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- 16th Night
- 1st Transcendent Spirit
- AI
- ASPD Potion
- Abracadabra
- Absorb Spirits
- Accelerated Flight
- Acceleration
- Access Quests
- Accessories
- Acid Demonstration
- Acid Terror
- Acolyte
- Adamantium Skin
- Adaptation to Circumstances
- Adjustment
- Adoption System
- Adoramus
- Adrenaline Rush
- Advanced Old Glast Heim
- Aimed Bolt
- Airship
- Airship Assault
- Airship Raid
- Al De Baran
- Al de Baran Turbo Track
- Alberta
- Alchemist Spirit
- Alchemy
- Alfheim Perfume
- Amatsu
- Amistr
- Amistr Bulwark
- Analyze
- Ancilla
- Angel
- Angelus
- Angriffs Modus
- Ankle Snare
- Anti-Material Blast
- Antidote
- Aqua Benedicta
- Arch Bishop
- Arch Bishop Job Change Guide
- Archangel Wing Enchants
- Archer
- Archer Skill Quest
- Archer Village
- Arclouse Dash
- Area of Effect
- Arm Cannon
- Arrow Crafting
- Arrow Repel
- Arrow Shower
- Arrow Storm
- Arrow Vulcan
- Arrows
- Arrullo
- Aspersio
- Assassin
- Assassin Cross
- Assassin Job Change Guide
- Assassin Skill Quest
- Assassin Spirit
- Assumptio
- Asura Strike
- Attacks
- Attitude to the New World
- Aura Blade
- Auto Berserk
- Auto Counter
- Auto Guard
- Auto Spell
- Autocast
- Automated Events
- Automatische Events
- Axe
- Axe Boomerang
- Axe Mastery
- Axe Tornado
- Axe Training
- Ayothaya
- Baby Job Changer
- Baby Pacifier
- Back Side Slide
- Back Slide
- Back Stab
- Bakonawa Extermination
- Banding
- Bangungot's Instance
- Banishing Buster
- Banishing Point
- Bard
- Bard Job Change Guide
- Bard Skill Quest
- Bard and Dancer Spirits
- Bare Handed
- Base EXP Chart
- Bash
- Basic Skill
- Basilica
- Battle Arena Entrance Quest
- Battle Machine Craft
- Battle Theme
- Battlegrounds
- Bayeri
- Beast Bane
- Beast Charge
- Benedictio Sanctissimi Sacramenti
- Berserk
- Berserk Pitcher
- Bioethics
- Biolab Enchants
- Biolab Gear Exchange
- Biolabs Entrance Quest
- Bite
- Blacksmith
- Blacksmith Job Change Guide
- Blacksmith Skill Quest
- Blast Mine
- Blaze Shield
- Blessing
- Blitz Beat
- Blood Lust
- Blood Sucker
- Bloody Lust
- Body Painting
- Book
- Boss Protocol
- Bound Trap
- Bow
- Bowling Bash
- Brain Surgery
- Brandish Spear
- Brasilis
- Brasilis Dungeon Entrance Quest
- Brute
- Bull's Eye
- Bullets
- Bunch of Shrimp
- Burst Attack
- C.B.C (Continual Break Combo)
- Call Homunculus
- Call Spirits
- Call Ventus
- Call of Guardian
- Camouflage
- Can't Look Into His Eyes
- Cannon Ball
- Cannon Spear
- Cantocandidus
- Caprice
- Card Desocketing
- Card Reference
- Card Sets
- Card Trader
- Cart Boost
- Cart Boost (Genetic)
- Cart Cannon
- Cart Decoration
- Cart Remodeling
- Cart Tornado
- Cast Cancel
- Cast Ninja Spell
- Castling
- Cat Gamers
- Catalyst Items
- Catnip Meteor
- Catnip Powdering
- Cautious Village
- Cavalier Mastery
- Central Laboratory
- Chain Action
- Chain Combo
- Chain Crush Combo
- Chain Lightning
- Champion
- Change Cart
- Chaos Panic
- Chaotic Blessings
- Charleston Crisis
- Charming Wink
- Chattering
- Chemical Protection Helm
- Chemical Protection Shield
- Chesire's New Day
- Chief's Quest
- Chorus Skill
- Cicada Skin Shed
- Circle of Nature
- Class Line
- Classes
- Claymore Trap
- Clean the Ship
- Clean the Ship (repeatable)
- Clearance
- Clementia
- Cloaking
- Cloaking Exceed
- Close Confine
- Clown
- Cluster Bomb
- Cobalt Trap
- Coin Craft
- Coin Flip
- Cold Bolt
- Cold Shower
- Collecting Draco Eggs
- Collecting Ore Fragments
- Coluseo Heal
- Combo Finish
- Comet
- Command Manager
- Comodo
- Compass Game
- Concentration
- Contract with Kafra
- Cooking
- Cooking Quest
- Counter Kick
- Counter Kick Stance
- Counter Slash
- Counteragent and Mixture Quest
- Cracker
- Crazy Uproar
- Crazy Weed
- Create Deadly Poison
- Create New Poison
- Creator
- Crescent Elbow
- Crimson Marker
- Crimson Rock
- Cross Impact
- Cross Ripper Slasher
- Cross Slash
- Crusader
- Crusader Spirit
- Cultivate Plant
- Cure
- Curse of Gaebolg (Founding of the Nation Myth Quest)
- Cursed Circle
- Cursed Spirit Quest
- Custom Quests
- Cute Pet Equipment
- Cute Pet System
- Dagger
- Dagger Throwing Practice
- Daily Quests
- Dance Lessons
- Dancer
- Dancer Job Change Guide
- Dangerous Rumors
- Dark Claw
- Dark Illusion
- Dazzler
- Deadly Infection
- Death Bound
- Death Valley
- Decrease AGI
- Decrease Agility
- Deep Sleep Lullaby
- Defending Aura
- Deluge
- Demi Human
- Demon
- Demon Bane
- Demonic Fire
- Demonstration
- Department Quests
- Desperado
- Detect
- Detonator
- Detoxify
- Devil's Tower
- Diamond Dust
- Dieter
- Dimensional Door
- Dimensional Gap
- Dimensional Travel
- Disarm
- Discount
- Dispell
- Dissonance
- Distorted Crescent
- Divest Armor
- Divest FAW
- Divest Helm
- Divest Shield
- Divest Weapon
- Divine Protection
- Divorce
- Doctor Quest
- Document Quests
- Doha's Secret Orders
- Dominion Impulse
- Donate
- Doram
- Double Attack
- Double Bolt
- Double Strafe
- Dragon
- Dragon Breath
- Dragon Combo
- Dragon Howling
- Dragon Tail
- Dragon Training
- Dragon Water Breath
- Dragonology
- Drain Life
- Drop System
- Dropped Knife Quest
- Dubious Salesmanship
- Duple Light
- Dust
- Dye Ingredients
- E.Q.C (Eternal Quick Combo)
- Earth
- Earth-Charm
- Earth Drive
- Earth Grave
- Earth Insignia
- Earth Shaker
- Earth Spike
- Earth Strain
- Echo Song
- Eclage Daily Quests
- Eclage Entrance Quest
- Edda Arunafeltz Side:Half Moon in the Daylight
- Editing Help
- Einbech
- Einbroch
- Einbroch Murder Quest
- Eira
- Eleanor
- Electric Shocker
- Electric Walk
- Element
- Elemental Action
- Elemental Analysis