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Job Base(s): Monk
Job Type: 3-2
Job Level: 60
Race: Human
Changes At: Veins
Number of Skills: 22
Total Skill Points: 117
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+8 +8 +6 +6 +8 +1


When Satan Morocc re-emerged, some Monks abandoned their duty as loyal servants of God and chose to seclude themselves to further develop their physical prowess. They were looked down upon as "Power Mongers," but these Monks offered no excuses for their actions. In order to control their newfound power, they lost their humanity in the process. But they never forgot their roots and continue to use their power for righteous deeds calling themselves Suras - also known as Gods of War.

Sura is the third job for Monks and Champions. Suras gain skills that Monks and Champions have been lacking: Area of Effect attacks. Suras also gain a number of new skills and perks, including the ability to begin a combo at will; unique HP/ATK buffs and recovery skills; a maximum Spirit Sphere limit of 15 and two powerful skills based on HP: Tiger Cannon and Gates of Hell. Their ability to completely incapacitate up to 14 enemies for up to 8 seconds through the use of Cursed Circle proves formidable, especially in WoE where Suras are regarded as a core disabling class and necessary in every guild.

Job Change Guide

The Sura Job Change quest is fairly simple and very short. Applicants must:

  • Kill 100 Desert Wolves
  • Survive a room filled with Monsters for 5 minutes.

See Sura Job Change Guide for detailed information.


Tanking Tips:


High level monsters tend to change target after they are hit for the first time. Because of this, a tanker Sura is not effective if the killer is not one-shotting the mob. The mob will change targets and will target the killer. Note that this is based on the first hit on the monster. To counter this, a Sura can wear equipment that will reflect damage back to the attacker (the monster). Some examples include:

With reflect equipment on, once any monster hits the Sura, the Sura will reflect a small amount of damage back to the monster, which does register as the "first hit". Therefore, the monster will not change target to anybody attacking it afterwards, and is "latched" onto the Sura. Boss protocol monsters however do not change target, unless the Sura is moving. This includes MVPs, and also non-MVP monsters that are still boss protocol such as Salamanders.


When tanking an MVP with knockback abilities in Mental Strength without a 2383.png Brynhild (or any other means of knockback prevention), to avoid the risk of being knocked around and having the monster change focus to the rest of the party it is recommended to stand against a wall.



Upper Headgear

The HP/SP boost per refine on this headgear makes it very useful for both MVP/Guillotine Fist builds as well as Tiger Cannon and Gates of Hell builds. The two most popular card options for this headgear are a 4288.png Carat card and a 4582.png Bungnisngis card.

Typically used at +9 for maximum HP and SP leech while leveling. Good for any physical damage based leveling build to save spending on consumables.

The best headgear to use when fighting Demi Human monsters or other players in PVP and WoE. Card options include 4288.png Carat card for Guillotine Fist damage, 4582.png Bungnisngis card for Tiger Cannon/Gates of Hell damage and a 4366.png Kathryne Keyron card for TC/GoH cast time reduction.

The current best headgear to use Rampage Blast and Lightning Ride, at +9 for 7% Atk and 5% ranged atk. One slot to card it with Atk+ card.

Middle Headgear

Although expensive, this midgear is useful for the INT+1 and 2 Mdef it provides. Usually slotted with an 4269.png Incubus card for Guillotine Fist damage or 4198.png Maya Purple card to detect hidden characters primarily during PVP/WoE.

A cheaper slotted midgear than the option above.

Another popular midgear option, useful for its bonus +1 to all stats.

Lower Headgear

Useful for the +5 ATK.

3% reduction against Demi-human monsters.

+30 SP boost.


Excellent for Tiger Cannon and Gates of Hell damage due to the +20% HP. Obtained via the Battlegrounds.

Set bonus with 2729.png Diabolus Ring for ATK and SP boosts for Guillotine Fist. Useful cards for this purpose include 4337.png Porcellio card and 4585.png Mangkukulam card.

One part of the WoE set along with 2485.png WoE Shoes [1] and 2587.png WoE Muffler [1] for maximum Demi-human reductions during PVP/WoE. Carded with an 4054.png Angeling card or 4047.png Ghostring card for further damage reduction, 4105.png Marc card for Freeze immunity, or 4302.png Tao Gunka Card (luxury card)


High ATK, two slots, level 3 weapon. Good for melee skills like Sky Blow, Tiger Cannon, and Guillotine Fist. Carded with 4115.png Hunter Fly cards for leveling or 4140.png Abysmal Knight cards for MVPing.

Lower ATK than Carga Mace, but can be enchanted at Malangdo for Expert Archer enchants. With Expert Archer enchants, it is generally stronger than a Carga Mace for ranged skills like Rampage Blast and Lightning Ride. Alternatively, the player can choose to enchant with Spell Enchants for reducing variable cast time for certain skills.

The weapon of choice against Demi-human targets for highest damage. Obtained via the Battlegrounds.

Mostly used for its Sacrament-like effect. Obtained via the Battlegrounds.

A purely defensive weapon for its 10% ranged damage reduction, can also be enchanted at Malangdo for Mdef enchants.

A superior Carga Mace for MVP purposes. It is a high attack Level 4 weapon and has two slots for 4140.png Abysmal Knight cards.

A new replacement for Carga Mace for MVP/Leveling purposes. Best used at +15 due its high equip atk bonus and has two slots for 4140.png Abysmal Knight cards.

A very superior mace for MVP purposes. At high refine level, this mace is able to beat 16040.png Crimson Mace [2] in the term of performance. It is a high attack Level 4 weapon and offers two slots for 4140.png Abysmal Knight cards.


Most useful all round shield for its 20% reduction from Fire, Water, Shadow, and Undead element attacks. To be carded with an appropriate racial reduction card.

A cheaper option for some races where a Valkyrja's Shield is not necessary.

Good for neutral reduction and some minor elemental reduction, although its effects require the item to be at +12 to utilise its full potential.


Usually used with high VIT enchants and combined with 22007.png Temporal Vit Boots [1] at 120 VIT to boost maximum HP. Can be carded with a 4303.png Giant Whisper card for more damage, 4589.png Jejeling card for more HP or 4133.png Raydric card/4334.png Noxious card for reductions. Wealthier players may use a 4174.png Deviling card for higher neutral reduction at the expense of elemental vulnerability.

An affordable all round PVM garment, with some elemental resistance, SP increase and SP leech for leveling purposes.

Can be enchanted for a total of 250 SP and carded with an 4402.png Aliot card to become the best garment for Guillotine Fist damage, enchanted for a total of 20% Ranged atk and carded with an 4593.png Menblatt card to become the best garment for Rampage Blast and Lightning Ride skills.

With an even stat spread this garment provides a number of useful bonuses, and at +9 provides more neutral reduction than any other garment. 4133.png Raydric card is a popular card choice, or 4174.png Deviling card to stack further neutral resistances.

One part of the WoE set along with 15048.png WoE Robe [1] and 2485.png WoE Shoes [1] for maximum Demi-human reductions during PVP/WoE. Recommended cards include either a 4133.png Raydric card or 4334.png Noxious card.


When at +9 and carded with a 4160.png Firelock Soldier card yields the highest max HP and SP value of any footgear. May also be carded with a 4100.png Sohee card for more SP for Guillotine Fist.

These boots are used in conjunction with a VIT enchanted 20718.png Giant Faceworm Snake Skin [1] at 120 VIT for highest maximum HP possible. They may be carded with either a 4160.png Firelock Soldier card for a more general use or 4381.png Green Ferus card for highly VIT focused builds.

These boots are used in conjunction with a STR enchanted 20718.png Giant Faceworm Snake Skin [1] at 120 STR for highest atk power possible. They may be carded with either a 4160.png Firelock Soldier card for a more general use or 4100.png Sohee card for Guillotine Fist focused builds.

One part of the WoE set along with 15048.png WoE Robe [1] and 2587.png WoE Muffler [1] for maximum Demi-human reductions during PVP/WoE. Usually slotted with a 4160.png Firelock Soldier card.


Cheap accessory option for carding lower valued cards in. May also be carded with a 4077.png Phen card for uninterruptible cast.

Set bonus with a 2374.png Diabolus Robe [1] for ATK and SP for Guillotine Fist.

Useful for its 10% reduction from Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water element attacks. Obtained via the Battlegrounds.

Provides max HP and ATK, with a further physical damage bonus when used with the 2772.png Glorious Ring. Obtained via the Battlegrounds.

Both may be enchanted with useful attributes such as Fighting Spirit and Spell. For WoE and PVP purposes, these are typically carded with a 4044.png Smokie card, 4991.png Kafra Blossom card for elemental reduction or 4145.png Beelzebub Card (luxury card).

Class Data


Skill Description Levels Type
Gentle Touch-Cure.png Gentle Touch-Cure
Cures abnormal status effects and heals the target. 5 Supportive
Gentle Touch-Convert.png Gentle Touch-Convert
Increases the ATK and ASPD of the target at the cost of reducing Max HP. 5 Supportive
Gentle Touch-Revitalize.png Gentle Touch-Revitalize
Increases Max HP, HP regen and reduces a flat amount of damage. 5 Supportive
Gentle Touch-Silence.png Gentle Touch-Silence
Deals damage with a high chance of inflicting Silence. 5 Supportive
Gentle Touch-Energy Gain.png Gentle Touch-Energy Gain
Allows the gain of spirit spheres when dealing or receiving damage. 5 Supportive
Power Absorb.png Power Absorb
Absorbs all spirit spheres in a 5x5 area and recovers SP accordingly. 1 Supportive
Power Implantation.png Power Implantation
Transfers all spirit spheres owned to a target. 1 Supportive
Lightning Walk.png Lightning Walk
When targeted by a ranged or magic attack, blocks the damage and moves instantly to the opponent's position by chance. Buff lasts 5~9 seconds or until activated once. 5 Supportive
Cursed Circle.png Cursed Circle
Immobilizes and silences enemies in a 3x3~7x7 area around the caster. 5 Active
Full Throttle.png Full Throttle
Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed the skill's duration. All stats +20%. 1 Active
Crescent Elbow.png Crescent Elbow
When activated, there is a chance to reflect the damage of one enemy melee attack. 5 Offensive
Dragon Combo.png Dragon Combo
Deals damage to the target, allowing Fallen Empire to be chained afterward. 10 Offensive
Earth Shaker.png Earth Shaker
Deals damage in a 11x11 area, revealing and dealing additional damage to any hidden opponents. 5 Offensive
Fallen Empire.png Fallen Empire
Deals large damage to an opponent, only usable after Dragon Combo. The target cannot move for 0.5~2.5 seconds. 5 Offensive
Flash Combo.png Flash Combo
Autocasts Dragon Combo, Fallen Empire, Tiger Cannon, and Sky Blow in rapid succession. Adds 40~120 ATK for the duration of the skill. 5 Offensive
Hell Gate.png Hell Gate
Consumes up to 20% SP and 5 spirit spheres to deal large damage. Damage increases when used with lower HP. 10 Offensive
Lightning Ride.png Lightning Ride
Uses 1~5 spirit spheres to deal damage in an area. Damage increases with higher DEX or a Wind element weapon. 5 Offensive
Lion's Howl.png Lion's Howl
Inflicts Fear status to targets in a 7~15 cell radius, and remove buffs from Maestro or Wanderer songs. 5 Offensive
Knuckle Arrow.png Knuckle Arrow
Consumes 1 spirit sphere to attack a target from long distance, moving instantly to the target and knocking them back. Additional damage is dealt if the target hits an obstacle. 5 Offensive
Rampage Blast.png Rampage Blast
Consumes all spirit spheres to deal damage in a 7x7 area, proportional to the number of spheres used. 5 Offensive
Rising Dragon.png Rising Dragon
Increases maximum spirit spheres, instantly summoning the maximum amount and entering Fury status. Also increases Max HP and SP. Lasts 30~165 seconds. 10 Offensive
Sky Blow.png Sky Blow
Deals damage in an area, knocking targets back by 3 cells. AGI increases the damage. 5 Offensive
Tiger Cannon.png Tiger Cannon
Requires the caster to be in Fury and consumes 2 spirit spheres to deal AoE damage around the target, while consuming the caster's own HP and SP. Can be chained after Fallen Empire for additional damage. 10 Offensive
Windmill.png Windmill
Deals damage in a 5x5 area around the caster, forcing players to sit and stunning monsters for 1~4 seconds. 1 Offensive

Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
STR 4 5 9 16 20 30 51 59
AGI 1 10 23 24 35 43 44 53
VIT 14 15 19 31 42 56
INT 28 29 41 48 54 60
DEX 2 11 25 36 37 49 50 58
LUK 55


Equip Attack Speed From 2nd Class
Bare Handed 158 +2
Shield -5 0
Mace -5 −2
Rod (One Handed) -10 +10
Rod (Two Handed) -12 +6
Knuckle -1 −1
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk