Throw Zeny

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Throw Zeny.png Throw Zeny Skill Info
No detail image
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 50
Cast Delay: 5
Target: Foe
Range: 9 cells
Catalyst: Zeny
(Ninja) Dagger Throwing Practice Lv.10, Throw Huuma Shuriken Lv.5


Throw money at a target to inflict an amount of DEF piercing damage equal to the amount of zeny spent in the attack. Its damage is reduced against Boss monsters and in PvP.

Level Zeny Spent
1 500~1000
2 1000~2000
3 1500~3000
4 2000~4000
5 2500~5000
6 3000~6000
7 3500~7000
8 4000~8000
9 4500~9000
10 5000~10000