 120 stats, job level 50, and using the max skill level with nothing equipt. This is calculated using HP formula's found in official iRO documents.

    • *KO_KAIHOU / Release Seals
      -Added full support for the skill.

    • *Guillotine Cross poison system updated.
      -Fixed a issue where all skills would give a chance of inflecting the poison on the target.
      -Fixed a issue where poison durations weren't being reduced by players VIT or LUK.
      -Fixed a issue where Oblivion's Curse's success chance wasn't being applied properly.
      -Fixed a issue where Oblivion's Curse duration was being incorrectly reduced.
      -Fixed a issue where Oblivion's Curse duration timer was incorrectly displayed.
      -Fixed a issue where poisons were stackable on enemy's.
      -Fixed a issue where poisons durations were resetable / extendable.
      -The Guillotine Cross poisons will now follow these behaviors....
      -Guillotine Cross poisons can now only infect a enemy though regular attacks, or using the skills Venom Pressure or Poison Smoke. Other skills will not infect enemys with poisons.
      -The caster can now replace the old poison on his weapon with a new one through poisoning weapon.
      -Duration for the poisons are now all 300 seconds and can now be reduced with VIT and LUK.
      -Sucess chance of infecting targets with the poison depends on if your regular attacking or using the skill Venom Pressure or Poison Smoke.
      -If using Oblivion Curse poison, a 2nd success chance will be applied if the 1st success chance triggers. Oblivion's Curse's success is reduceable with INT.
      -Poisons are no longer stackable on a enemy target. A enemy can only be infected with one poison at a time and can't be infected with another until the old poison wears out.
      -Poison durations can't be extend and will continue to count down until it wears off.

      -Fixed a issue where trying to apply a new poison wouldn't replace the old poison with the new one.

      -Fixed a issue where the damage was affected by the caster's weapon, elemental, and race cards.

      -Fixed a issue where unequipting a weapon would end the status.

    • *Added support for the costume system.
      -The system currently has full support for headgears, but does not have support for garment items....yet.

    • *Updated the itemlist command to list equips equipped in the costume item slots.
    • *Added full support for costume robes.

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