Kagerou & Oboro Job Change Guide

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Kagerou & Oboro Job Change Guide
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 70
Class: Ninja
Item(s) (Consumed): ?? Iron Ore, ?? Iron, ?? Steel, ?? Rough Oridecon, ?? Rough Elunium
Item(s): Kurenai -OR- Huuma Shadow
Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Kagerou -OR- Oboro

Starting the Quest

  1. Return to the Ninja's guild in Amatsu. As you enter the secret passageway, you will overhear a conversation.
  2. Locate the Wall with a Drawing (21,76) (behind Master Armor Craftman) in the main area of the Ninja's guild. Choose to touch the drawing with your hand.
  3. In this new room, talk to the Old Man. Choose "I am a ninja" when able.
  4. Continue to talk to Old Man until you have the choice to ask for his teaching. You will be teleported back to Amatsu.
  5. Return to the Old Man and speak to him again. Ask about each of his four tests.
  6. Talk to the old man again. You are able to select one of three tests.

Test of Knowledge

You will be sent to a room with Cougar, the Ninja instructor. You will be asked 10 questions and must get at least 9 right.

You will receive 10 random questions from the list below:

Question Answer
What is the attack effect for Haze Slasher level 4? 140%
How many hits does a Throw Kunai give to a monster? 3 times
Which of the following correctly matches material needed to make a Icicle Kunai? 8 Nimbus Shuriken, 2 Ice Stones
You are creating a weapon for huge monsters. What is the best card to use? Minorous Card
What is the basic attack range for Throw Shuriken? 9 Blocks
What is not the effect you get after reaching the STR status? Magic attack increase
What is not the effect you get after reaching the AGI status? Accuracy increase
What is not the effect you get after reaching the VIT status? Attack increase
What is not the effect you get after reaching the INT status? Staff attack increase
What is not the effect you get after reaching the DEX status? Evasion increase
What is not the effect you get after reaching the LUK status? Accuracy increase
How much money is used for Throw Coins level 6? 3000 ~ 6000
Which of the following Kunai will give the most damage to the ground property monster, Porcellio? Heat Wave Kunai
How long is the effect time for the Watery Evasion level 7 skill? 45 seconds
What is the attack range when you master Flip Tatami? 3
What is the maximum moving range of Shadow Leap? 9
What weapon cannot be made by the blacksmith Khaibara? Huuma Wing Shuriken
What level do you have to be in Dagger Throwing Practice in order to learn the Throw Coins skill? 10
Which of the following is not an effect of the Watery Evasion skill? VIT decrease
What is the highest job level for a Ninja? 70
What is the property of the Lightning Jolt? Wind
How much does STR/INT go up when Ninja Aura level 5 is used? 5
What is the maximum hit number for Blaze Shield level 10? 9
You are creating a weapon for mid-sized monsters. What is the best card to use? Skel Worker Card
When your First Wind is at level 4, what will go with the MATK and range? MATK 500, 8 blocks
You need a catalyst to use ninja skills. Which of the following skills does not need a catalyst? Flaming Petals
Which of the following blacksmiths do not create Ninja items? Aiku
What is the attack range for the Exploding Dragon? 5x5 cell
How many skill points do you need to master the Throw Coins skill? 35
Which of the following skills can't you learn at Dagger Throwing Practice level 7? Throw Coins
If Dagger Throwing Practice is at 7, how much ATK is added to Shuriken attacks? 21
Which NPC promotes you? Valkyrie
How much power is in the Huuma Blaze Shuriken weapon? Fireball 5, DEX -2
How many skill points do you need to master the Cicada Skin Shed? 5
You are hunting the Orc Warrior. Which Kunai would you use? Heat Wave Kunai
Which of the following is the best skill to use when attacking a ground property enemy? ' Exploding Dragon
How do Ninjas get promoted? None
What is the name of the suspicious man you can meet during the Ninja job change quest? Red Leopard Joe
Which Ninja Mastery skill level do you need to learn the Exploding Dragon skill? 10
What is the level of Dagger Throwing Practice you have to reach to learn the Killing Strike skill? 7
Which catalyst do you need to use the Blaze Shield skill? Flame Stone
Which of the following is the correct number of Evasion and effect duration for Mirror Image level 10? Up to 5 and 240 seconds
Which of the following matches are incorrect for skill and property? Freezing Spear-Ground
How much power is in the Murasame weapon? Human critical +10
Which village is the Ninja Guild located in? Amatsu
You are creating a weapon for small monsters. What is the best card to use? Desert Wolf Card
What is the most important aspect of increasing ATK for the Killing Strike skill? Max HP
You need to equip a card to your shoes to enhance Killing Strike attack. Which of the following is the appropriate card to equip? Matyr Card
What was next to me when you first met me? A brazier
What is the DEX + LUK total for a Job Master? 10

Test of Survival

This test is like a board game where you roll dice, move that number of spaces, and do what that space tells you to do. The twist is you have 100 "life points" (LP) and each roll of the dice costs 1 life point. You need to get to space number 40 without running out of life points.

You can get sent back spaces, get sent ahead spaces, be forced to play "rock, paper, scissors" which can result in getting sent ahead or sent back, get cursed and be unable to continue the game for 2 minutes, forced to spend additional LP to roll a dice, or have to pay an amount of life points to do any of the proceeding things.

Block 01: Sets life to 100. Block 09: Roll the dice. Block 17: Block 25: Immobilized for 2 mins. Block 33: Pay all remaining LP and move to Block 39 (just do it even it's risky, too many blocks that torture you here)
Block 02: Pay 10 LP to go to Block 9 or Roll the dice (pay LP if your LP > 50) Block 10: Install a trap for 10 LP or roll a dice (don't install the trap; if you are sent back here, It'll backfire). Block 18: Pay 2 LP to roll the die twice. If the sum is lower than 5, move to Block 30. If higher, move to Block 19. (aim for block 19, You can cancel first dice and retry rolling dice if you think your first number is not good by paying 2 LP) Block 26: Go back to Block 20. Block 34: Block is Blessed, Recovers 7 LP
Block 03: Pay 5 LP. Block 11: Go back to Block 09 Block 19: Roll the dice. Block 27: Restore 7 LP. Block 35: Trap! Move to Block 29
Block 04: Can pay 5 LP to leave your name. (unless just for fun, no use to pay LP here) Block 12: Rock, paper, scissors Block 20: Restore 7 LP Block 28: Install a trap for 10 LP or roll a dice (don't install the trap; if you are sent back here, It'll backfire) Block 36: Choose to play by the rules to roll as per usual, choose modified rules to go to Block 01 if you roll between 1 and 3, Block 29 otherwise. Note that the second option no matter what sends you back blocks.
Block 05: Pay 5 LP or wait 2 mins. Block 13: Restore 7 LP Block 21: Pay 10 LP to roll. Block 29: Roll the dice. Block 37: Advance if you roll odd, return to Block 01 if you roll even.
Block 06: Restore 7 LP Block 14: Pay 5 LP or wait 2 mins. Block 22: Choose to pay all remaining LP and get sent back to Block 01, the next person who lands on this block instantly win, or Roll the dice. (Better use this, when you get back in this block, you'll automatically pass. It's only risky to do this when other Ninjas taking test, you share same test map with other Ninjas) Block 30: Go back to Block 09. Block 38:
Block 07: Go back to Block 05. Block 15: Immobilized for 2 mins. Block 23: Block 31: Pay 5 LP or be immobilized for 2 mins. (pay LP if LP > 50) Block 39: If you roll a 3, you get sent back to Block 03.
Block 08: Rock, paper, scissors Block 16: Pay 2 LP to roll the dice twice. If the rolls match, move to Block 30. (worst block ever, better relog and retake this test) Block 24: Pay 2 to roll the dice. If the sum of the numbers from both dice is larger than 8, then you can move to any block between 25 and 30. But! If the sum is 8 or below, you must move back to block 19. Block 32: Rock, paper, scissors Block 40: Finish line

Test of Weaponry

You will be required to dump metals into one of the three crafting tool areas. When you've input enough metal into the forge, you will be prompted to do additional tasks.

Melting Metal: If you are not getting past this point, it is because you are not inputting similar materials or enough of them. Putting in just iron ore for example takes about 20 ores. About 7 steel will do it instead. You can also do a combination of "similar" items such as 6 steel and 3 iron ore and it will continue.

Forging: Once you've input enough raw materials in to be melted, you will be asked whether you wish to make a dagger or a shuriken. Next, you will be asked to grind and temper the weapon. You must grind it and then temper it in turn a LOT! If you do not grind or temper it enough, the item will explode when you wish to put the finishing touches on it. It appears to be random how many times you have to grind and temper the weapon, sometimes it will work with only one grind and temper. If you fail this step, you will have to go back to the "Melting Metal" step.

  • 20 Iron Ore is enough to make a weapon.
  • 10 Iron is enough to make a weapon.
  • 7 Steel is enough to make a weapon.
  • 7 Rough Oridecon is enough to make a weapon.
  • 7 Rough Elunium is enough to make a weapon. - as of 2015/08/07 even ~100 Rough Elunium doesn't work
  • 20 Phracon is enough to make a weapon. (Phracon are purchasable from an NPC in the Prontera refining shop)

Refining: After forging your weapon, Red Panther Joe will tell you it's not good enough yet. You need to get the weapon to at least +7 before Joe will accept it. Talk to him with the weapon equipped. He will give you the weapon back with your name on it.

  • If you chose to make a kunai, you will be awarded a 13075.png Kurenai with your name on it.
  • If you chose to make a shuriken, you will be awarded a 13311.png Huuma Shadow with your name on it.

Test of Battle (Final Test)

The final test is similar to other job change tests where your goal is to locate a monster named "Family Secret" and kill it. There are dozens of similarly named monsters. You must kill the properly named one and speak to the instructor Gion to continue. You will be changed to Kagerou/Oboro after completing this task.

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