WARNING: Be careful when initiating conversations with the NPCs while there are monsters around. The dialogues are lengthy at some points and may give enough time to allow for some monsters to walk-in on unsuspecting players.
Main Quest
- Go to Geffen and make your way to Geffen Dungeon 2 (gef_dun01). Once there, talk to Grimm (/navi gef_dun01 132/223).
- Father Grimm is holding on to an ancient notebook
- Talk to Gem (/navi gef_d01_i 113/230). She will ask you to find Jojo and Jubilee.
- Go to the east side of the map and find Jubilee (/navi gef_d01_i 250/164).
- Head to the center then walk a bit southwest to find Bomi (/navi gef_d01_i 81/135). She will ask you to hunt down 5 Neon Mushrooms and 5 Matt Drainliars to collect 10 Mushroom Saps and 10 Sticky Bloods. After you do her request, she will tell you the location of Jojo. The Mushroom Sap and Sticky Blood will automatically appear in your inventory after killing Neon Mushrooms and Matt Drainliars. The Neon Mushroom will self-destruct and possibly one shot you, try to kill it as fast as you can.
- Head to the southeast section of the map. Find a gazebo. You'll find King (bat sprite), Dracula, and Jojo (hooded Wizard sprite) (/navi gef_d01_i 190/96). King will tell you to go check on Bomi.
- After checking back on Bomi, go back to Gem (/navi gef_d01_i 113/230). She will send you back to Grimm.
- Report your finding to Grimm (/navi gef_dun01 132/223). He will reward you with 5 Illusion Stone, 2,000,000 Base Exp, and 2,000,000 Job Exp. You can now start doing the daily quest from here.
Daily Quests
Tip: Some quest items will automatically appear in your inventory as long as you have the quest active. Get all the quests at once before you start hunting to maximize the item drops.
Send the Dead Back to Earth
- Sister Gem wants you to put the restless dead back to rest
- Talk to Sister Gem (/navi gef_d01_i 113/230). She will ask you for help in putting some Restless Dead back to rest.
- Kill 10 of each of the 3 types of Restless Dead (Small, Fast, and Big) and go back to Sister Gem. She will reward you with 1
Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)
Sweet Dreams
- Antoin is curious about the Sweet Nightmares
- Talk to Antoine (/navi gef_d01_i 113/230). He will ask you to kill Sweet Nightmare and collect Wavy Mane.
- Hunt down 10 Sweet Nightmare and collect 20 Wavy Mane, then return back to Antoine. He will reward you with 1
Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)
Unreliable Fake Blood
- Bomi is very curious
- Bomi (/navi gef_d01_i 81/135) needs help brewing more fake blood to drink. She will ask you to hunt 5 Matt Drainliar and pick 5 Neon Mushroom, as well as collect 10 pcs of Mushroom Sap and 10 pcs of Sticky Blood.
- After hunting the monsters and collecting all the items, return to Bomi. She will then reward you with 1
Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP).
- Note: As Bomi mentioned before, the fake blood is crude and she must not drink too much of it. This quest may result in the spawning of the illusion dungeon's bosses. More details in the Illusion MVP Summoning section below.
Curious by Nature
- Mojo wants to explore the notebook!
- Talk to Mojo and she will ask you to bring back some items from inside notebook so she may study them. Father Grimm will also ask you to put to rest some Restless Dead while you're at it.
- Hunt down 10 Restless Dead and gather 10 Dried Yggdrasil Leaves and 10 Suspicious Pentacles from inside the notebook.
- Return to Father Grimm and Mojo and they will reward you with 1
Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)
Studying in Dim Light
- Jojo wants better lighting
- Talk to Jojo (/navi gef_d01_i 190/96) who is having trouble studying in the dim light.
- He asks you to collect 10 Clusters of Nightmares from Sweet Nightmare and 10 Shining Spores from Neon Mushroom so he can fashion himself a make-shift light source.
- Return to Jojo and he will reward you with 1
Illusion Stone, 500,000 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)
Noisy Neighbors
- King just needs some peace and quiet
- Talk to King (/navi gef_d01_i 190/96) who is finding it hard to stand the noisy chirping and flapping from his lesser bat-brethren.
- He asks you to "silence" atleast 10 Matt Drainliars and collect 20 Short Bat Hair so that he can make a warm cape for Jojo.
- Return to him after you complete the tasks to be rewarded with 1
Illusion Stone, 500 Base Exp, and 500,000 Job Exp. (750,000 base, 1,500,000 job for VIP)
Illusion Gear
- This guy is a great merchant
The Great Merchant (/navi gef_dun01 ?/?) near Father Grimm and Mojo can trade you some illusion gears.
To trade, bring him a base item pre-refined to +9, some Illusion Stones and other crafting ingredients obtained from the dungeon.
Warning: Any existing upgrade levels, cards, and enchants on the base item will be lost during crafting.
- Main article: Illusion Dungeon Enchants
Monsters List
- Black Neon Mushrooms may explode after taking damage. Some precaution should be taken as the damage they deal is strong enough to knockout even high-level players.
Illusion MVP Summoning
When the total number of successful turn-ins for Unreliable Fake Blood (Bomi's Daily Quest) across the whole server reaches 30, the illusion dungeon bosses will be encountered.
- Bomi will be intoxicated from drinking too much fake blood and lose control. She'll begin to attack the player.
- Subduing Bomi will enrage Dracula and cause him to attack the player next.