Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti

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Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti.png Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti Skill Info
No detail image
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 20 + 10*2
Cast Time: None
Cast Delay: N/A
Duration: (Skill Level*40) seconds
Target: Ground
Area: 3x3
Element: Holy
(Priest) Aspersio Lv. 5, Gloria Lv. 3


Endows the Holy property on the armor within a 3*3 cell area for this skill's duration. 2 Acolyte class type characters need to be next to the caster, on either side in a straight horizontal line (default camera view), in order for B.S. Sacramenti to be cast. Requires 20 SP to cast, and drains 10 SP from both of Acolyte-class characters. Undead and Demon monsters within the range of this skill will be damaged by the Holy property at half of your Heal amount.

Level 1 2 3 4 5
Duration 40 sec 80 sec 120 sec 160 sec 200 sec


  • Full name: Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti. (Translation: Benediction of the most Sacred Sacrament.)
  • Even though B.S Sacramenti requires you to have 2 Acolyte-classes next to you, the skill will still work even if they are hidden, dead, not in the same guild and unpartied. The only requirement is for them to be next to you in a horizontal line.
  • The skill will fail if any of the acolytes has under 10 SP
  • Cannot be cast on Magnetic Earth
  • Can be cast using Game Master instead of Acolyte-class character.
  • Unequipping armor doesn't cancel this skill, so elemental armor is rendered useless when under the skill's effects.